Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 422, Teleporting Elf

"Hao Er, Hao Er," Xiao Shun quickly found Hao Er at the bow of the ship. Hao Er was with his own bodyguard.

"What's the matter, Xiaoshun?" Koji was teasing Pikachu. It was also his idea to go to Sweet Orange Island to evolve Magikarp this time.

In short, he was tired of staying at home and wanted to go out to relax. He had no objection to the bodyguards arranged by his mother, as long as they did not interfere with his actions.

"Hao Er," Xiao Shun was about to say something about Yu Hai, but suddenly glanced at the bodyguards beside Hao Er. The matter about Yu Hai was a secret between them and could not be known to outsiders.

"Stay away and come back when we finish talking," Hao Er saw that Xiao Shun was about to speak but hesitated. He quickly waved to the bodyguard and told him to take ten steps back, as long as he couldn't hear what they were saying.

After the bodyguards retreated, Xiao Shun told Hao Er about Yu Hai, "Hao Er, there is news about Brother Hai. Brother Hai went to the Kanto area..."

"Kanto area? What is he doing in Kanto area?" Koji thought for a while, but he really couldn't figure out what Ukai was doing in Kanto area.

"I don't know. After we evolve Magikarp, I'm going to the Kanto area. Maybe I can meet Brother Hai," Xiao Shun is now an elite trainer, and all the elves in his hands have reached the elite level, Gyarados He is about to enter the senior level.

He feels that he is now capable of protecting his own safety, and he wants to travel.

"Kanto, Kanto," Koji didn't care about Xiaoshun's departure, but kept thinking about Kanto and what there was in the Kanto area that was worthy of Ukai's trip to Kanto.

"By the way, the Quartz Conference," Koji suddenly thought of the Quartz Conference. He picked up the elf magazine on the table and turned to the start date of the Quartz Conference. He saw that the Quartz Conference would start in the next few months.

"What Quartz Conference?" Xiao Shun did not continue to talk about leaving, but became interested in the Quartz Conference that Hao Er said.

"Silly, Brother Hai may have gone to attend the Quartz Convention in the Kanto region," Koji showed Xiao Shun the start date of the Quartz Convention in the magazine. That was last year's start date. Sometimes regional competitions are held twice a year. , after all, it can boost the economy of the entire region.

If the alliance didn't allow it, every region would want to hold competitions every day to attract trainers from all over the world to come and spend money here.

"Quartz Conference? How is it possible that Brother Hai is so strong and still goes to the Quartz Conference?" Xiao Shun looked at the photos of the Quartz Conference in the magazine, which were the award-winning photos of the last Quartz Conference.

"How is it impossible? If you think about it carefully, you will know that Brother Hai is not that strong, but he still has the strength of the Quasi-King of Heaven. It is not surprising at all to participate in the Quartz Conference. Haven't you noticed that Brother Hai is not that old either? Just a few years older than us..."

"Then should we go?" Xiao Shun agreed with Hao Er's analysis. He often thought the same way, but Yu Hai was not only capable on the surface, but also more than just a few mosquito-repellent frog elves.

Ukai also had some invisible elves. Koji didn't know about it. He just vaguely guessed that those elves should be Ukai's real trump card. He never told anyone, he just knew it in his heart.

"Of course we have to go, otherwise why would we train so hard?" Haoji stuck out his tongue. For more than a month at home, his grandfather had been forcing him to exercise his superpowers every day. Now that he had finally escaped, he didn't want to go back.

"Okay, after you evolve Gyarados, we will set off for the Kanto region," Xiaoshun was already looking forward to where he would meet Ukai, whether he would meet him at the Quartz Conference, and whether he could become Big Brother Ukai. opponent.

However, even if he could meet Brother Hai, he probably wouldn't be able to beat him. Brother Hai was so strong before, but I don't know how strong he is now. Brother Hai should be able to win the Quartz Conference championship!

"Okay, I have dragon scales. I can complete the evolution of Magikarp today, and then go directly to Orange Island to take a boat to the Kanto area." Koji also thought about it. Even if he couldn't win the championship, he still wanted to go outside. Just having fun, I don’t want to continue to be bored at home and exercise my superpowers.

