Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 197

"Golden crown! You're so ruthless! Azure! Is that kid really worth helping him so much? The strong man was taken aback by Tianqing's words that didn't seem to be a joke, and he hurriedly said, "Or is it true that the relationship between us and those guards of other colleges has really reached this point?" "

"It's only going to get worse!" An extremely solemn look also appeared in Tianqing's eyes, and said, "In the end, the position is different!" In the end, who is right and who is wrong, this kind of thing, whoever says who is reasonable! "

"The premise of all this is that the kid must stand out in the Fourth House Assembly!" Suddenly, from the other direction, there was another ripple, and the old woman who left here before also appeared here, and said, "Although the silver crown is an extremely rare treasure, the role it can play is also limited, and it depends more on the kid himself!" But I think that kid has that ability! "

"Oh? Old woman, I remember that this kid didn't beat your named disciple out of the North Courtyard? What's wrong? And now you're actually still talking to him? Do you think that our boss can't lift the knife, or are you floating? The strong man sneered and said.

They all know that Tianqing is very interested in that kid called Chenyi, not to mention that even with their eyes, that kid called Chenyi really can't fault anything, so even if they want to accept that Chenyi as an apprentice, they feel that only Tianqing has that qualification and ability, and now, what this old woman said seems to be like planning to rob an apprentice with Tianqing.

"I didn't mean that!" The old woman's face sank, and she said, "What I said is just the surface meaning!" "

"All right! Chen Yi's matter should wait for the four chambers to be discussed! If he can win the championship in the assembly of the four houses, then no difficulty is difficult! Those guys will also polish their eyes, in addition to their Central Academy, even the branch can appear geniuses! Tianqing clenched her fists and said in a condensed voice.

Hearing Tianqing's words, the old woman and the strong man were a little silent.

At this time, they really want to say to their boss, your heart is too big! Although Chen Yi is really the absolute top in the North Academy, if he really wants to go to the Four Colleges Assembly to win the championship, is it too much to put the outstanding students of the Central Academy in his eyes.

"Boss, you..." said the strong man hesitantly, "This idea is not very practical! "

"I think it's already very good to be in the top ten!" The old woman also nodded and agreed, "The quality of the students this year is surprisingly high, not to mention the Central Academy, even if it is the three branches of the southeast, southwest and west, there are many genius students who have appeared!" "

"You think I'm setting my goal too high?" Tianqing smiled slightly and said.

"Isn't it?" The old woman and the strong man replied in unison.

"Then watch!" Tianqing narrowed her smile and said, "Even if I can't give you convincing evidence now, I believe that in half a year, Chen Yi will give you evidence instead of me!" "

The old woman and the strong man looked at the inexplicable confident look of their boss, looked at each other, and both stopped talking.

On the other side, Chenyi walked out of the trial tower very smoothly, at this time there were already some trainees outside, who were planning to enter the trial tower to fight, Chenyi looked left and right, and did not find the figure of the administrator of Tias, thinking that the administrator of Tias should have left here a long time ago, and Chen Yi also planned to leave at the moment.

"Chenyi?" At that moment, a voice stopped him.

Chen Yi stopped, turned around, and saw four familiar figures not far behind him.

There was some abruptness on his face, and Chen Yi seemed to remember that it should be after the upgrade assessment of the Freshman Academy was over, so he could see these four guys here.

Not far away, Oko who is still wearing crimson clothing, Piri who is still indifferent, still Kak who belongs to a foodie, and finally still so dark Thai Rail, also looking at Chenyi with a smile at this time.

"Long time no see!" Chen Yi had a good impression of these four people, and after turning around, he also greeted them with a smile and said.

"Did you come out of the Trial Tower before you were challenging the Trial Tower?" Perry asked.

"Well... Yes! Chen Yi thought quickly, still planning to hide that he had seen the guardian, so he nodded and said.

"With your current strength, the trial tower layers of high-level students will definitely not be able to stop you! How many layers are you on now! Okko stood beside Perry and smiled slightly, and said.

"Well?" Chen Yi looked at the four people with some doubt.

"Haha, the main thing is that the four of us just finished the challenge from the Trial Tower before, and none of us passed the ninth floor! Perry is the most powerful among us, he passed the ninth layer, but he did not pass the tenth layer! Thai Tie said helplessly.

"Yes, yes!" Kak showed his foodie attributes to the extreme, and the snacks in his hand continued, nodding his head and saying.

"Oh?" Chen Yi was a little surprised, the strength of these four children from the big family is really good, just finished the upgrade assessment of the freshman academy to challenge the trial tower, there is actually this kind of achievement, especially Pi Li, Chen Yi recalled that when he challenged the trial tower for the first time, he only passed the tenth layer!

"We are different from ordinary freshmen! In fact, you can understand us as noble children who mixed into the Freshman Academy, because we have been exposed to Pokémon battles since we were young, so we naturally have some advantages in these matters! Piri did not have any special pride, and said to Chenyi very rationally.

"However, as a freshman, you can pass the tenth layer in the first challenge, which is indeed very good!" Chen Yi smiled and said.

"That... Can you tell me what level you are challenging now? AudioCodes asked the question again.

Chen Yi was a little embarrassed, he didn't challenge at all before, how could he say it?

According to Chen Yi's previous results, he should have passed the twelfth layer of the limit of advanced trainees now, but the thirteenth layer belonging to elite trainees had not tried it at all. Of course, if he estimated his strength, Chen Yi felt that under the full burst of Chilulian and the ultrasonic larvae, even if he could not reach the sixteenth layer, the fifteenth layer would definitely be possible, but he had never tried it after all, so he couldn't say this kind of thing.

"I came out after passing the twelfth floor!" After Chen Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Leaving those four figures looking at their backs with the gaze of the idol, Chen Yi, who walked away, smiled slightly bitterly, can he be regarded as having four little fans by accident?

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