Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 184

That powerful momentum made the round land shark in Chenyi's arms tremble at this time, no matter how good his talent is, now he is just a high-level Pokémon, and when facing the three high-level elite-level Pokémon in front of him, fear and timidity are the most normal.

However, at this time, Chen Yi did not care, and only his slowly indifferent gaze gradually changed. After making sure that there were no other Pokémon Hunters around, Chenyi did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly threw out the Pokéball Ball of Ultrasonic Larvae and Chillulian, who had already been extremely angry after seeing the Pokémon Hunter at this time.

Two blue rays of light fell to the side of the electric shock monster at this time, shaking the pressure exerted on the electric shock monster, and the next moment, the figure of the ultrasonic larva and Qilulian appeared, and at the same time, the momentum belonging to the ultrasound larvae and the high-level elite level of Qilulian also spread directly.

"Roar..." The round land shark in Chenyi's arms at this time was also stunned by the strength of the ultrasound larvae and Chirulian that appeared here, and he turned his head to look at the indifferent boy who was holding him at this time, and he was extremely surprised in his heart. A medium-elite-level electric shock beast, a high-level elite-level ultrasound larvae, and that high-level elite-level Chillulian whose color is obviously different from the usual Qilulian, the strength of this teenager is actually so powerful!?

"I didn't expect that the flashing Chilulian that made a lot of noise here before was actually subdued by you!? But this is good, it seems that my luck is really good, haha, not only the land shark is mine, but this shining Chillulian is also mine! This time, coming to the Tianguan Mountain Range is really a lot of money! Ha ha! Ha ha! When the tall man saw the ultrasound larvae and Chirulian that appeared at this time, his attention was naturally attracted by the shining Chilulian, and he ignored the strength of the ultrasound larvae and Chirurian, and laughed extremely arrogantly.

"Huh... Don't talk so early! Chen Yi looked at this Pokémon hunter, smiled slightly, and said.

"You think you can win me? You only have two high-level elite Pokémon, and I have three! The tall man didn't care about Chen Yi's words, and at the same time asked with a smile, "Don't you think your words are ridiculous?" "

"Then try it!" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

The words fell, Chenyi's gaze was to look at the front of Chirulian and the ultrasonic larvae and the three figures of the electric shock beast, at this time, as Chenyi's line of sight fell, the electric shock monster stepped out, above the fists, the thunder surge was directly towards the tank skunk not far away, and the ultrasound larvae on one side was also a purple dragon breath, directly released towards the hippopotamus beast, at the same time, Chilulian also waved with one hand, and the dense electric shock wave was released, pointing directly at the poisonous skeleton frog.

"Hmph, do you think it would be useful to strike first?" The tall man smiled, then gave instructions to the three Pokémon in front of him, shouting: "Tank skunk, use the key point of the assassination!" Hippopotamus beast, use frozen teeth! Poison skeleton frog, use poison strikes! "

As his voice sounded, the three Pokémon led by Tank Skunk all rushed towards their respective opponents, corresponding to the same smiling looks of Tatsumi and the Pokémon hunter.

The next moment, the dragon breath trick of the ultrasonic larva and the frozen teeth of the hippopotamus beast, the lightning fist of the electric shock monster and the secret attack of the tank skunk, the electric shock wave of Chirulian and the poisonous skeleton frog all collided together at almost the same time.

Rumble!!! Bang!!! Rumble!!!

The Pokémon hunter's face gradually became ugly, but there was a flash of shock in his eyes.

In addition to the collision between the electric shock monster and the tank skunk, the collision of the other two places actually ended in the victory of the other party, their own hippopotamus beast and poisonous skeleton frog were extremely embarrassed because of the opponent's trick to retreat, even if it was the only tank skunk that did not fail, it was only because its own strength was stronger than that electric shock beast, but in terms of combat effectiveness, his own tank skunk was simply unable to crush the kid's electric shock beast.

"Where did this kid come from? What a strong combat power! At this time, this Pokémon hunter obviously felt that something was wrong, and now how could he not know that he had encountered hard stubble, and he was thinking about the way out at the moment. However, from the current point of view, not to mention the flash Chillulian he is plotting, even the land shark that was readily available before will give up, but compared with his own safety, the selfish Pokémon hunter will undoubtedly choose the latter.

"Bang!!" Ahead, the Shock Warcraft and the Tank Skunk back off from each other.

Tank Skunk also returned to the Pokémon hunter, but he was completely unhappy at this time.

"How? Now you still think... My previous words were ridiculous? Chen Yi had no smile on his face at all, looking at the tall man not far away, and his indifferent voice sounded.

"Hmph! I admit that I underestimated you! But if you want me to admit it, it can't be! The man smiled, and immediately withdrew the poisonous skeleton frog and hippopotamus beast on the side, and then said to the tank skunk in front of him: "Tank skunk, use the big explosion!" "

"What!" Chen Yi frowned, he wanted to stop it at the moment, but that tank skunk was a high-level elite-level Pokémon after all, but at this time, it was too late, a strong energy was released from the tank skunk's body, and then a white dazzling light shrouded Chenyi's sight.

"Hold!" Chen Yi shouted this command at the end, at this time, whether it was Chillulian, or the ultrasonic larvae, or the electric shock monsters, as their voices sounded, in front of them, a layer of pale green protective film appeared.

Big explosion, extremely powerful trick, this trick price naturally needless to say, is the Pokémon itself, that Pokémon hunter with such a big price, used to escape, you can see his decisive resoluteness.

In this case, Chen Yi could only do not be harmed, but he could not stop him.

After the explosion, in this ruin, the originally deserted place looked even more depressed and dilapidated, but at this time, in the previous position of the Pokémon hunter, the man had long disappeared.

"He still escaped!" Chen Yi muttered helplessly, but he was not depressed.

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