Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 182

Chen Yi walked to the side of the ultrasonic larvae, at this time it seemed that the overlord mongoose chop who had woken up also subconsciously took a few steps back when he saw Chenyi, obviously, the previous battle made him fully understand the terrifying boy in front of him, but because he was the leader of the mongoose chop, he wanted to continue to show a strong side, so the overlord mongoose chop at this time looked extremely embarrassing.

And Chen Yi didn't care about this hegemonic mongoose chop at all, since this hegemonic meerkat chop has lost, the grudge has been settled, and the matter of Chen Yi coming here is over, he patted the little flame monkey in his arms, it seems that he planned to let the little flame monkey know something, and said softly: "Little flame monkey, you have to be clear, in this world, the saddest thing is weakness!" "

"Haga..." The little flame monkey was stunned by Chenyi's words, and immediately raised his head to look at Chenyi and pursed his mouth.

"I hope you can make this clear!" Chen Yi said, just looked at the ultrasound larvae beside him, and said with a gentle smile, "Well done, during this time, you have indeed made solid progress!" "

"Chahh!" The ultrasonic larva nodded with a smile, it was considered to accept Chenyi's words, but after this point, he had no other expression, the ultrasound larva knew very well that if it was changed to Chirurian, the terrifying superpower might be able to instantly suppress this overlord mongoose, and he was still a little far away.

"You're different from Chillulian!" Chen Yi saw the idea of the ultrasound larvae, shook his head, and muttered.

As a Pokémon with both superpower and goblin, Chirurian's own battle is originally different from the ultrasonic larvae with both ground and dragon systems, one is a long-range output battery, the other is a charging warrior, its own nature is different, how can it be compared?

After encouraging the ultrasonic larvae, Chen Yi withdrew the ultrasonic larvae, and when he turned around holding the little flame monkey and walked past the electric shock monster standing in front of Anluo, he also waved his hand, and the electric shock monster also quickly kept up with Chen Yi's pace.

An Lu and An Luo did not stop Chenyi from leaving, they looked at Chenyi's back and felt that they should say something, but in the end they couldn't say anything, this teenager, and them, do not belong to the same world!

And the rest of the trainers did not dare, the powerful back of the teenager before was still imprinted in their hearts, now that the crisis has been lifted, these trainers here are thinking more about continuing to expand their search for the Round Land Shark and Flash Chillulian, of course, they will never think that the Flash Chillulian they are looking for has long been a Pokémon with a trainer, as for the trainer, it is the teenager who left a deep imprint on them, this teenager, from the Heavenly Crown Academy!

As for those elite-level mongoose slashes, they didn't have time to pay attention to that terrible human at this time, and after their king woke up, they all went over to check on their king's situation.


Tianguan Mountains, northern strip, a rocky area near the Mongoose Forest.

Chen Yi came here after leaving the mongoose chopping forest, very directly, Chen Yi sat on a rock, and then put the little flame monkey down, and the little flame monkey stood in front of Chen Yi after coming out of Chenyi's arms, the pair of eyes full of stubbornness and firmness were full of complexity looking at Chen Yi.

"How's that, have you figured it out?" Chen Yi looked at the little flame monkey with a smile and said.

"Xiao Yi, do you really want to subdue this little flame monkey?" At this time, Chirulian's telepathy sounded.

"Yes! Otherwise, what would I have spent so much effort to go to the mongoose chopping forest! Chen Yi replied very crisply. That's right, when the little flame monkey shed heartbreaking tears at that time, Chen Yi had the idea of wanting to subdue him, but Chen Yi couldn't see that the many heart demons that this little flame monkey carried, the trainer who abandoned him ruthlessly and attacked him cruelly, was his heart demon, the difficult and humble life and memories in the Tianguan Mountain Range were also his heart demons, and the meerkats who persecuted him were also his heart demons...

Trying to subdue this little flame monkey is easy to say, but in fact it is extremely difficult to do.

Chen Yi wants to accept a new little flame monkey to welcome a new life, not a shell like the walking dead, so he must help the little flame monkey solve these demons!

Those painful memories can be gradually improved through the warm life of the present and the future, and now the heart demon of the mongoose is gradually broken, and only the heart demon of the former trainer of the little flame monkey is still unresolved. Regarding this last heart demon, Chen Yi will not forget and will definitely solve it, but now Chen Yi is really powerless.

It's just that even so, Chen Yi can find from the eyes of the little flame monkey before that his efforts have not been in vain, and he now just hopes that the little flame monkey can give himself a chance, or in other words, give humans and trainers a chance again.

"Haga!!" The little flame monkey looked at Chen Yi, his eyes were still complicated, and the throbbing in his heart shook his cold heart, which was diametrically opposed to his own attributes. Recalling that time when he was full of scars, weakly fell in the puddle, watching the indifferent and heartless figure disappear from sight without looking back, his heart was still full of pain like needles.

Only at this time, he remembered what happened when he met this human teenager, facing his claws, the teenager chose to bear his venting pain, and in the face of his own indifference, the teenager showed himself a warm smile.

At this time, the little flame monkey remembered those wild Pokémon, remembered Chillulian, electric shock monsters, ultrasonic larvae, they are all Pokémon of this teenager, and their smiles are really heartfelt smiles. He also remembered the short but beautiful life together in that meadow...

And it was these smiles and those brief but beautiful memories that made the little flame monkey unable to contain himself...

Raising his head, what came into his eyes was still the somewhat familiar smile of the teenager, at this time, the boy stretched out his white hand to himself, and with an expectant tone, said to himself: "Little flame monkey, in the future... Live with me! "

The simple and simple words became the last wave to smooth the inner struggle of the little flame monkey.

At this time, the little flame monkey made his choice, facing the young man's hand, he finally showed a long-lost smile, and also slowly stretched out his hand...

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