Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 156

This made Luke on the battle ground below tremble, but he didn't care, before sending the bronze bell and the ice ghost protection, he had this kind of mental preparation, he would become an evil person, and then cut off Chenyi's path to fame!

"Oh, Ice Ghost Protector!" At this time, when everyone felt that the last game of Chenyi and the ultrasound larvae would have no hope, Chenyi was secretly relieved when he saw this ice ghost protector.

Normally, the ice system is indeed four times more restrained ultrasound larvae with both ground and dragon systems, but Chenyi's ultrasound larva is different, in the large jaw ant period he is not afraid of cold, after evolving into an ultrasound larva, he not only retains this ability, but also is more resistant to cold.

In the case that the ultrasound larvae are only fighting with consciousness, the opponent sending the ice ghost protection is what Chenyi wants to see the most, in fact, if the elite trainee sends another Pokémon similar to the bronze bell, the ultrasound larva will be defeated, Chenyi knows very well, not to mention whether the opponent's ultrasound larvae can use the ground crack, even if it is used, the effect is definitely not as good as the first time, after all, the elite trainee and his bronze bell before are not prepared in the slightest.

"Chah~~" The ultrasound larva felt that his whole body was not under his control, but his gaze was still tightly fixed on the ice ghost protection not far away, and the fighting spirit left in his heart was still not extinguished!

"Ice Ghost Protection, Freeze Light!" Luke also did not engage in seven or eight, but directly gave the order to freeze the light.

In his opinion, as long as this frozen light hits, then the ultrasound larva will definitely lose its ability to fight.

"Dragon Breath!" Chenyi shouted.

"Oh!!" The ultrasound larvae roared low, and a dragon breath was also directly released.

The frozen light and the dragon breath collided together, and the frozen light gained an advantage without accident, suppressing the dragon breath and gradually approaching the ultrasonic larvae.

"Good, that's it!" After seeing that his Ice Ghost Protector gradually gained the advantage, Luke also clenched his fists and said.

"Dig a hole!" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed and he shouted.

"Oh!!" At the same time that the ultrasonic larvae withdrew the dragon's breath, its body burrowed under the ground, and then the frozen light protected by the ice ghost fell directly to the ground, as if a carpet of transparent ice crystals was laid on the ground!

The next moment, the figure of the ultrasound larvae appeared behind the ice ghost protector.

"Ice Ghost Protector, use the blizzard behind you!!" Luke had a smile on his lips, as if he had known that the ultrasound larvae would appear behind the ice ghost protector, and directly gave the order.

"Woohoo!!" The ice ghost's protective mouth opened, and the powerful blizzard of the ice system directly hit the ultrasound larvae that appeared behind it at this time, at this moment, everyone in the audience was wide-eyed, and the blizzard hit, this...

"It's over!" Luo He was also shocked and lost his voice.

"Well..." Yueqing's brows also frowned.

In the viewing table, some of the students who had long felt that Chenyi could not go to the end showed a smile as I expected, and those who supported Chenyi looked a little lost at this time, and some of the girls were pale.

"The blizzard hits directly, even an ultrasound larvae in its heyday is enough for you to drink a pot! And even more so ultrasound larvae in this exhausted state now? Chenyi, you lost! Luke said his declaration of victory at this time, he looked at Chenyi, but the smile at the corner of his mouth had not spread, he saw that Chenyi's face did not have that kind of loser look at all.

"This battle is not over yet!" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and he shouted loudly to the ultrasound larvae shrouded in a snowstorm above, "Ultrasound larvae!!!! "

Chen Yi's voice shouted to the end, and even a little hoarse...

"Oh!!" The ultrasound larvae in the blizzard clenched their teeth, and the moment he heard Chenyi's hoarse cry, his body actually rushed towards the ice ghost protection head-on in the blizzard, digging holes and forcibly hitting at the same time, a scarlet light appeared in the eyes of the ultrasound larva at the same time.

At this time, the body of the ultrasound larva seems to have become the sharpest weapon in the world, and after digging a hole to protect the ice ghost and stop the ice ghost protection of the snowstorm, the attack of the ultrasound larva also began.

At the same time as the wings vibrate, in the mouth of the ultrasound larvae, the intense purple light filled with the aura of destruction also emerged.

The strong sound waves that shook the heavens and the earth spread out, and the moment the ice ghost protection swept through, the thick purple beam of destruction was also hit almost zero distance from the front. The first is the burst sound wave, the second is the destruction of the death light, and the two most powerful tricks of the current ultrasound larvae have successively fallen on the body of the ice ghost protector.


The explosion did not have the slightest suspense, and at this time, the ultrasound larvae that used their last strength to release these two unique moves were also directly blown out together with the ice ghost protector.

An explosion occurred in mid-air, and the two figures fell to the ground almost at the same time, kicking up dust and sand.

Everyone did not expect that the ultrasound larvae, which were already at the end of the strong crossbow, could actually burst out this kind of power, looking at the ultrasound larvae and ice ghost protectors that fell from mid-air at the same time, looking at the raised sand, everyone held their breath, and their hearts were extremely nervous.

Luke and Chen Yi both looked at the battle field, many trainees in the viewing table all focused their attention on the battle field, some mentors standing in other places and the old man standing on the high platform also looked at the battle site with a solemn face, this battle, so far, really said that there are no regrets.

If the ultrasonic larva wins, then Chen Yi and the ultrasound larvae will complete the unprecedented feat of the North Courtyard, and even the entire Tianguan Academy, if the ice ghost protection wins, then this feat will also disperse with the wind, even if the ultrasonic larva has achieved so many victories before, but the result is not successful, it is also empty words!

Lo He, Yueqing, Okko, Kake, Thai Railway and Piri sitting in the spectators; Brightness standing at the mouth of a passage somewhere; Those trainees and mentors who do not know Chen Yisu; Those elite trainees who have lost to Chenyi, senior students; There was also Miki, who looked at Chenyi's figure with a complicated face at this time...

"Who the hell won?" There is such a question in everyone's hearts.

And as the smoke slowly disperses, the answer to this question will gradually appear in their eyes.

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