Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 423, Target Kandu

Tucheng Island, the harbor of Dedao Island.

Tucheng Island is a crescent-shaped island. There are urban settlements on the outside of the crescent and on both sides of the edge. There is a large plain in the middle of the island.

After the ship arrived at Dejima on Tucheng Island at night, Ukai did not leave the harbor. After disembarking, he bought a first-class ticket to the Kanto area at the ticket office, which cost him 100,000 alliance coins.

He bought the earliest ship and boarded the ship directly after getting the ticket. The ship would leave overnight and take two or three days to sail. It would stop at the Seven Islands on the way and arrive in the Kanto area on the morning of the third day.

He bought the ticket casually, not knowing whether he was on the Rockets' passenger ship. Anyway, they were open for business, and the Rockets wouldn't take advantage of their own guests, otherwise the reputation of the shipping company would be lost.

Anyway, after he entered the cabin, he saw no trace of Team Rocket. This passenger ship was similar to the passenger ship he had been on before, and there was nothing strange about it.

The first-class rooms are all similar. Don’t worry about how big the room is. After all, in a place like a passenger ship where land is at a premium, it is true that there is a large floor-to-ceiling window, and there is also a balcony for drinking tea and sunbathing. He I'm quite satisfied with this room, but it's a bit expensive.

Lying on the soft big bed, he released the elves to have dinner. After dinner, only the large-billed gull, mosquito-repellent frog, giant claw crab, lightning bird, and orb silk spider were left in the room.

The Orb Silk Spider was responsible for keeping vigil, and the remaining elves were lying on the carpet or sleeping on the quilt. The Giant Claw Crab was guarding the door to prevent anyone from breaking in.

After making these arrangements, he hugged the lightning bird and came to the balcony to look at the slowly moving ship. He hadn't had a good time here yet, so he could only talk about it next time.

There are three big cities in Tucheng Island, and there is one big city in Dejima. The night view he is looking at is the big city in Dejima, and the ship is moving away from this big city.

After blowing the night breeze and watching the night view, and the temperature began to drop, he returned to the room with the Lightning Bird in his arms, closed the floor-to-ceiling windows, and let the Lightning Bird explore the room. He took out a small notebook.

During this period, he spent a lot of money. He spent 1 million to renew the lease of the lakeside wooden house for five months, bought Aman's loach for 100,000, two tickets to Jingan Island and drank some cold drinks for 6,000. The ferry ticket from Citrus Island to Tuocheng Island is 10,000, and the first-class ticket from Tuocheng Island to Kanto is 100,000.

There are also several new moves for the mosquito-repellent frog to learn, five for the mosquito-repellent frog, five for the giant claw crab, four for the flying mantis, six for the big-mouthed gull, two for the small-mouthed snail, and two new moves for the small-mouthed snail. Learned by Flying Mantis and Gengar.

Each new move is priced at 50,000 yuan, and the total cost of learning new moves is 1.1 million. He also advanced 50,000 yuan to Aman in advance, which is 1.05 million.

The total cost during this period was 2,266,000 (more than two million)

The remaining balance from last time is 27,986,000 (more than twenty-seven million)

The current balance remaining is 25,720,000 (more than twenty-five million)

There were still more than 20 million, which was enough to cover the trip to Kanto. Ukai put down his small book and lay on the bed with his head up. He stretched out his hand to gently touch Zapdos, who was tired from playing and jumped onto the bed to sleep soundly.

He knew that the money was not enough, especially if he had to study the evolution of the elf combination to see if it could increase its potential, he would need a lot more money.

He had been idle before. He flipped through a lot of miscellaneous books and the Elf Encyclopedia, and found many elves that had only evolved in combination, all of which were potential research objects.

The reason why he pays attention to these elves is because these elves can achieve breakthroughs in the championship in a tricky way, just like Gengar's evolution and degeneration, they only need to pile up resources.

If he wants to become the champion in a short time, he can only use this trick. This is also inspired by Gengar. The combination of evolved elves can push him to the championship without bottlenecks. The mosquito-repellent frogs can only survive slowly. I don’t know how long it will take.

These elves are: Slowpoke with water type and super power type, three gophers with ground type, three-in-one magnet monster with electric type and steel type, double bomb gas with poison type, giant winged flying fish with water type and flying type... …

Ice-type Double Dodo Ice, steel-type Gear Monster, steel-type plus super-power Metagross, ground-type plus steel-type Alola Three Gophers...

These elves are all elves that evolved in combination. Let’s not talk about the elves in the front, but he feels that the elves in the back are impossible.

