Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 186

Late at night, after dinner, Chenyi prepares to enter the tent to begin his meditation every night.

At this time, the surrounding forest trembled, and you could vaguely hear what Pokémon shuttled through the jungle, the rapid sound of hair rubbing the leaves, Chenyi was very keen to notice this, his gaze swept in a certain direction, and the perception of superpowers also spread out with his sight.

"Abo!!" A familiar low groan sounded, Chen Yi was stunned, in his line of sight, a figure rushed out of the woods and came to him, the white hair was comparable to the white snow in winter, but at this time it was a little messy, the sight that should have appeared extremely sharp, at this time also revealed some weakness, this figure, it was Absolu.

"Are you... At that time... Absolu! The first time he saw this white figure, Chenyi recalled that when the avalanche occurred, he was attacked by the Pokémon hunter, and it was this Absolu who helped him repel the Pokémon hunter's Marula, it can be said that this Absolu is Chenyi's lifesaver.

Kindness...... Lifesaver beast?

"Ab ..." And when Absolu saw Chenyi, he also groaned in pain, and immediately fell down weakly forward, Chenyi saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly held this Absolu up, and at the moment of touching this Absolu body, Chenyi was surprised to find the various scars on this Absolu body.

"What the hell happened to make an Absolu whose strength reached the level of a Taoist Hall be hit so hard!" Chen Yi frowned, just thought for a while, but there was no idea of resting, and immediately took out his treatment box, while letting the electric shock monster and the ultrasonic larvae help bring Absolu into the tent, while letting Chirulian and the little flame monkey pay attention to the surrounding situation, and he entered the tent and began to treat Absolu.

The treatment process was smooth, but as the treatment progressed, the doubts in Chenyi's heart became heavier and heavier.

As Absolu gradually got out of danger, it seemed that he was tired and fell into a deep sleep, Chenyi also walked out of the tent, looking at the quiet surrounding forest, his eyes were also a little solemn, what kind of Pokémon were attacking Absolu? Or is some trainer attacking Absolu? To be honest, Chenyi himself is biased towards the latter.

The gym-level Absolu may not be invincible in this area, but ordinary wild Pokémon do not dare to provoke, and can hurt a gym-level Absolu into this, there are almost no Pokémon in the wild, so it should be that a powerful trainer wants to subdue Absolu after meeting Absolu before he will make a move on Absolu.

"However, I haven't chased after it for so long, and it seems that I am very confident in my strength!" Chen Yi muttered, if it was really according to his guess, then the strength of this trainer who wanted to subdue Absolu should be very strong, at least it was definitely not comparable to his current self.

That trainer wants to subdue Absolu, but he is helping Absolu, isn't this against him?

But, so what? Chenyi does not regret it!

Absolu once saved his life, the so-called grace repays, although Chenyi thinks that he is not a rotten good person, but this morality is still very followed, this time he will definitely protect Absolu.

Beside him, Chirulian appeared beside Chenyi with an instantaneous movement.

"Xiao Yi, are you worried about something?" Immediately, Chirurian's telepathy also came.

"I was worried before, but now I've figured it out!" The corners of Chen Yi's mouth floated slightly, and said.

"No matter what choice Xiao Yi makes, I will definitely follow you, not just me, I think, the ultrasonic larvae and the little flame monkey... And Shock Warcraft will definitely respect your choice! "Chillulian's telepathy appears extremely comfortable and peaceful.

"yes! It's because of you that I can make a choice! Chen Yi turned his head and looked at Chillulian beside him, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "This time, it's our turn to protect Absolu!" "

Chen Yi knew that Chillulian, who was connected to his heart, was definitely the Pokémon who knew his heart the best.

So, there are some things, even if you don't say it!

"yes! When Absolu wakes up, I must thank her well! Chirulian replied with a smile.

"Let's go together!" Chen Yi said with a smile.

After a night without speaking, Chenyi meditated in the tent, guarding Absolu's side until the early morning of the next day.

Absolu opened her somewhat tired eyelids, her vision gradually changed from blurry to clear, and then a young figure sitting in front of her with her eyes closed also appeared in her line of sight.

This teenager, it seems, saved himself? And for himself to keep it all night?

Absolu is a Pokémon with a very serious sense of human wariness, but because he has seen Chenyi's various behaviors before, coupled with Chenyi's behaviors now, Absolu is still at ease with this boy named Chenyi at this time.

"Ab..." exhaled softly, feeling the strength of his body, Absolu slowly got up.

At this moment, Chen Yi's eyes also slowly opened, and he also exhaled a turbid breath, and immediately looked at Absolu who was planning to leave quietly at this time with a smile, and said with a smile: "You are awake!" "

"Ab..." Absolu nodded a little indifferently, feeling a little embarrassed.

She originally planned not to wake up this teenager and leave quietly, but she didn't expect that she had just gotten up, she was noticed by this teenager, it seems that this teenager didn't sleep all night, thinking of this, Absolu's heart was moved by a few points, of course, Absolu is naturally not clear, Chenyi's meditation is actually no different from sleep, but compared to sleep, meditation can not only help Chenyi improve his superpowers, but also help him pay attention to the wind and grass around him.

"You passed out directly last night, let's eat something!" Chenyi got up, while talking to Absolu, he took out a few tree fruits from the side and handed them to Absolu, and very frankly, before giving Absolu tree fruits, in order to eliminate the only remaining guards in Absolu's heart, he also ate one of the tree fruits himself.

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