The second day after heading to the Kanto region, it was sunny.

The weather was pretty good today. Yuhai sat on the side of the boat and watched the sea. He occasionally read a book. He felt quite bored.

It’s not that there are no battle arenas or competition programs on the ship. There are even fitness training rooms on the ship, and trainers can rent them to train elves.

But he was afraid that the ship was Team Rocket's passenger ship, so he didn't dare to fight the elves, nor did he dare to rent the training room on the ship to train the elves.

These private training rooms secretly collect trainer Elf data, just like the big hotels in previous lives. Each room must have at least seventeen or eight pinhole cameras, and there are eyes everywhere.

Getting bored of looking at the sea, he put away his books, drank the cold drink, returned to the room, and turned on the air conditioner. It was still much cooler here. Even if there was a parasol outside, it was still too hot.

After he came back and lay down, he fell into sleep again. He couldn't exercise in the past few days. He let the elves practice in the dream and train combat skills, all in Darkrai's nightmare world.

The nightmare world is a very magical place. In addition to clearly simulating the senses, I can also clearly recognize that I am dreaming, but when I wake up in the morning, I feel tired and mentally exhausted.

After all, the body is asleep, but the brain is not sleeping. It is very awake. When I wake up, I feel very weak.

Ahem, don’t get me wrong, the kind of emptiness he’s talking about is not that kind of emptiness, it’s that the spirit has been hollowed out.

However, as long as you don't do anything in the dreamland, you won't be so tired the next day if you lie down well.

Now Darkrai is trying to control his nightmares. He doesn't know if it's because his level has increased, his mental power has increased, or his proficiency in dream eating has increased.

By letting Darkrai control the unconsciously leaking nightmare aura, he can also restrain the nightmare characteristics within a small range.

As long as Darkrai's mood is more stable, the scope of influence of Darkrai's nightmare will be smaller, and it may even only affect him and the elves. This can also be regarded as a disguised solution to Darkrai's anxiety problem.

As long as Darkrai's emotions, level, mental power, and proficiency are steadily improving, I believe it won't be long before Darkrai can fully control the characteristics of nightmares and freely control them.

In addition to these, he also found that the nightmare world has many uses. In addition to the previously thought of honing combat skills and adapting to his own evolution in advance, he can also command elves to fight here and cultivate a tacit understanding between trainers and elves.

He also discovered that the nightmare world can draw others in, that is, it can connect to other people's dreams and draw other people's consciousness to have conversations, which is equivalent to an infinite holographic projection.

It's hard to say how far it is, it depends on Darkrai's strength. The wider the range that Darkrai's nightmare can cover, the further the distance of the nightmare call will be.

The most important foundation for maintaining the existence of this nightmare world is Darkrai, followed by the sleeping elves, who can expand Darkrai's nightmare world.

If there is only Darkrai, the scope of the nightmare world will be limited. The more sleeping people and elves there are, and the more people and elves who join, the larger the nightmare world will be.

After all, it is a mysterious thing like consciousness, and he still has a little understanding of it. However, the elven world has a soul, and ghost elves are in a state of soul.

Souls also appeared in animations in previous lives. He remembered that there was an elf cemetery tower in Ziyuan Town. He didn't know why Master Zhi went to this tower. After Master Zhi fainted, Master Zhi's soul was pulled by a ghost stone. When it came out, there was Pikachu's soul.

This is not shocking, after all, it is a cartoon, anything can happen.

For example, if Mr. Zhi is here, the decision will be made by you. In this movie version, even if you are blasted to pieces by the elves, you can also be resurrected by the Phoenix King.

It shows that Feng Wang is still very impressive. Even Zhi Ye who turned to ashes can be resurrected. He is truly the biological son of the production team. Not only is he immortal by electricity and fire, but he also has nine lives...

Why do you say Jiu Tiao?

Hey, it's not the first time that Master Zhi has tried to commit suicide, and it's not the first time that he has died. It's just that he has been resurrected every time, but he just can't die.

Divine beasts are quite magical and have all kinds of strange abilities. If even the Phoenix King can resurrect a person at will, can the power of the Creator God Arceus be able to restart the world?

Ha, that's a bit far to think about. He is too far away from those first-level gods. If the secondary gods can still see it, then only recognized trainers can see the first-level gods.

He is not that kind of person. Even if it is a silver feather, it is just a hair. Moreover, the silver feather should be given to a few mosquito-repellent frogs, not him, so don't put gold on your face.

