Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 154

The ultrasonic larvae saved their physical strength as much as possible, slowly walked down from the tree monster, and returned to Chen Yi's body, and the tree monster opposite him also turned into a red light and was withdrawn into the spirit ball.

"It's worthy of Chenyi! This tactic really has him! Luo He's eyes were extremely bright and he muttered.

"In this case, there are still the last two left..." Yueqing considered from the other side, her gaze tightly falling on the ultrasound larvae that continued to gasp on the battle field below.

On the battle ground, Chen Yi also noticed this, and knew that even if there were only two left, they must be fought quickly!

"Although some victories are invincible, I can't help it!" As the elite trainee of Chenyi's last opponent, he looked at Chenyi and the ultrasonic larvae with a trace of emotion, and then his eyes gradually became sharper, and the high-level ball in his hand quickly became larger, and then directly thrown, at the same time, his voice also sounded, "Go on!" Bronze bell! "

With the sound of metal colliding, the high-level ball opened, and a figure appeared in Chen Yi's line of sight. The bronze bell, which has both superpower and steel systems, has excellent double resistance, and the appearance of ultrasound larvae that can be said to be exhausted of physical strength at this time is undoubtedly an extremely suitable existence. At the same time, the strength of this bronze bell has also reached the low-level elite level, and it is not much worse than the ultrasonic larvae in terms of strength, in this case, it is undoubtedly the worst situation for Chenyi and the ultrasound larvae.

"Bronze bell..." Chen Yi sighed lightly, it was also extremely difficult.

"With the offensive ability of the ultrasound larva now, whether it can break the defense of the bronze bell is still a matter of opinion, not to mention that the bronze bell itself has not bad offensive ability, which is really the worst confrontation!" Luo He muttered.

"Chenyi..." Yueqing did not respond to Luo He's words, but his gaze kept falling on the young man on the battle field below.

When the bronze bell appeared, many students in the audience almost felt that the ultrasound larvae were hopeless to win, of course, there would be a few students who chose to support Chenyi and Ultrasound larvae who had been insisting on walking here, including the Okko foursome who had some friendship with Chenyi.

At this time, under the focus of everyone's sight, the battle between the ultrasound larvae and the bronze bell began.

"Ultrasound larvae, use insect sound!" Chen Yiyi gritted his teeth and gave the order.

"Bear it!" That elite trainee did not panic at all, directly watched the bronze bell withstand the insect chirping trick of the ultrasonic larvae, and said extremely calmly, "Then use the gyro ball!" "

The pale green light of the insect shrouded the bronze bell's body, and with the voice of that elite trainee, it sounded.

The body of the bronze bell rotated wildly, shaking those insects apart, and the body was also rapidly attacking the ultrasonic larvae, which is exactly the gyro ball trick, the use of this trick Pokémon is slower than the opponent Pokémon, the more powerful it is, it can be said that it is very suitable for the bronze bell, which itself has the same speed as the low-speed Pokémon.

"Dig a hole to avoid it!" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly.

On the battle field, in the face of the bronze bell that rotated towards him at a not slow speed, the ultrasonic larva immediately used the digging trick after hearing Chenyi's command, burrowed under the ground, so the gyro ball did not hit the ultrasound larvae, and just after the gyro ball of the bronze bell disappeared, the figure of the ultrasound larva suddenly burst out from under the ground, extremely fast, and the trick of digging was to hit the bronze bell directly.

It's just that because of the exhaustion of the ultrasound larvae now, coupled with the excessive defensive ability of the bronze bell, even the effective burrowing trick did not cause much damage to the bronze bell, but only slightly shook the bronze bell, and the ultrasonic larva quickly distanced itself from the bronze bell with the help of recoil.

"Chenyi, you give up! With your current ultrasound larvae, you simply can't beat my bronze bell! The elite trainee said.

"Eh! Is it really not working? Okko narrowed his eyes and said helplessly.

"It's normal that there is no way, you can do this step, Chenyi is really strong!" Thai Railway also muttered.

"Yes, yes!" Kak also said helplessly in his eyes.

"However, it is clear that neither Chenyi nor the ultrasound larvae have given up yet!" Piri said suddenly.

Beside them, Thai Tie, Oko and Kak looked at Piri with some doubts.

On the battle field, Chen Yi's eyes appeared with a brilliance as the ultrasonic larva's burrowing trick hit the bronze bell at the same time, and the digging trick could actually hit this bronze bell!? This is Chenyi's surprise!

The information about the bronze bell is very clear, and naturally he also knows the characteristics of the bronze bell very well.

There are three characteristics of bronze bells, floating and heat resistant, and heavy metals that belong to hidden properties!

Now, since the bronze bell can be hit by the ground-digging trick, it also means that the characteristics of this bronze bell at this time are not floating characteristics that can be immune to ground attribute damage! It doesn't matter if it's heat resistance that can halve fire and burn damage or heavy metals that make you twice your original weight! At this point, Chen Yi had the tactics in his mind! He pinned all his victory and defeat on the last trick he learned when the ultrasound larvae were still big-jawed ants!

"Ultrasonic larvae, ready to fight!" Chen Yi said to the ultrasound larvae in front of him.

"Oh!!" The fighting spirit of the ultrasound larvae is still excited.

"Aren't you going to give up? That being the case, bronze bell, use a cannon light cannon! The elite cadet waved out with one hand and shouted.

The body of the bronze bell slowly rotated with the instructions of this elite trainee, and at the same time, in his bell mouth, the brilliance converged, and the cannon light cannon quickly formed.

"Rush over, ultrasonic larvae!" But at this moment, Chenyi's voice sounded.

As Chenyi's voice fell, the ultrasound larvae roared lowly, and the figure quickly flew towards the bronze bell.

Everyone present was extremely shocked when they saw the trick of the ultrasound larvae, and rushed over like this, wasn't it self-destruction?

"Chenyi, is he thinking about something?" Luo He muttered.

"Come on! Chenyi! On the side, Yueqing clenched her teeth and muttered.

On the battle ground, with a bang, the bronze bell's cannon was finally released, aiming at the ultrasound larvae, and at this moment, the eyes of the audience were following this cannon to look at the ultrasound larvae that seemed to be about to self-extinguish.

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