Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 194

"I'm back!" Old Man Zaga noticed the pale green Pokémon egg that Chenyi was holding in his arms when Chenyi arrived, but he didn't care, just said with a smile, and turned around and walked into the breeding house.

"Did Grandpa Zaga tell me something?" Chen Yi followed and asked with a smile.

"It's not a big thing, that is, our Tianguan Academy communicates with large colleges in other regions every year, and the way of communication is to send exchange students to each other! Originally, the college planned to let Luohe pass, but this guy Luohe was busy with his own experience and rejected the meaning of the academy, so the college is now also looking for suitable exchange candidates! Old Man Zaga made a stone chair in the courtyard of the breeding house, and while speaking, he also stretched out his hand to signal Chenyi to sit down.

"Since Grandpa Zaga told me about this, is he planning for me to be that exchange student?" Chen Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, but in this kind of matter, our North Academy fully respects the individual opinions of the students, so you can go if you don't want to!" Old Man Zaga smiled and said, "Of course, if you decide to become this exchange student, it is naturally the best!" "

"Exchange student..." Chen Yi was thinking in his heart.

For Chen Yi, if there was no exchange student, his plan was to take some more tasks and continue to go to the Tianguan Mountain Range for training, but now that this matter of exchange student happened, Chen Yi also had some ideas.

After Chen Yi came to this Pokémon world, he has been staying in Chefeng City, and after coming to Tianguan Academy, he can be regarded as walking out of Chefeng City, but it is also limited to getting out of Chefeng City, not to mention other cities in the Shennoh area, previously watching his brother go out on a trip at home, watching Chenyuan fight on Lily of the Valley Island, to be honest, Chenyi was a little envious in his heart. And now, what appeared in front of him was an opportunity to even leave the Sinnoh region!

"May I ask, which academy are you going to?" How long is the time? Chen Yi asked.

"The time is naturally almost half a year, after all, the assembly of the four houses will start after half a year, and you can't be absent as an important member!" As for which academy...," Old Man Zaga said with a smile, "It's the Royal Academy located in the Carlos region!" "

"Carlos area! Royal Academy? Chen Yi's eyes were a little strange, and he muttered.

Chenyi's impression of the Carlos region is not particularly deep, it is far less than the four regions of Kanto, Joto, Fengyuan and Shinnoh, and in Chenyi's impression, Carlos is indeed a sad place, the alliance meeting here is the closest Zhiye has to the champion, but it is lost to the plot! In addition, if you really want to say that there are other impressions of the Carlos region, this area in Chenyi's memory is very similar to France in his original world...

"Yes, it's the Carlos region!" Old Man Zaga said, "The Royal Academy is located in the mountains between Miare City and Aromatherapy City in the Carlos region, unlike our Tianguan Academy, the Royal Academy does not have a branch, so in terms of comprehensive strength, the strength of the Royal Academy is stronger than our North Academy!" "

"Miare City, Aromatherapy City..." Listening to the somewhat strange cities among the Zaga old people, Chenyi smiled slightly, and his heart was even more curious and looking forward to the cities and regions mentioned by the Zaga old people, so at the moment Chenyi said to the Zaga old man, "I am happy to go to the Royal Academy in the Carlos region as an exchange student!" "

"In that case, then I will report it! In about three days, the academy will have a teacher to take you to the Royal Academy in the Carlos area, so before that, you should prepare well! For Chenyi's agreement, Old Man Zaga also seemed extremely happy, and said immediately.

"I know!" Chenyi nodded and replied.

"By the way, as an exchange student, there are some things that I shouldn't need to talk about!" Old Man Zaga said with a smile.

"Don't worry! Grandpa Zaga, I won't disgrace the North Courtyard! Chen Yi smiled slightly and said.

"That's good!" Old Man Zaga nodded, and immediately wanted to get up, but at this time, Chenyi's voice sounded, "Grandpa Zaga, there was a girl who challenged the mentor in the North Courtyard some time ago, right?" "

The old man Zaga's footsteps paused, and he immediately turned his head, looked at Chen Yi, and said with a playful expression, "You don't have to worry about the affairs of the academy, although the tutors of our North Courtyard have lost, but the tutors of the rest of the East Courtyard, South Courtyard, and West Courtyard have not lost?" "

"She... So strong? Chen Yi's eyes widened and he muttered.

"She..." Old Man Zaga narrowed his smile and muttered with some emotion, "It's really limitless!" I think that even in the Central Academy, her talent is unmatched! Being in the same era as this kind of guy, I don't know if it's the sadness of those other trainers! "

Chen Yi's face was a little solemn, and he did not speak.

"But you don't have to be presumptuous!" Old Man Zaga looked at Chenyi and said with a smile, "Even if your talent is not as good as that girl, it is also a very top-notch existence that I have seen in my life, not to mention in my opinion, who can say good things in the future?" You don't necessarily have to catch up with her! "

"I know!" Chen Yi smiled and said.

"What's wrong? Do you know that girl? Old Man Zaga seemed to see Chenyi's strangeness and asked.

"Recognize? Actually, I don't know if she's the one I guessed! Chen Yi was stunned, then shook his head and said.

"When she left the North Courtyard, she left her name, do you want to know?" Old Man Zaga said with a smile.

"...," Chenyi groaned, but then shook his head and said, "No need! This kind of thing doesn't make sense! "

"Come on! Three months later, I have seen good progress from you again! Even if you are not her opponent in the future, your future will be infinitely bright! Old Man Zaga walked to Chenyi's side with a smile, patted Chenyi's shoulder, and left here at the same time.

And Chen Yi looked at the figure of the old man Zaga leaving, and the last trace of confusion in his eyes also disappeared.

"Even if it's really you, even if you're really so strong, even if I'm not your opponent now, but... I will definitely catch up with you too! Chen Yi's eyes flickered, his fists clenched slightly, and he muttered, "Zhulan..."

In the sky above the feeding house, white clouds slowly drifted by.

Chen Yi walked out of the feeding house, walked to his dormitory, and began his short three-day life in the North Courtyard.

Three days later, he will leave for the Carlos region to meet the so-called Royal Academy!

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