After retracting his divergent thoughts, he spent the next few days at sea, spending all his free time with the marsh jumping fish, watching the mosquito-repellent frog teach the marsh jumping fish to train to climb the waterfall.

After Flying Mantis lost his partner, he could only find other elves to sparring with, but everyone knew that Flying Mantis was a fighting maniac and didn't want to fight with it at all.

This pitiful Gyarados, Flying Mantis approached Gyarados and expressed that he wanted to spar with Gyarados.

At first, Gyarados used its nostrils to roar at the Flying Mantis because of its size, and then was taught to be a fish by the Flying Mantis.

The flying mantis is faster than the mosquito-repellent frog. If Gyarados wants to defeat the flying mantis, it's better to save it.

The tortured Gyarados was about to cry without tears, so he came to Ukai to complain, but Ukai didn't want to talk to Gyarados. After thinking about it later, this could be regarded as Gyarados's weakness.

It is true that Gyarados is very powerful, after all, its tonnage and combat power, but if Gyarados cannot hit the enemy, its brute strength is useless.

He looked at Gyarados's move panel and realized that Gyarados didn't have a move that limited the enemy's speed. It seemed like he had to learn one.

In fact, Gyarados already has one, which is Stomp, but it is not as useful as Rock Blockade, and Gyarados cannot learn Rock Blockade.

In addition to heavy stomp, there is also a scary face, freezing wind. These are all moves that can be learned, but they are all moves that reduce the enemy's speed, not speed-limiting moves.

However, since there is no way to limit the opponent's speed and can only reduce the opponent's speed, the same is true for accelerating oneself.

Then, he asked Gyarados to learn the scary face move. Gyarados quickly mastered this move. After all, the essence of this move is to scare children. As long as the opponent is afraid and is scared by Gyarados, it will be reduced by two levels. speed.

It's hard not to scare children into tears with just Gyarados' big and terrifying face. After Gyarados mastered this move, he incorporated it into its intimidating characteristics.

Combining the scary face with the intimidation feature, as long as the enemy is frightened by the appearance of Gyarados, the attack will be reduced by one level, the speed will be reduced by two levels, and coupled with the glare, the defense will be reduced by another level.

Good guy, he never thought of this before. He never thought that an intimidation trait could be used like this.

After realizing this, he asked Gyarados to learn to stare, and the giant claw crab quickly learned to stare.

After letting Gyarados use these moves in combination, he also used Swampert, Lightning Bird, Small Mouth Snail, and Variety Monster to try out Gyarados's new intimidating effect.

The moment he discovered that Gyarados had just been released and roared, it scared several of the Swamperts to tears, let alone running away. The little guys were so frightened that they couldn't even move.

That said, a combination of scary faces, and glares, and intimidating traits is possible.

As soon as Gyarados appears, the opponent loses one level of attack, one level of defense, and two levels of speed.

After defeating the enemy, Gyarados can also add one level of attack. With one Dragon Dance, it can add one level of attack and one level of speed.

As long as Gyarados is strengthened once with Dragon Dance, the opponent will have nothing to play with. It will be a headwind game at the beginning. Unless the opponent changes elves, there is no way to break the game.

But once the opponent changes the elf, the home field advantage will belong to him, and he will have the home field advantage.

If everyone has three chances to change their elves, whoever changes their elves first will be able to finish the game. In the end, no one will change, and the other party will still have to face Gyarados.

When there is a limit to the number of times that Pokémon can be exchanged, whoever changes Pokémon first will be at a disadvantage. From then on, the initiative will be gone, unless they can make a comeback and overturn the opponent's home field advantage.

It couldn't be better for him to use Gyarados as the starting elf. No matter what elf the opponent uses, he will throw out Gyarados at the beginning. The opponent can win the game first without changing. If the opponent switches elf, he can also get the home field advantage. .

Unless the opponent can defeat Gyarados against the wind, he will have an absolute advantage in starting Gyarados.

With Gyarados, he finally has a pretty good starting elf. He wanted to use the Gyarados before, but if the rain comes down and the opponent's starting elf is an electric type, it won't be an advantage. For Mosquito-Incense Frog Call it a disadvantage.

Compared with the speed bonus of the leisurely swimming characteristic in rainy days, the sure hit in rainy days is the most fatal. Once misjudged, not only the starting advantage will be lost, but also the mosquito-repellent frog will be gone.

For Gyarados, it doesn't matter even if the opponent sends an electric elf on the field. After all, it's his own routine. How can he know what his opponent is thinking?

