Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 237 Arriving at Golden City

"Is this?" Taiyi couldn't believe his eyes. What did he see?

Taiyi never thought before that just copying a piece of information would lead to such a big gain!

This isn't just anything, this is a big secret!

This secret is huge, and it’s the information Taichi needs!

"It seems that the Rockets have not determined their location, and judging from the league's recent actions against the Rockets, the Rockets should not have the time or energy to explore here! In other words..."

Taiyi felt a little excited. This document actually related to a secret realm!

Yes, that’s right! This is a document about the secret realm!

The document stated that when a team from Team Rocket went out to search for suitable elves, they encountered a place that seemed to be a secret realm!

That team had only recorded this content before, waiting for Team Rocket's review!

This information was obtained by Taiyi before it was sent back.

As for the team that discovered the secret realm, did they return to Team Rocket and report it?

Taiyi doesn’t even know!

But Taiyi is still a little ready to make a move!

Because the secret realm represents that the world of the Book of Heaven can be expanded, there are treasures that can improve the quality, and new treasures that may appear!

Before that, whether it was Jin Kela, Guishui Essence, or Yimu Essence, they all gave Taiyi a lot of benefits!

And these are all because of the secret realm! In other words, it is brought about by the core supporting the secret realm!

The huge wealth and fresh resources made Taiyi's heart beat with excitement!

If you can get this new secret realm, no matter how you do it, it will bring great wealth to Taiyi!

How can this not make Tai Yi tempted?

Money and silk touch people's hearts!

However, Taiyi quickly calmed down, and nothing changed on the surface!

"No, you can't show too much excitement. Don't reveal your wealth to avoid attracting others' attention!"

It’s hard to tell whether Team Rocket people have sent anyone to monitor them!

Although the alliance dispatched two Four Heavenly Kings to attack the Rockets, Etai Yi learned about the Rockets' power from the anime. It is not very possible for the two Four Heavenly Kings to completely suppress the Rockets!

As for the strange Heavenly King trainer Taiyi saw in Viridian Forest when he returned from Cerulean City before, the outside world didn't know about it!

It can be seen that Team Rocket is very powerful!

From Taichi's point of view, what's even more terrifying about Team Rocket is that there are countless eyes and ears of Team Rocket in the Kanto and Johto regions!

Of those little gangsters wandering around the streets, you don’t know which one is from Team Rocket.

Or, they're all Team Rocket's eyes and ears!

For Sirona and others, maybe those people are irrelevant!

But for Taiyi, the threat from these people has increased exponentially!

Allowing himself to calm down, Taichi touched the Poké Ball that Dr. Oak gave him. I immediately felt at ease!

This is his protection, a high-level elf at the Heavenly King level, enough to protect his personal safety!

Worst of all, it would be no problem to carry him out of danger!

Just as Taiyi was getting impatient, the aircraft had already landed in Jinhuang City!

After getting off the aircraft and stepping on the ground of Jinhuang City, Taiyi was filled with emotion!

Golden City is indeed the city where one of the alliance's Eight Avenue Pavilions in the Kanto region is located. Its prosperity is no less than that of Joban City!

Even, there are some beyond!

In this city, there are many superpowers and superpower apprentices!

Just on the street, Taiyi just saw several people holding spoons and exercising their super powers.

In this regard, Taiyi has the same ability as them!

Casey's shoulders moved. It was obvious that Casey also liked this city very much!

"I don't know if I will meet the legendary Nazi!"

Taiyi is still very curious about this gym trainer who can turn his mother into a little doll and has very powerful and pure super powers. Well, he will be a gym trainer in the future.

"Well, it's better not to seek death!"

Taiyi felt that for his own safety, it was better not to actively look for that Nazi.

His superpowers at this time are acceptable, and he is above the level of a novice and below the level of proficiency.

It's not as good as those experienced superpowers, but it's still much stronger than those novices.

After all, he has top-notch meditation methods and very good qualifications, after a year of continuous hard work!

"It's been a year since I came to this world!"

Taichi has possessed Taichi Amuro since March last year. Before that, Taichi Amuro had died and his soul had left this world!

He replaced Taichi Amuro's body, gave up the opportunity to travel, embarked on the path of a scholar, and worked hard to learn and cultivate knowledge!

As of today, it has been almost a year!

Looking at the trainers coming and going on the street, Taiyi actually felt a little moved in his heart.

Coming to the legendary elf world, Taiyi actually has a dream of being a trainer in his heart!

After wandering aimlessly on the street for a long time, Taiyi realized that he hadn't checked into the elf center yet!

"Hurry up! Although there are not many breeders and the passing rate of the exam is very low! But there are definitely a lot of people who take the exam every year!"

Generally speaking, the Pokémon Center will be near the gym!

Taiyi first went to buy a map and quickly found the iconic building on the map!

Gym, and Pokémon Center!

"There are actually two gyms here!"

Taiyi was surprised to find that there were two gyms in Golden City!

The first one is actually not the superpower gym represented by Nazi!

But an even more ancient fighting gym!

The representative spirit of this gym is Fearless Boy!

As well as the subsequent evolutions of Fearless Boy, Flying Leg, Fast Fist and War Dancer!

This is also a kind of elf that Taiyi likes very much, a pure fighting elf!

If given the chance, Taiyi would really like to tame one!

Regarding the three evolutionary directions of this fighting elf, trainers in the elf world are divided into three directions.

Everyone likes any one!

Those who respect attack will choose Flying Leg Man!

Those who are conservative by nature will choose Kuaiquanlang!

Those who are more moderate will choose Zhan Wulang!

But no matter which one it is, the evolved form of Fearless Boy is a very powerful fighting elf!

In his heart, Taiyi would prefer Zhan Wulang, but it is too early to say anything.

He didn't even subdue the Fearless Boy, but he was just thinking about the evolved form, which was a little too early.

Taiyi chuckled, secretly laughed at himself, then raised his feet and headed towards the elf center!

Find Miss Joy and ask about moving in.

Unexpectedly, Miss Joy smiled enthusiastically and said, "It's Mr. Taiyi! We already know that you are coming to take the cultivator exam, so we have reserved a room for you. This is your room, in the tenth building on the tenth floor. Room number!”

Taiyi was a little surprised. The elf center would still reserve a room for him and have this service?

Joey smiled and said, "Xiao Xiang'er told me. When you went to take the aircraft, she called me to inform me. She is my sister!"

It turns out that it was my good friend who helped me!

"Thank you Miss Joy!"

"No, you can call me Qiao Ling. I am Qiao Xiang's sister! I haven't thanked you for your help to Xiao Xiang'er yet! Her happy egg is better than my elf!"

Joey Ling blinked his eyes playfully, seemingly complaining, but in fact he didn't feel sad at all about being surpassed!

This is a good sister!

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