Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 235: Cultivator Examination, Departure

"Taiyi, I will lend you Kuailong temporarily!"

In the blink of an eye, it is already the end of February, and there are only a few days left before the breeder exam.

On this day, Taiyi will set off for Jinhuang City. This year's Elf Breeder Examination will be held in Jinhuang City.

Other regions also have to rush to this place to take exams.

Because the cultivator exam requires the examinee to have a strong knowledge reserve and a love for elves.

Therefore, within the alliance, the number of breeders is very small.

In this way, it is too wasteful to hold it once in one area.

Therefore, for the time being, the alliance's breeder examinations are all held together.

This also makes it impossible to completely isolate regions.

Taiyi didn’t know this before because he didn’t quite understand the rules of this exam.

The previous sentence was said by Dr. Omu to Taiyi.

As for the reason, Dr. Oak didn't say, but Taichi probably understood that it should be related to Team Rocket.

In the recent news, Sirona and the Yulongdu are very active.

Fighting crime everywhere, especially Yulongdu, is ridiculously active.

He looks handsome, and the elf he uses is a rare dragon elf!

Especially the powerful dragon elves. Whether they are trainers or ordinary people, they all have a good impression of Yulongdu.

The popularity of Yulongdu in the Kanto region has surpassed all the kings on the ranking list.

Although he was already at the top of the list of back-up kings before!

This time, Yulongdu’s voice is very loud!

But precisely because of this, the Rockets have been very arrogant recently.

Taiyi doesn't know why, but the Rockets seem to be blatantly going against the league recently.

The use of elf viruses has become very common.

If Taiyi hadn't been afraid that the Alliance would know that he also had basic and complete information on the Elf Virus, he would have long ago found a way to obtain an Elf corpse injected with the Elf Virus for research.

Because of this, Taiyi's impression of the Rockets became even more negative.

In my heart, I am even more disgusted with Team Rocket.

After accepting the elf ball handed over by Dr. Ohmu, it is better not to expose this kind of protection method to the bottom of the box.

Dr. Oki gave a few more instructions, and Tai nodded, indicating that he understood.

Before Taiyi left, he said to Xiaochi: "The paper has been reviewed and the paper review department has accepted the paper. It will be released early next month."

Taiyi knew about this a few days ago.

But I didn't see Xiao Chi. It seemed that Xiao Chi and Xiao Zhi went out. Taiyi didn't know where they went and didn't ask.

Anyway, when Xiao Chi came back, Taiyi found that Xiao Chi was more confident than before.

Although I don’t know where Xiaochi’s confidence comes from, Taiyi doesn’t hesitate!

What belongs to others does not belong to you and you should not worry about it.

Xiao Chi thanked me happily, with a smile on her face. This was her longing for the upcoming trip and her original elf!

Having said everything that needed to be said, Taiyi summoned Bi Diao and prepared to leave.

"Bidiao, let's take off!" Taiyi said.

Dr. Omu took Xiaochi away a little, and Bi Diao took off.

"What a powerful BiDiao!" Xiaozhi exclaimed: "I also want to catch a bigger BiDiao than this one!"

Xiao Chi rolled his eyes. He was really speechless about his silly cousin.

Little Equator: "Ordinary eagles are only 1.5 meters tall. Brother Taiyi's eagle is now two meters tall at a glance! This is not ordinary. It can only grow through careful cultivation. To such a height. Although body size does not indicate combat power, Brother Taiyi is definitely far superior to his fellow eagles!"

Xiaozhi said: "So what? Whatever Brother Taiyi can do, I can do it too! My Bidiao will definitely be even more powerful than Brother Taiyi! My Bidiao will grow to two meters and five meters in the future, and even It’s three meters long!”

Dr. Omu laughed out loud, but didn't say much.

Xiaozhi's future is definitely bright.

It's just this hot blood that really gives people a headache.

Others don't know how Dr. Omu couldn't see that when the Bi Diao was first tamed, it was actually much worse than its peers.

It's just that after Taiyi's cultivation, he got to where he is now.

Some of the foundations that were missing before have now been made up for.

The amount of thought that goes into this, the amount of energy and materials that need to be invested are not ordinary.

Unfortunately, Xiaozhi didn't even see it.

Dr. Oak is helpless, Xiaozhi is like this, but the elf's thoughts should still be affirmed.

Without this, how could one carry an alpaca and be baptized by one hundred thousand volts?

Well, God of Creation forgives me, I shouldn’t have called you alpaca.

"Okay, let's go back. I hope Taiyi can go well this time!"

Taiyi was standing on Bi Diao at this time, and the wind flowing around him was pushed away by Bi Diao's power. Taiyi basically couldn't feel it.

There was no wind in my mouth, I was speechless, and I didn't feel the cold.

In March, the temperature is still a bit low!

This is the power of wind. After a period of teaching by Bi Diao and Kuailong, Bi Diao also initially mastered the power of wind.

Bird Pokémon: Bird Pokémon

Level: 59

Attributes: Normal/Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Hot wind, impact, wind, sand splash, lightning flash, parrot, blow away, feather perch, air slash, whirlwind blade, high-speed movement, headbutt, hold, stand-in, reflection wall, feather dance, divine speed

Compared to before, the level has been raised to the upper level of the Gym Leader level. There is only one level left to reach the ceiling of the Gym Leader level.

At this time, Bi Diao had already felt the shackles.

With green qualifications, it is difficult for him to reach the level of a quasi-king.

But Bi Diao did not despair, because he vaguely felt the shackles. As long as he broke through, he could reach the quasi-heavenly king.

Although, this is a difficult thing.

But here in Taiyi, there is hope for all difficult things.

That magical world, there are so many magical things.

Originally, in that secret realm, Bi Diao had no idea of ​​this.

Now, Bi Diao feels that he is better than he was at that time.

"Well, I'm going to hit ten!"

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it also shows the growth of Bi Diao's strength.

In terms of moves, I didn’t learn many new moves.

The move Shensu is already a difficult one to learn.

After a period of study, Bi Diao has barely mastered this move.

The next step is to keep practicing and try to master this move earlier.

And, it can be released skillfully.

This thing has been done since it was hatched.

All moves are practiced this way.

In terms of qualifications, Bi Diao has reached 90% after some supplements and cultivation during this period!

This is already a very high number. If we continue to cultivate, we will hopefully be able to break through the green qualifications and become a higher-level cyan qualification.

With green qualifications, there is a small chance that an elf can break through the gym leader level and become a quasi-king!

Bi Diao was extremely excited. He felt that he might become the first quasi-king-level elf in Taiyi's hands!

As for the higher level of Heavenly King, Bi Diao doesn't have that ambition yet.

"Quasi Heavenly King, I'm here! This day won't be long!"

Taiyi doesn't know Bi Diao's inner thoughts. If he knew, he wouldn't laugh at him. He would only encourage him silently and help him attentively!

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