Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 181

Tianguan Mountains, northern location.

"Boom !!" The explosion sounded, and the flying smoke quickly spread to both sides.

The next moment, two figures quickly broke out from the black smoke, and it was the overlord mongoose chop and the ultrasonic larvae, at this time, after continuous collisions, there were already a lot of scars on the bodies of both sides.

"Ahhhh!!" The overlord mongoose looked solemn, looking at the ultrasound larva not far away, and it was also very clear that this ultrasound larva was definitely the most powerful opponent he had ever met. When facing this kind of opponent, he did not dare to be careless, and when he stood up again, as his arms danced, a sharp brilliance emerged from his body.

"Sword Dance!" Chen Yi was extremely clear about the tricks used by this overlord mongoose slash at this time, and he also knew how terrifying the overlord meerkata slash would be after performing the sword dance to greatly improve the physical attack, and it was precisely because of this that he would not let him complete this sword dance trick so simply.

"Ultrasound larvae, noisy!" His eyes calmly looked ahead, and Chenyi's voice sounded at the same time.

"Aa The wings vibrate, the light in the eyes of the ultrasound larva flickered, and then the strong ultrasound spread out from his body, and the noisy sound spread to the space here, not only the overlord mongoose chop, but also those elite-level mongoose chops behind the hegemonic mongoose chop also covered their ears in extreme pain, and some of the elite-level meerkat chops began to flee towards the back.

However, the overlord mongoose slash is not an ordinary Pokémon, even if it has the interference and damage of the noisy trick, at this time, he is still bearing the noisy trick, and the sword dance trick is used, at this time, a burst of red brilliance appears around the hegemonic meerkatachi, which is undoubtedly a sign of a significant increase in physical attacks.

"Ahhhh!!" The overlord mongoose slashing eyes that were successfully released by the sword dance trick suddenly opened, and he was planning to attack the ultrasonic larvae, but at this time, the idea of this overlord mongoose slashing was undoubtedly expected by Chen Yi. At the moment when the overlord mongoose slashed towards the ultrasound larvae, Chenyi's voice sounded, "Quicksand Hell! "

Under the feet of the hegemonic mongoose, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the hegemonic meerkat at this time had an unstable center of gravity, and fell directly towards the front, at the same time, at the moment he saw this scene, Chenyi's command sounded again, "Rock collapse!" "

"Aa The movements of the ultrasound larvae fell with Chenyi's instructions, and at the same time, the boulder appeared above the overlord mongoose chopping that fell to the ground, and there was no need for Chenyi to say more, the rock collapse move fell directly, and a roaring sound sounded, at this time in this clearing, flying sand was shrouded.

Those elite-level mongoose slashes couldn't believe that the leader was actually in a scene of disadvantage, and the previous smug and indifferent had long been replaced by disappointment and panic; And behind Chen Yi, the combat power of Chen Yi's ultrasound larvae was actually so strong, those trainers were also shocked and speechless; In Tongchenyi's arms, the little flame monkey who had recovered from his injuries looked at the real warrior wave larva, and when he felt the extremely powerful strength of the ultrasound larva, his heart was shaken again, he raised his head to look at the boy who was holding him at this time, as if he had finally made some decision...

"Don't let your guard down, this mongoose chop is not so easy to lose!" At this time, in this case, Chen Yi looked at the ultrasound larvae in front of him and said extremely calmly.

"Aa The ultrasonic larva nodded, a trace of ultrasound slowly spread, as if sensing something, at this time the eyes of the ultrasound larva and Chenyi were narrowed, and then Chenyi's command fell directly, "Digging a hole!" "

"Ahhhh!!hh Almost at the moment when Chenyi's command sounded, from the flying sand, the huge white figure quickly attacked towards the ultrasonic larvae, his arms showed a crossed green light, the trick he used at this time was a cross scissors, and although the overlord mongoose chop at this time was full of scars, but in his eyes there was a flash of extreme excitement.

"Aa It's just a pity that his thoughts, whether it is Chenyi or the ultrasonic larva, are very clear, when the attack of the overlord mongoose slash arrives, the low roar of the ultrasound larva sounds, and the body has already burrowed under the ground.

Bang!!! Rumble!!!!

The extremely powerful cross scissors and extremely intimate ground came to collide. Because of this collision, the flying sand that was still slowly spreading before was gradually shrouded again.

"Almost, it's settled! Ultrasound larvae, use destruction death light! Chen Yi's figure quickly retreated towards the rear under the action of his superpower, and at the same time his voice sounded.

The hegemonic mongoose chop stood in the flying sand, and the fact that the cross shears did not hit made him a little unacceptable, but at this time, there was already one behind him, and the overlord meerkat chop seemed to sense something, and he turned his head sharply, wanting to make some defensive measures, but it was too late.

"All grievances are over!" Chenyi's eyes flickered and he muttered.

The next moment, a thick purple beam full of destruction luster broke through the flying sand and rushed straight into the sky, and the powerful coercion was instantly suppressed by many elite-level mongoose slashes that were still restless here, and the flying sand returned to dust, and the scene in the clearing also appeared in everyone's sight, of course, it also appeared in the sight of those elite-level meerkat slashes on the opposite side: the ultrasonic larva stood quietly to the side, in front of him, the overlord mongoose chopping that had fallen, and because he had lost the ability to fight, The hegemonic aura that originally covered the body of this hegemonic mongoose slash has also disappeared.

"This... That mongoose beheaded the leader, lost!? "

"I'm not mistaken, is that one who lost the ability to fight really the previous mongoose beheaded?"

Behind Chen Yi, those trainers were more shocked and sighed, and among those elite-level mongoose slashes on the opposite side, they were shrouded in negative emotions called panic and fear, their eyes looked back and forth at the scene in the clearing, hoping that this was fake, but this was the case, their king was defeated and was defeated by that ultrasound larvae! And they, too, are finished! _

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