After all, an iron dumbbell can be sold for hundreds of millions. He is not a big man, and his family is in mining. He is so inhumane that he uses four shining iron dumbbells to combine into a shining Metagross.

There were other Double Dodo Ice, Gear Monsters, and Alola Three Gophers. These elves were difficult to encounter here, so he didn't consider them.

The only elves he can consider are the elves in front of them, which are basically common elves. He has seen in miscellaneous books that the three gophers may have evolved from the fusion of three gophers. After all, there are people in the animation who give the three gophers The three heads are named.

If the three hamsters can evolve together, then the combination is evolution, and the separation is degradation, which fully meets the requirements of evolution, degradation and improvement potential.

Moreover, gophers are also easy to tame. They are very common elves in the Kanto region. There are many wild gophers near Mount Tsukimi in the Kanto region.

He was able to screen out three hamsters with the potential to be quasi-kings, and then let the three hamsters evolve together. When the three hamsters with the potential to be quasi-kings were combined, he couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying elves could evolve. In short, it was very impressive. .

There are also three-in-one magnet monsters that can be cultivated using the same method. They are three elves that evolve together. The three-in-one magnet monster is not like the three gophers. The three-in-one magnet monster has been confirmed by the alliance and is a visible research result. , indicating that the combined evolution of three little magnet monsters is feasible.

In addition to the verified Slowpoke and the Giant-winged Flying Fish, one bites its tail and will degenerate when released, while the other is attached to the body and evolves, and will degenerate if the adsorption is cancelled, which shows that it is feasible.

There is also Double Bomb Gas. This elf is composed of two gas bombs. There is a connecting point in the middle that connects the two gas bombs, one large and one small. As long as they are disconnected and connected, the evolution and degradation can be completed, so Double Bomb Gas It is also feasible.

Double-bomb gas sometimes has a very rare mutation, with two twin small gas bombs connected together. In extremely rare cases, triplets of double-bomb gas may be found.

In other words, the double bomb gas can be connected or disconnected. As long as it can be degenerated and evolved, the method of evolving and increasing potential should be applicable.

If evolution and degeneration apply to all five elves, he will need to tame three gophers, three little magnets, one big-tongued clam, two double-bomb gas bombs, one small ball flying fish, and one iron cannon fish, in total The eleven elves all have to be elves with the potential to be kings.

This is only the first step. To raise these five elves to championship potential, it is conservatively estimated that each one will be at least 300 million, and five elves will be 1.5 billion.

1.5 billion is already a conservative estimate, and these five elves do not need to reach the limit of the panel, they only need to reach the championship.

If every one of them were like Gengar, his wallet wouldn't be able to be damaged. He would have to rob at least five storms and ransack the underground black market five times...

Do you think this is human speech?

He was so frightened to fight against the storm once, but he had to fight five times. Did he think his life was too long? Just tell him if he wanted to die!

Therefore, we can only take a long-term view and find ways to make money slowly and research slowly. If we can find sunken treasures or rob a poaching group that likes to save money, the money will come.

In short, the matter of provoking trainers like Baofeng cannot happen again. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it will be easily associated with him.

However, his top priority now is to conquer these elves, the second step is to make money, and the third step is to study the combined evolution of the elves.

It's still early to study the evolution of the elf combination. He doesn't have a single elf now, so his research is useless.

This time he happened to be heading to the Kanto area to see if he could collect all the elves. He would study these elves after attending the Quartz Conference.

After writing down in the notebook the five elves that could only be combined and evolved by Slowpoke, and the money it would cost, he put down the small notebook and put the matter aside, planning to study it later.

He had been running around everywhere today and had been busy all day. It was time for him to take a good rest. He stared blankly at the ceiling, slowly closed his eyes, turned over on the soft big bed, hugged the lightning bird, and fell asleep...

At the same time, at Luoyan's villa on Jingan Island, Luoyan took Aman to familiarize himself with the club environment today. Aman's big-mouthed gull was recognized by the club owner, and Aman can be a junior sparring partner in the club first.

The club can also get Aman's status as a new trainer and officially become a certified trainer of the league, but the price is that he needs to sign a five-year long-term contract.

After thinking deeply, Aman signed the contract and officially became an employee of the club. Luoyan, Dashi, and Axiang all signed the contract, but they used fake identities and fake looks.

After all, these three people have all been involved in gangs and are also trainers in the gray area. It is not easy to disguise their identities. Luo Yan also reminded Aman about this, but he refused.

In the end, Luo Yan said nothing. Anyway, they just used the club to hide their identities. This was not their source of income. After a few years of working to regain their strength and the revenge plan began, they would leave the club.

