Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 196

In the antique huge room, there are some crimson bookshelves and furniture, and the color tone in the room is a little dim, the windows of the room are covered by the curtains without gaps, the outside sunlight can not be projected through these dark curtains, in the dimness, you can vaguely see a tall figure sitting on the chair behind the desk...

Squeak~~~~ As the huge crimson gate opened, light shone in. At the same time, in this room, there was also the old woman and Chen Yi who followed behind the old woman, and at the same time, the tall figure that seemed to be faking sleep slowly raised its head, revealing a cheeky face full of mature masculine atmosphere.

"Looks like it's coming!" The tall middle-aged man looked a little smiling, and after Chen Yi followed the old woman into the room, his eyes narrowed, and he muttered in his heart, but also stood up.

"I brought people!" After the old woman walked in with Chen Yi, she said to the tall figure.

"Yes!" The tall figure glanced at the old woman, then just nodded, and then his eyes were fixed on the old woman.

The old woman knew her boss's personality, and immediately turned around and left the room, leaving Chen Yi alone.

At this time, Chen Yi was relatively nervous and looked at the arrangement in this room, and when the old woman left, he looked at the tall man who stood up at this time, and then respectfully said to the man: "Lord Guardian!" "

"Yes!" The tall figure nodded, and his respect for Chenyi was extremely casual.

Then, there was some silence in this room, Chen Yi was waiting for the Lord Guardian who came to him to speak, but this Guardian also seemed to be looking at Chen Yi all the time, and did not have the idea of speaking.

"I wonder why Lord Guardian came to me?" Finally, Chen Yi couldn't stand the gaze of this guardian, and said immediately.

"It seems that you are indeed not impressed by me! Actually, we've met a long time ago, but back then, you were nowhere near what you are now, and you were even struggling to get your first Pokémon! After hearing Chen Yi's words, the man still looked casual and said.

"We... I've seen it..." Chen Yi frowned at his words and muttered.

"To be precise, I've seen you!" The man said with a smile, "In the protected area, you were attacked by the Dragon King Scorpion at that time!" I was responsible for some of the Pokémon in the Trial Tower, including the Dragon King Scorpion, so I naturally wanted to capture the Dragon King Scorpion that escaped from the Trial Tower at that time! That's when I saw you in a coma! "

"It turned out to be at that time..." Chen Yi was abrupt.

"However, there is not much point in saying this now!" The man dropped his pair of scattered gaze to Chen Yi's body, still full of casual tone, "You... Very good! Although I also thought that you should grow fast, but now, your growth rate is still beyond my expectations! "

"It seems that I was noticed by Lord Guardian a long time ago..." said Chenyi with a grin.

"Sort of! If you really want to say it, it should be the first time you challenge the Trial Tower! The man smiled and said something that made waves in Ling Chenyi's heart, "And as your fame gradually spread in the North Courtyard after that, even if we don't know it... Well, this time I called you over is not a reminiscence! I have something I want to leave to you! "

"What's going on?" Chen Yi also asked decisively.

"I know about your trip to the Carlos region in three days!" As the man said, he took out a letter from his arms and threw it directly to Chen Yi, and then continued, "The Royal Academy is not much distance from Miare City, and if you want to go to the Royal Academy, you must also pass through Miare City, so I think... Please do me a favor and give this letter to Fellow Bratano! Researcher Bratano is inside the research institute located in the middle of the city of Miare, and it is basically impossible for this guy to leave his research institute, so you can definitely find him there! "

"Researcher Bratano..." Chen Yi was stunned, feeling that the name was somewhat familiar and a little strange.

Soon, he remembered, Bratano, isn't it the sixth generation, the doctor of the Carlos region? But now this guardian says that he is a researcher, so is he still only a researcher?

"Okay!" Thinking in his heart, the movement of Chen Yi's hand was not slow, and he directly accepted the letter, put it in his backpack, and immediately adjusted the position of the pale green Pokémon egg in his arms.

"Of course, I won't do anything that makes people run errands in vain!" With a smile, the man took out a talisman-like thing, threw it to Chen Yi, and said, "This is the sub-talisman of the guardian of our Heavenly Crown Academy, this thing is enough to allow you to move unimpeded in the North Courtyard!" "

"Oh!" Chen Yi did not refuse, he vaguely guessed the purpose of this guardian.

"Well, after half a year, I'm looking forward to your performance at the Fourth House Assembly! Keep working hard in the future! The man watched Chen Yi accept the somewhat worn looking talisman, and there was also some smile in his eyes, and he passed by Chen Yi's side, stretched out his hand and patted Chen Yi's shoulder, and Xuan Yi sat down again.

"I know!" Chen Yi's heart was clear, and he nodded, and he turned around and left here.

When leaving, Chenyi also closed the huge bronze gate.

"Don't let me down! Whether it's the Four Chambers Assembly or whatever! Tianqing looked at the back of the young man's departure, the smile in his eyes gradually converged, and his hands merged to form a door shape, his head fell on the back of his hand, looked ahead, and muttered, "After those guys find out, let your wings plump..."

"Tianqing, you would even give that kid such a good thing as a silver crown..." At this moment, a rough strong man's voice sounded here, and immediately, as the man's gaze looked, a ripple actually turned over somewhere in this room, and then a big man walked out of thin air.

"Gee... The effect between the guardians is really obvious! The strong man sighed.

"If I still have the golden crown, I want to give the golden crown to that child!" Tianqing said indifferently.

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