Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 187

"Ab..." Absolu whispered, and for Chenyi's gentle smile at this time, he slowly approached Chenyi, took the tree fruit in Chenyi's hand, and began to eat it slowly.

And when he saw Absolu begin to eat the tree fruit, the smile on Chenyi's face became even stronger.

It seems that because of the real hunger, soon Absolu finished eating the tree fruit given by Chenyi, at this time, the tent opened, from the outside, the figure of Chirulian also quickly walked in, and when she saw Absolu, she was also extremely grateful to walk in front of her, as if she was thanking for something.

Chen Yi naturally knew very well what Chirulian was doing at this time, and at that moment he also looked at Absolu with a smile and said, "Absolu, thank you for helping me when I was in danger last time!" Thank you so much! "

"Aber..." Absolu was still a little guarded when he saw Chirurian, because when Chirulian appeared, Absolu could clearly feel the dangerous aura emanating from this Chirurian, but soon, she slowly let go of the guarded heart that gradually rose in her heart because of Chirurian's thanks and Chenyi's thanks, with some smile at the corner of her mouth, and slowly shook her head.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Chenyi understood Absolu's thoughts, and immediately changed the topic.

"Abo!" Absolu's face was a little bitter, but after glancing at Chenyi, he shook his head again.

The meaning of shaking the head at this time is naturally different from the previous shaking of the head, the former is mainly to accept the thanks of Chenyi and Chirurian, while the latter is more of a kind of powerlessness and helplessness, and has the mood of not wanting to burden Chenyi and Chirurian.

After shaking his head, Absolu didn't seem to want to give Chenyi and Chirulian a chance, and immediately dragged her body, which had recovered some strength at this time, and quickly rushed out of the tent, just in the blink of an eye, Absolu's speed was unfolded, and soon her figure completely disappeared from the sight of Chenyi and Chirurian.

"What to do? Xiaoyi? Chirulian looked at Chenyi, and telepathy sounded in Chenyi's mind.

"No matter what, I will take care of this matter!" Chen Yi's eyes did not change in the slightest and said.

"Yes!" Chirulian nodded, and the spinning beam turned into a beam of light and was withdrawn into the friendship ball by Chen Yi.

There was no time to do anything else, Chenyi immediately rushed out of the tent, and the superpower spread out, looking for Absolu's breath, and then chased in the direction of Absolu according to Absolu's remaining breath.

On the other side, two figures, one old and one young, walked slowly in the woods.

"Teacher, let that Absolu escape yesterday, is it really time to look for it now?" The one who began to speak was a young girl, with long black hair that fell straight down to her waist, almost twelve or thirteen years old, with a delicate face, and although her height was not tall among her peers, her black and white Gothic dress made her look extremely cute.

"It's time!" The voice that answered the girl came from an old woman, wearing a lilac robe that seemed to highlight her not low status, the old woman was older, but from her current appearance, this old woman should also be very beautiful when she was young, this old woman did not have the weakness of an ordinary old woman, on the contrary, it was extremely spiritual. For her beloved apprentice's question, she also answered very directly.

"I finally found a Pokémon that I like, and the strength is a dojo-level Pokémon, I will definitely not miss it!" The gothic girl also smiled slightly after hearing her teacher's words, then secretly clenched her fists, suddenly looked at her teacher, and said, "Teacher, don't make a move this time!" "

She came here with her teacher this time in order to subdue the new Pokémon, but as the proud daughter of the Central Academy of the Heavenly Crown Academy, how high her vision is, how can ordinary Pokémon enter her sight, until that Absolu appeared, the lonely figure, pure white hair like snow, and the powerful strength of the hall level, no matter which is completely in line with the setting of the most perfect Pokémon in her mind.

Since she met, then she naturally will not miss it, now is to choose to fight with that Absolu , the girl is proud, naturally will not bully the less, but also does not want her teacher to help, so, she sent her most powerful Pokémon, an ice Eevee [ice elf] whose strength also reached the hall level, and began to fight with that Absolu.

However, although it is also at the level of the Taoist hall, what surprised and stunned the girl was that her own Ice Eevee was not the opponent of Absolu, that Absolu was full of hostility towards his own human who suddenly attacked her, and after repelling Bing Eevee, she planned to attack herself directly, and then the teacher standing next to her made a move, but what surprised her even more was that Absolu actually fled when facing her teacher's Pokémon.

Although the girl doesn't want to admit it, she has no way, strong is strong, losing is losing! However, what she fancy, she could not give up at all, so now she wanted to find the Absolu again.

"As long as that Absolu doesn't attack you, I naturally won't make a move!" The old woman looked at her beloved and said, "Don't you take yourself seriously! You yourself are well aware of your importance to Tianguan Academy! "

"All right! Rest assured! Teacher! I know! A reluctant smile appeared on the girl's face and she replied.

At this time, as if sensing something, the old woman's face gradually revealed a smile, and she said to the girl next to her: "Xiao Ji, I should already know the location of that Absolu!" "

"Really?" The girl who was called Xiao Ji by the old woman was overjoyed and said.

This is an ice field, surrounded by dwarf dead trees, which seem to have no life, and in the middle of this ice field, a snow-white figure quietly crawls on the cold ground.

As if sensing something, Absolu looked at the two figures that appeared in front of her, there was a bitterness in her eyes, it seemed that the much older human should have some way to find herself, otherwise it would be impossible to find herself so quickly, no wonder she was not in a hurry last night.

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