After returning to the villa after get off work, Luo Yan arranged a room in the villa for Aman and asked him to take a bath and rest. He had other things to do here.

Axiang came to find him. They were going to do dark work. Dashi was still training his baby elf, so he did not go with Luoyan. It was impossible for Dashi to do dark work until the elf grew up.

In fact, the so-called black jobs, that is, the bounty missions in the underground black market, are nothing more than killing jobs. If you can't accept the bounty missions in the Elf Center, why can't you accept the missions in the underground world?

During this time, they often accepted bounty tasks from the Elf Center and went to the underground world to complete tasks. Axiang would go to the Elf Center to collect the bounty, and then the two would divide it according to their work.

However, before taking up the task, the two of them still need to deal with the black goods from last time. Last time, there was a batch of black goods that was more difficult to deal with. It was not convenient to deal with them here and could easily be seen by others, so they could only be sent elsewhere for processing.

After renting a private elf teleporter, Luo Yan dialed the number of the old drunkard on Haza Island. He and the old drunkard there had known each other since the last time he helped Yuhai teleport elf.

It is still the boss's shipping channel. Since the boss trusts the other party, then the other party should be a trustworthy shipping channel. They will negotiate the price first before sending the elves.

The old man never relied on his elf. Every time, he paid with one hand and delivered the goods with the other. They had cooperated many times. As the video call was connected, he shouted to the old drunkard in the video: "Old drunkard." , a batch of goods will be shipped this time, do you want it? The shipment price is 12 million..."

"It's you, I want to inspect the goods." When the old drunkard saw Luo Yan's face, he immediately recognized Luo Yan and expressed that he wanted to inspect the goods.

"Okay," Luo Yan nodded lightly and teleported the elf there. If the old drunkard is not satisfied with the price, he can still teleport it back.

"The quality of this batch of goods is good," said the old drunkard. After receiving the goods, he had already classified them into categories. Some can be shipped to breeding houses for breeding, some can be shipped to the underground black market, and some will be collected by big hotels in the city... …

"How?" Luo Yan asked about the price.

"Okay, twelve million is still a bit of a profit," the old drunkard smiled and accepted the goods.

"Old drunkard, you are just a middleman, we are the ones working hard," Luo Yan was speechless. This old guy always got the advantage and behaved well.

"Hahaha," the old drunkard smiled awkwardly. He was indeed just running errands. In fact, it was not even running errands. These matters would be handled by the people below. He only had to collect the money.

"By the way, do you have any news about that kid? My grandson misses him very much. Where has he been hanging out recently?"

After Luo Yan reached a deal with the old drunkard, he was about to hang up the phone and leave. Suddenly he heard the old drunkard talking nonsense again, so he didn't bother to talk to the old drunkard, "Why don't you ask the boss yourself?"

"I haven't contacted him for a long time. I want to have a drink with him." The old drunkard always asked about Yuhai's whereabouts every time he made a transaction, but Luoyan didn't tell him every time. He was used to it.

"Old drunkard, what is the relationship between your grandson and the boss?" Luo Yan was also curious as to why the old drunkard mentioned his grandson every time. Could it be that the old drunkard's grandson had any relationship with the boss.

"Well, it's okay to tell you. My grandson is that boy's student. Speaking of which, I have some relationship with that boy. That boy is an orphan I adopted. When he sees me, he has to call me grandpa!"

Bah, this shameless old immortal, if Yu Hai were here, he would definitely sneer at this old guy. He actually dares to call himself Grandpa Yu Hai. He really dares to put money on his face. He wants to take advantage of such a small advantage.

Yuhai is just a name in the old drunkard's household registration book. When did he become the grandson of the old drunkard? This old guy is a shameless old thing.

"Grandpa?" Luo Yan thought for a while and felt that the two people's attitude in speaking was not that close at all. Considering that they were adopted, he was not sure whether this was true or not.

However, since there is such a relationship, there is no need to be wary of the other party's matters regarding the boss. After all, the boss did not even hide it from them, which means it is not an important matter.

"Old drunkard, the boss has gone to Guandu, and I don't know when he will come back..."

"Kanto?" The old drunkard thought for a while, but he really didn't expect what Ukai was going to Kanto for: "What was he going to Kanto for?"

"The boss didn't say anything," Luo Yan shook his head, saying that he didn't know either. There was only so much he could say.

"Forget it, just hang up if you have nothing to do," the old drunkard asked Yuhai, just out of curiosity. Now that he knew where Yuhai had gone, there was no need to continue asking.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yan and A Xiang went to the black market, while the old drunkard turned to look at his grandson.

