Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 155

"Dig a hole!" Chenyi's voice sounded again.

At the same time, on the battle field, the body of the ultrasonic larvae slammed into the ground, and the next moment, the cannon light cannon fell to the ground, producing an extremely violent explosion.

"Be careful! Bronze bell, wait for the ultrasound larvae to appear and use supernatural powers! "And that elite trainee has now a way to deal with it after suffering from digging holes before.

"Be careful!" On the spectator seat, Luo He saw the movement of the bronze bell and also muttered.

In this case, the only result of the ultrasound larvae coming out is to be controlled by the divine power, no doubt that the now tired ultrasound larvae simply cannot break free from the divine power from the bronze bell, and unconsciously, Chen Yi's previous trick of letting the ultrasound larva dig a hole limit himself.

Some level trainees here can see the disadvantages of Chenyi and the ultrasonic larvae at this time, but Chenyi on the battle field at this time is smiling, I want you to be so careful!

"Well..." This elite trainee looked at the smile shown by Chen Yi, stunned, he didn't understand, why at this time, Chen Yi could still laugh, didn't he know, for ultrasound larvae, this situation is unsolvable?

But is it really unsolvable? The answer given by Chenyi is no!

"Ultrasound larvae, using... Ground Rift! Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth had a slight curve, and said.

When Chenyi's voice sounded, everyone present was stunned, this... This is... Ground Rift!

"Good boy! There is actually this hand hidden! On the high platform, the old man also smiled and muttered in surprise.

"This... Not good! Bronze bell! Hurry up..." The elite trainee also realized something, and immediately shouted loudly.

At this time, on his face, the previous indifference and calmness had long disappeared, replaced by a kind of panic and unease.

"Fortunately, the successful use came out, since this is the case, then you are too late!" Chen Yi muttered, his gaze was looking at the battle field in front of him that was already violently shaking, it seemed that there was some sound coming from below the ground, like the call of a demon in the abyss, wanting to drag the bronze bell into a nightmare, the earth was torn, an extremely exaggerated crack appeared here, and the body of the bronze bell fell directly into the ground crack at this time as if it was pulled by something. The cracks in the open earth were like the big mouth of a real ferocious beast, biting down the bronze bell in one bite...

One hit kills! Ground Rift! At this time, the bronze bell was deeply torn by the earth and completely lost its ability to fight!

The next moment, the ultrasonic larvae jumped up from under the ground full of scars and fell back in front of Chen Yi's body, and the body shook involuntarily, but with its own will, the ultrasound larva firmly supported its tendency to fall. Although the Earth Rift Trick was successfully used, the damage caused by the ultrasound larvae trapped deep under the earth was not small, and now he can still stand in front of Chen Yi, not because of his physical strength, but his will!

Seeing that the bronze bell, which was still in a very good state, actually lost its combat ability directly at this time, everyone in the spectator fell into a brief silence.

"The bronze bell loses its ability to fight! Ultrasonic larvae win! The referee's pronouncement pulled the crowd out of shock.

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Yi and the ultrasound larvae in the battle field below, and the shock in their eyes still did not fade.

The shock that this senior student named Chenyi brought to them today was too exaggerated!

"Earth Rift! What a crack! "Thai Iron is still muttering, as if crazy.

"Even if the physical strength is exhausted, but in its own level, Chenyi's ultrasonic larvae are definitely higher than the bronze bell, in that case, the earth cracking trick will also have the possibility of being hit!" Indeed, in that kind of situation at that time, it was really only possible to bet on a crack in the ground to kill the bronze bell with one hit! Okor calmly analyzed after the shock.

"The most important thing is that the character of that bronze bell is not floating!" Perry said.

"Yes, yes!" The little fat man also found it difficult to hide the shock in his heart, and he spoke faster than usual.

"It's really worthy of Chenyi! A gambling-like crack trick in a desperate situation! On the other side, Luohe was also a little excited.

"At this moment, it's only the last one!" Yueqing was also deeply shocked by the bond between Chenyi and the ultrasound larvae, but after this shock, she was more concerned that Chenyi and the ultrasound larvae were finally coming to an end.

On the battle field, the elite trainee also retracted his bronze bell helplessly after being shocked.

"To be honest, I admire you! Under the circumstances, you can still find the last glimmer of life! He looked at Chen Yi and said sincerely, "However, I can't help myself!" So, Chenyi, even now, I will still defeat your Sonic Larvae with the Pokémon with the highest chance of winning! "

"Come on!" The corners of Chen Yi's mouth floated and he spoke.

"So... Go on! Ice Ghost Protector! The elite trainee's face was stunned, the high-level ball in his hand was also enlarged, directly thrown, the golden blue brilliance scattered down, a round Pokémon composed of a black stone core appeared in front of the ultrasonic larvae, this Pokémon is naturally an ice ghost protector, the pure ice ghost protection is four times more restrained in terms of attributes The ultrasonic larvae of the ground system and the dragon system, not to mention that the combat effectiveness of this ice ghost protector is also not weaker than the previous bronze bell, reaching the lower elite level, when this ice ghost protector appears, Many of the students present who supported Chenyi were sluggish, and they gradually lost hope in their hearts.

"What a fight for people! First a hard batch of bronze bells, and then an ice ghost protector that restrains ultrasonic larvae four times! Is this elite trainee so tasteless? "

"If it weren't for the ground cracking trick before, the ultrasound larvae would probably have fallen! Now I have encountered a more perverted one, I think, it is completely hopeless! "

The students in the audience were discussing with each other, and at this time, Na Oko and the others were silent.

"This Luke... It's really excessive, don't give a chance at all! Luo He looked at the elite trainee who was Chenyi's opponent, and also shook his head helplessly, sighed, and said.

"Luke... I wrote down this account! Yueqing's eyes on the side also glanced at Luke, but it was diametrically opposed to Luohe's helplessness, and Yueqing's eyes looking at Luke were full of coldness.

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