At that time, when others thought he would use Gyarados so that he could use the electric elf to restrain him, he could replace Hanhan and predict the opponent's prediction, but he still had the advantage.

Hehe, this is called a soldier who never tires of deceit. It seems that he is on the first floor, but in fact he is on the second and third floors. When the enemy thought he would use Hanhan, he used Gyarados again.

Hahaha, just thinking about it makes me feel so dirty, he is not clean anymore!

At least with this starting tactic, the trainer who meets him for the first time will definitely be unprepared. He can directly use Gyarados, then do the opposite the second time he meets him, and do the opposite the third time he meets him, hahaha... …

Ukai seemed to have discovered something funny. He sat on the sofa and laughed endlessly. Everyone was confused and didn't understand what Ukai was laughing at. What was so funny? Even Darkrai quietly appeared and he was confused. Didn't notice.

"I found something interesting, do you want to come over and take a look," Darkrai saw Ukai smiling, and only reminded Ukai after he had laughed enough.

"What's so interesting? Is it more interesting than my dirty tricks?" Ukai looked at Darkrai with tears in the corners of his eyes. He really laughed until his stomach hurt because it was so dirty.

Although there are some dirty tricks like poison guarding, flying nails, stepping on shadows to destroy songs, shrinking auspicious eggs, mischievous heart and other dirty tricks, he can't use them, even if he can barely use them, Gengar can't show up at all. It's really... can it be repaired?

"I don't know how to describe it, you'll know it when you see it," Darkrai opened a door and wanted Ukai to come with him to take a look.

"Let's go," Yukai put aside his research on dirty routines and let the elves train. He wanted to go over with Darkrai to take a look.

After all, he is in a dream, there is nothing to be afraid of, and the brain has a protective mechanism. If he dies in a dream, he will wake up from the dream.

He and Darkrai walked through a door and came to a city. There was no one in the empty city.

"Whose spiritual world is this? This is too big," Yuhai opened the door and came to the street. When he saw this empty city, he found that there was not only a city, but also the sky and the sun, as well as the wind and fallen leaves. There's just no one...

"Where is this place? Darkrai, is there such a place as nightmare?"

"I don't know. This is not a nightmare world. It is a very powerful spiritual force that created this place. This spiritual force is so powerful that even nightmares cannot invade it. I just sensed it," Darkrai shook his head to express his ignorance. It can only express its feelings.

It discovered this place accidentally. After the ship sailed to a certain sea area, it sensed strong energy fluctuations here, so it came to take a look. Unexpectedly, it discovered this world.

"Brother, who are you?"

"Who?" Yuhai suddenly heard a voice that did not belong to Darkrai, but a little girl's voice. He quickly turned around and backed away, reaching for his waist.

Only then did he realize that he didn't bring the elf ball with him at all, and this was not the real world. It was because it was too real, making him mistakenly think it was the real world.

When he turned around, he saw that the person calling him was a little girl with blue hair wearing a white dress. The little girl was accompanied by Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and other three royal families, as well as... Mewtwo.

"Gudong, super super super..." Yuhai swallowed, and after talking for a long time, he still couldn't say the word Chaomeng. He remembered that the ship was passing by the new island, in the waters near the new island.

Darkrai may have sensed Mewtwo's mental fluctuations. After all, it is a man-made beast that can rival Mew. Although it is still soaking in a jar, Mewtwo's superpowers cannot be underestimated.

After Chaomeng was sensed by Darkrai, Darkrai opened a door from their dream and took him to the dreamland of Xiao Ai and Chaomeng. This can also be understood as Darkrai's invasion. other people’s spiritual world.

No wonder there is no one here. It turns out to be the spiritual world of Xiao Ai and Chaomeng. How come he broke in in a daze.

"I'm sorry, big brother came in accidentally. I didn't scare you, little sister." Yuhai was like a thief who broke into the little girl's spiritual world and was caught by the little girl. He could only smile awkwardly. to cover up the embarrassment.

This little girl in a white dress should be the consciousness of Dr. Fuji's daughter at the Niijima Mewtwo Research Institute. The real little love has died.

However, Xiao Ai's consciousness was preserved by Dr. Fuji and presented in the form of electricity. This little love consciousness possesses all the memories of little love, can think, cry, and have feelings. It is regarded as the soul body of little love, just like a ghost elf.

It has to be said that scientists are all madmen and will do anything for their daughter.

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