"Xiaoying, you heard it all. That guy went to Kandu. If you want his phone number, I can give you his phone number." The old drunkard often inquired about Yuhai's affairs. In fact, he was helping Xiaoying to inquire. .

"Kanto? What is Brother Hai doing in Kanto?" Xiaoying and Yuhai haven't seen each other for more than two months since they said goodbye to each other on Orange Island. Xiaoying has grown a lot taller, and her childish face has matured a lot. , the strength is even catching up with Yu Hai, mosquito-repellent frog and Dou Li Mushroom have both entered the senior level.

"I don't know, maybe it's that one!" The old drunkard looked at the TV. There was a broadcast event from another region on the TV.

"Quartz Conference?" Xiaoying thought for a moment and immediately thought of the Quartz Conference, the only large-scale event in the Kanto region.

Counting the time, this Quartz Conference is about to begin. Maybe Brother Hai really went to the Quartz Conference, but he doesn't know how strong Brother Hai is.

"Grandpa, I want to go to Kanto," Xiaoying clenched his fist. In the past two months, he has not dared to relax at all. He has been training elves day and night, cultivating the bond between trainers and elves, and constantly deepening the tacit understanding between trainers and elves. .

Constantly hone your cooperation with the elves, constantly challenge powerful enemies, hone your command skills, formulate tactics for the elves, and enrich your combat experience with the elves, just to compete with Yukai on the same stage.

Now this day has finally come...

"Go ahead, Guandu is Team Rocket's territory and the headquarters of Team Rocket. If you encounter Team Rocket, run away if you can, save your life first, you know?" The old drunkard knew that he couldn't persuade his grandson, so he could only nod in agreement. My grandson's thoughts.

The little grandson is now much stronger than he was back then. Although the trainer certification does not have the senior level, he already has the strength of the senior level. It is enough to protect himself when traveling alone in the wild.

As long as she doesn't run into any trouble or a strong trainer, Xiaoying can basically guarantee her own safety.

In order for his grandson to travel, he took out a box from under the sofa cushion and pushed it towards his grandson.

"Xiaoying, you have almost accumulated the mosquito-repellent frog. This time, go to Kandu and find a suitable opportunity to evolve the mosquito-repellent frog..."

"Grandpa," Xiaoying had already guessed what was in the box. He opened the box gently and saw a crystal clear aqua stone quietly placed in the box. He immediately blurted out: "The stone of water..."

"Yes, it is a high-grade water stone. It was left to you by your father." The old drunkard smashed his old pipe twice and stopped looking at this evolutionary stone that had been preserved for more than ten years. Today he finally said goodbye. .

What his son failed to accomplish...what he has never set foot on...will be achieved by his grandson...

"Father?" Xiaoying looked at the water stone and looked up to see her grandfather who was a little older. She nodded heavily and closed the box again, "Grandpa, I'm going to prepare. I want to leave as soon as possible..."

"Go ahead, I will help you prepare a ferry ticket for you to go north from Hasa Island, pass by Naipulu Island, and go directly to Tucheng Island. You can then buy a ferry ticket from Tuocheng Island to Kanto. The next step is It’s up to you.”

"Be careful in everything you say and do, and don't over-express yourself. You made a big splash on Haza Island, but you can't do it outside. You will be targeted by the Rockets, so don't expose yourself. Remember to be careful... "

"I know what to do," Xiaoying nodded and went to pack his things. After saying goodbye to his grandfather, he had to go to the orphanage to say goodbye. It might take several months before he could come back.

When he came to the street, he looked up at the shining stars in the night sky and remembered the separation from Brother Hai. The day he boarded the ship seemed like yesterday, but in fact more than two months had passed.

He is no longer the king of children in the orphanage. He has seen so much with Yuhai and learned so much. He has also been training elves for two months alone, and from time to time he even goes to the black market.

He was already familiar with certain people's intrigues, insidiousness, betrayal, and capriciousness. His grandfather also had many tricks, and his experience and ruthless methods... taught him a lot.

No wonder Brother Hai calls his grandfather Old Fox. He has seen what it means to be an Old Fox in the past two months.

He had been mercilessly shot through, but he had already been reborn and would no longer be confused because of those bullshit things.

He will use his fists to prove that he is right about certain things, and he can only be right. Hard fists are the truth.

When you are so powerful that you are suffocating, everyone will be gentle to you, and everyone around you becomes a good person...

Whoever refuses to accept will be beaten until he does. This is what he did during this period...

Now, he is only looking forward to the future, the day when he meets Brother Hai...

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