Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 183

More than a month passed quietly, and the trainers who came here to look for the Round Land Shark and Flash Chillulian had no gain at all, let alone the figure of the Round Land Shark and Flash Chillulian, and they had not even found a little clue about the Round Land Shark and Flash Chillulian, this fact made them have to doubt the correctness of this news. In the midst of this questioning, more and more trainers have left here, so the northern part of the Tianguan Mountain Range, which was originally extremely lively, has gradually faded its noisy appearance and gradually fallen into silence.

Near a ruined site, a figure came out of the forest.

"The response I heard before must have come from here!" The boy put his hands in the pockets of the uniform of the Tianguan Academy, and his eyes flashed with brilliance as he swept the surrounding trees and ruins, and muttered.

The boy has four Pokéball balls around his waist, one of which is the most ordinary Pokéball, there are two high-level balls, and the last one is a friend ball, in this Pokémon ball, there are obviously Pokémon existence.

The young man naturally left the Tianguan Academy and came to the Tianguan Mountain Range to practice, and when he passed around here before, he heard an extremely violent explosion, and he immediately rushed here.

"Boom!!" The next moment, the explosion sounded again, this time, Chen Yi could clearly see that the thick smoke produced by the explosion slowly rose from the ruins in front of him, and he did not hesitate, and immediately ran towards the direction of the explosion.

At this time, in the ruins, all the surrounding were collapsed stone pillars, and a figure looked at the tank skunk slowly approaching him with some fear, and the tall man behind the tank skunk.

"Hehe, my luck is really good! I was just planning to try my luck here, but I actually met you! You say yes, Round Land Shark! "The tall man was wearing a gray-black uniform, and the fierceness in the corners of his eyes showed that this man was definitely a ruthless man.

And as the words of this tall man fell, the figure of the Pokémon who was forced into a desperate situation by him at this time was extremely clear, the round body, the vaguely revealed a good breath, it was the quasi-god Pokémon in the Shennoh region, the round land shark in the initial stage of the land shark!

"You're worth a lot of money!" The tall man sneered, as if he was already thinking about what would happen next.

"Roar!!" The round land shark obviously will not be tied up like this, in this tall man laughing moment, he just wants to use the digging trick to get out of here, this trick is definitely tried and tested for the round land shark! When so many humans were looking for themselves before, he used the trick of digging holes to avoid the sight of those humans extremely smoothly.

"You think I'll not know your tricks?" The tall man smiled, and when the round land shark jumped and wanted to rush to the ground, he gave instructions to the tank skunk in front of him, shouting: "Assassination point!" "

Immediately, the body of the tank skunk in front of the tall man immediately disappeared, took a step ahead of the round land shark, rushed to the round land shark, and hit the key point directly, knocking the round land shark away, and the body of the round land shark also fell to the ground weakly after hitting the stone pillar behind.

Although the round land shark family is extremely talented, but the current round land shark's strength is only high-level, and when facing the tall man's tank skunk whose strength reaches the high-level elite, it is obviously inadequate.

"Okay, that's the end of it!" The tall man sneered, and immediately glanced at the tank skunk beside him.

"Poof!" This time, the tank skunk did not need its owner's instructions, and a jet flame was released from the mouth and released directly towards the round land shark in front, and the current state of the round land shark could not be avoided at all, and as long as it hit, the next round land shark was left to his disposal.

The temperature of the flame was very high, and the round land shark was a little desperate, he didn't expect him to avoid those trainers who wanted to subdue him, but there was still no way to avoid this human, so he felt that he might as well be subdued by those trainers before? At least in that case, I don't have to suffer so much.

"Thunder!" Suddenly, a young man's voice sounded, and it was the dazzling thunder that immediately confronted the flames.

The golden thunder collided with the rich orange-red flame, and the explosion was generated, and the body of the round land shark was blown out, and it was immediately caught by a figure.

"Roar..." Round Land Shark glanced at the boy who caught him at this time, well... I haven't seen it, it seems to be a trainer.

Immediately, he looked at the figure standing in front of him and the young man, electric shock beast, medium elite, very powerful, but it didn't seem to be as strong as the tank skunk on the opposite side.

"Well?" The tall man frowned, looked at the boy and the electric shock monster who protected the round land shark not far away, and said a little fiercely, "Boy, are you looking for death?" Get acquainted and give me the Round Land Shark! "

"Round land shark..." Chen Yi glanced at the round land shark in his arms, muttered in his heart, and then looked at the tall man not far away, the moment he saw the costume this man was wearing, Chen Yi's eyes were indifferent, and then said coldly: "Pokémon hunter!" "

"Boy, since you know my identity, then you should also know the price of daring to meddle in the affairs of our Pokémon hunters!" The tall man was not surprised that this teenager actually knew about the Pokémon Hunter, but instead sneered and said.

Pokémon hunters are all ruthless.

Going against these guys naturally means considering their own danger and the safety of their own Pokémon, and when the time comes, one is not careful, don't come out and don't succeed, but to catch your own Pokémon and life.

"Huh... Of course you know, but just by you, it seems that you don't have the qualifications to make me pay! Chen Yi said with a smile.

"What did you say!?" The tall man gritted his teeth and immediately sent all the Pokémon on his body directly.

Two blue rays of light fell in front of him, right next to the tank skunk, namely the high-level elite-level hippopotamus beast, the high-elite-level poisonous skeleton frog, plus the previous high-elite-level tank skunk, and at this time appeared in Chenyi's sight were three high-level elite-level Pokémon.

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