Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 185

In front of them, Chillulian, the ultrasonic larvae, and the electric shock monster all looked at Chenyi behind them.

"Hard work you guys!" Chen Yi shook his head with a wry smile, then withdrew them, and then put the round land shark in his arms on the ground, and said with a smile: "You have to be careful in the future!" Let's go! "

"Roar..." The round land shark looked at Chen Yi with some stunned, and seemed to be extremely surprised by Chen Yi's words at this time.

And in fact, this is indeed the case, after all, it is not the self-pride of the round land shark, the round land shark is a quasi-god in the Shennoh region after all, although it is the initial form, but the acceptance of a round land shark represents more than just a bright future, and at this time, the meaning expressed from the words of this teenager seems to be planning to let himself go?

"What's wrong?" Chen Yi didn't know what the Round Land Shark thought, and frowned a little suspiciously.

"Roar!!" Yuanlu Shark saw that this human seemed to be really different from the humans he had met before, and his heart was also a little settled down at the moment, but he really did not want to be accepted by the trainer, and he also shook his head at the moment for Chen Yi's inquiry.

"In that case, I'll go first!" Chen Yi smiled, turned around, and planned to leave. It had been almost three months since he left the North Courtyard of Tianguan Academy, and it was time for him to go back and hand over the task.

And then again, for a Pokémon like the Round Land Shark, Chen Yi is naturally deceiving himself if he doesn't want to accept it, not to mention that Chen Yi has not forgotten that one of the three tasks he took over in Tianguan Academy is to subdue the Round Land Shark, and if he really wants to accept it, Chen Yi can naturally accept it forcefully, but this is not in line with Chenyi's own heart.

Through the eyes of that round land shark, Chen Yi did not know the true heart of this round land shark. He doesn't want to be accepted by the trainer, what he wants is to live alone, which is the life that this round land shark has chosen himself.

Just like when Chen Yi faced the little cat monster that Chen Yuan gave him, of course, he could accept it directly, but Chen Yi's character is that it is impossible for him not to consider the Pokémon's own wishes, and the idea of Pokémon is very important! Therefore, even if an extremely rare Pokémon such as the Round Land Shark is placed in front of him, even if he can complete the task immediately as long as he accepts the Round Land Shark, he will not accept it!

Of course, with all that said, there is also the most important point.

Tatsumi is an ambitious person, or a trainer, and the Pokémon he hopes for have their own requirements and can follow him forward, so he will definitely not take it casually for reasons such as rarity and simplicity.

"Roar! Roar! And when Chenyi turned around, the round land shark standing behind suddenly roared towards Chenyi.

"Well?" Chen Yi stopped and looked at the Yuanlu shark again, but he suddenly noticed that something flew towards him, and subconsciously, Chen Yi stretched out his hand to catch such a thing.

After catching such a thing, Chen Yi lowered his head, and what came into his eyes was a light red shuriken-like thing, and when he saw such a thing, Chen Yi's eyes also flashed a look of surprise, star fragments!

Star fragment, this is also the prop required for one of the three missions that Chen Yi accepted, and the alliance coin reward given by this task is only a little less than the task of Round Land Shark, Chen Yi did not expect that he could see this star fragment here.

Raising his head, Chen Yi looked at the Round Land Shark again, but found that the Round Land Shark smiled at him, waved his hand and jumped, dug under the ground, and disappeared.

"It seems that it really is..." Chen Yi understood what the Round Land Shark meant, and immediately smiled.

He did not accept the Round Land Shark after saving the Round Land Shark, although he gave up the Round Land Shark, but he got the favor of the Round Land Shark, and the Round Land Shark gave himself a star fragment, and it is not clear whether he is losing or not, but Chen Yi's heart is now very comfortable, in this way, if he goes back to the north courtyard of Tianguan Academy this time, he can also complete two tasks.

Quickly put away the star fragments, Chen Yi looked around, also did not linger, turned around and walked towards the direction where the north courtyard of Tianguan Academy is located, along the way, Chen Yi released the little flame monkey again, while training him, while advancing, during this time, the strength of the little flame monkey broke through from a low level of success to a medium level, this speed is not fast, but not slow, in the extremely important basic training of Chenyi, the little flame monkey is also steadily improving his strength.

In comparison, in fact, the strength of the electric shock monster has improved very quickly.

Three months, from just reaching the elite level to the current intermediate elite level, is really very fast, but Chen Yi is also clear, there should be an evolutionary effect in this, and it was also said before that this electric shock monster is considered to be catalytic evolution, and the energy of evolution has not been used at all, so this electric shock monster is only able to enter the elite level, and this period of hard practice has completely given the electric shock monster the opportunity to stimulate these energies! In addition, Chen Yi felt that Luke, the owner of this electric shock beast, should not have less resources on this electric shock beast!

Thinking about it this way, it is extremely normal for the strength of the electric shock monster to increase.

Finally, the improvement of the strength of the ultrasonic larva and Chirulian should be extremely insignificant, the real strength of the ultrasound larva and Chirulian is still only medium elite, only because of the strong breath, it will be mistaken for a high elite level by the Pokémon hunter before, but as time passes, the strength of the ultrasonic larvae and Chirulian is still continuing to improve, which is also extremely correct.

Before I knew it, the sky gradually darkened.

"It seems that I can't get out of this forest today! Let's find a place to stay first! "Chen Yi has also left the early camp now, and he even went deep into the Tianguan Mountain Range to train him before, but now that he wants to leave here, it is obviously not so simple.

"Haga!" The little flame monkey nodded with a smile, and took the initiative to help Chen Yi set up the tent.

"Then please!" Chen Yi looked at the figure of the little flame monkey, and there was a smile in his eyes.

This guy is obviously so tired from training, but every time he comes to this time, he is still very positive.

He knows what the reason is, he should cherish his current life very much! Because you lose, cherish it!

Looking at the back of the little flame monkey, Chen Yi also made up his mind.


The quasi-gods will accept, but not the Round Land Shark! After all, Zhulan, as Chenyi's fierce rival, her signature is to bite the land shark, and Chenyi can't be the same as her! In the end, which quasi-god, I have a certain consideration in my heart, you can also leave a message in the book review area, recommend! Also, in terms of the heroine, allow me to sell it for the time being, anyway, before the plot of the Four Houses Assembly, both heroines will appear! Yes, that's two! This book does not open the harem, the two are almost! Don't spray if you don't like it! Thank you!

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