Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 195

The next day, in his dormitory, Chen Yi woke up from meditation, and a light blue color flashed in his eyes.

"The progress of superpowers also seems to be getting slower and slower, as if it has entered a bottleneck period!" Chenyi muttered.

Yesterday, because of the completion of those two tasks, Chenyi got a rich alliance coin, so he began to buy Chillulian and their food again, because the alliance currency in his hand was enough, Chenyi was as good as possible to buy Pokémon food and energy cubes, in addition, after getting the power six-piece set from Luke, Chenyi also studied these six power suits for the first time, and the results were not beyond Chenyi's expectations.

In this real Pokémon world, Pokémon are brand new lives, the role of the power suit is naturally not like the game is full of data, the so-called effort value can not only be obtained through battle, but the power suit is still effective, such as the power mirror after carrying it to Chillulian, Chillulian's superpower enhanced through meditation is indeed much stronger than before, and the ultrasonic larvae after carrying the power bracer, After passing the special training, I also feel that the increase in my strength is higher than before...

For Chen Yi, it is indeed a big surprise to be able to get this six-piece set of power.

After finishing washing and breakfast, Chen Yi walked out of the dormitory and came to the first floor of the dormitory building, at the door of the administrator's room, Chenyi stopped and knocked on the door.

Yesterday evening, the administrator of Thias informed herself that she had come to her during the day, saying that someone was looking for her.

"Crunch..." The wooden door opened, and an extremely cold administrator Tias appeared in front of Chen Yi.

"I'm ready to go!" Looking at this beautiful woman, Chenyi smiled.

At this time, Chenyi did not have the trembling and nervousness that other trainees had when they saw administrator Thias, some were indifferent and calm, thinking that the current Chenyi was indeed not comparable to the past, and his mental power was more powerful, and he would not change at all when he faced the momentum of administrator Tias. More importantly, Chenyi's cold temperament that would not deliberately change his attitude in the face of anyone, this temperament was undoubtedly extremely obvious when facing the momentum of the administrator of Tias. Think about it, when facing Zhulan, the future champion of the Divine Mystery Alliance, Chen Yi can say whatever he thinks of, and he dares to treat Zhulan coldly, which can also show some of Chenyi's personality.

"It's not too late! Let's go! Administrator Tias seemed to have known that Chenyi could be immune to her momentum, and she was not much surprised, after glancing at Chenyi, she walked out of the room, and after closing the door with her hand, she said to Chenyi, "This time I saw you as Lord Guardian of the Trial Tower!" "

"Trial Tower Guardian?" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and he also recalled the black-robed old woman who stood on Geyang's side when he was fighting with Geyang, and at that time, Grandpa Zaga seemed to call that old woman a guardian!

To be honest, through that incident, Chen Yi didn't have much affection for the guardian of this so-called Trial Tower!

"There is more than one guardian! It's complicated, and the guardian you've seen before doesn't represent everything! And Thias seemed to feel that Chenyi's current thoughts were said immediately.

"Yes!" Chen Yi nodded, he did not refuse to go to see the guardian.

Along the way, Thias, the cold beauty, did not talk to Chenyi, just took Chenyi towards the trial tower, and Chenyi will not take the initiative to heat his face to stick a cold ass, he also knows that Thias administrator is such a character, anyway, Chenyi has stayed in the North Courtyard for a year, he knows that Tias administrator is actually a very good administrator, only because of personal reasons, there will be such an extremely exaggerated mode of not entering.

"Chenyi, tell you something!" Arriving at the Trial Tower, Tias stopped, turned around, looked at Chenyi and spoke, "The relationship between the guardian and the guardian is not all good, there are some complex factions, when you go to the guardian, be careful, don't talk nonsense!" "

"Yes!" Chen Yi nodded in understanding.

"Let's go!" Tias gestured for Chenyi to enter through one of the entrances of the Trial Tower and said.

Chen Yi hesitated slightly, and walked directly into this entrance. And looking at Chenyi who disappeared in the trial tower, Tias's vision also became a little complicated, and he didn't know what he thought, shook his head self-deprecatingly, and turned around and left here.

Inside the trial tower, after Chen Yi entered, what came into his eyes was an elevator.

"Is it like letting me take the elevator?" Chen Yi muttered, his eyes flickered slightly, and he walked directly into it at the moment.

The door of the elevator closed directly, and after a trance passed up and down, the elevator slowly stopped.

The elevator door opened, Chen Yi walked out of it, and what he saw was a black-robed old woman waiting for him outside the elevator, and when he saw this black-robed old woman, Chenyi's eyes also changed, isn't this the guardian who supported Geyang in the first place?

"Boy... After a while, you are really mixed up! Under the black robe, the voice of the old woman came from an inexplicable complexity, which seemed to be emotion, but also a little unwilling.

"It's just that the vice dean can afford to look at the brat!" Chen Yi felt that this old woman didn't seem to be coming to trouble herself, and then gradually lifted her guard, and then said.

"That's what you are capable of! Geyang... It is indeed inferior to you! The old woman said.

At this time, she also slowly turned around, and the voice came again, "Follow the old woman and I'll go!" This time it's our boss who wants to see you! After speaking, the old woman did not wait for Chenyi, and walked towards the front.

Top dog? The boss of the Guardians? What the hell is the guy?

Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and his heart was a little solemn, but his steps were not much slow to keep up with the old woman in front of him.

The steel walls on the left and right still had a sense of familiarity, but Chen Yi knew that he should not have been here before, and soon, Chen Yi saw the end in front of him, it was a crimson gate, it seemed to detect the arrival of the old woman and Chen Yi, and the door that looked extremely heavy slowly opened.

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