Before leaving, grandpa gave him a quasi-king of dragon scales. The palm-sized blue scale, grandpa said, was a scale shed from the family's patron saint. Grandpa didn't say what the patron saint was. Elves were always mysterious and aroused his curiosity.

Then the two discussed the itinerary. After the matter of going to Guandu was settled, Xiao Shun glanced at Hao Er's bodyguard and chatted with Hao Er about other issues.

The bodyguard would go with them to Kanto, which was an extra layer of security. They would also have a bodyguard to protect them from bad guys. He heard that the bodyguard was also a quasi-king trainer.

"President, did you hear everything? Master Koji is going to the Kanto area to attend the Quartz Conference." The bodyguard was the young man who went to Tiangan Island to investigate Ukai.

He heard all the conversations between Hao Er and Xiao Shun. He also connected the monitoring earphones to his mobile phone, and Liuli, who was far away on Liugan Island, also heard it.

"Forget it, if they want to go, you should protect them. I will send two more people to you. They will wait for you on Orange Island. You can protect them openly and covertly. Guandu is the base camp of Team Rocket. Don't mess with it in the past. Team Rocket..."

"Understood, President, that trainer named Ah Hai? Do you want..." After the young man responded, he thought of the Ah Hai mentioned by Koji and asked Liuli how to deal with it.

"Just pay attention, don't contact, and don't cause trouble. As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to contact Haoji, don't worry about it." The owner of Liuli Hall thought very clearly that no matter what the other party does, she will do it until the other party reveals his purpose. Maintaining the status quo.

"Yes, President," the young man responded, hung up the phone, and continued to monitor Xiao Shun and Hao Er. This was a secret mission given to him by Liuli.

Once Hao Er behaves dangerously, he will immediately stop Hao Er's impulsive behavior. If he only attends the regional conference, he will not interfere with Hao Er's actions. His task is only to protect and monitor, and will not interfere with Hao Er's decisions.

Citrus Island, Elf Center...

More than an hour later, Ukai arrived at Citrus Island and went to the Elf Center immediately.

He didn't know that Xiao Shun would call after he left. Koji also wanted to use Magikarp Waterfall to train Magikarp, and he was probably at Sweet Orange Island now.

After entering the Elf Center, he took out his Elf Illustrated Book and gave Gyarados and Mosquito Frog to Miss Joy for free treatment.

This is the benefit of being an alliance certified trainer and a holder of the Elf Book. The Elf Book is a symbol of the trainer's identity.

It has appeared many times in the animation. When Master Zhi was suspected by Junsha, he took out his Elf Guide to prove his identity as an alliance trainer. Junsha immediately apologized and no longer doubted Master Zhi.

These are the invisible identity benefits of trainers. The obvious benefits of trainers are not only free treatment, but also free food and accommodation, free video calls, free teleportation of elves, etc...

It can be said that the alliance directly provides full benefits to its trainers. Only these basic benefits distinguish them from those trainers who are not certified.

Before he became an alliance trainer, how much money he spent at the Elf Center was at least several hundred thousand. This was only a few months, not even a million a year.

If you can become an alliance certified trainer, you can enjoy these for free, and the money saved can also be used to cultivate elves.

It is indeed not difficult to be certified as a new member of the alliance. The difficulty is that he is an orphan. He does not have certain things when he is born, and it will be difficult for him to have them again in the future.

In fact, as long as you have 200,000 yuan at home, you can complete the first five certification requirements for a new trainer. For the last guarantor, you can just spend money to hire someone. Older trainers are basically senior trainers.

But he was an orphan, and his request for money was very simple. The difficulty was that he had no family, so he was rejected.

The hard work of three generations of the old drunkard's family has brought about the current Xiaoying. He cannot become a new trainer in the alliance and is stuck.

There is no way to fight for his father, and there is no grandfather to fight for. Who said he doesn't even have a grandfather!

Toot toot—

As the video call connected, he saw the maid from Xia Gan Gym, and his thoughts that were scattered everywhere were brought back.

"Is this Trainer Ahai?" After the maid connected the video call, she saw Ukai.

"Please help me inform Ada," Yuhai has seen the maid in the gym. She is the nanny of the Ada siblings. She specializes in cleaning, feeding the elves, washing clothes and other tasks. She is similar to the eldest sister in the back kitchen. They are all in the Xia Gan Gym. long-term workers.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will inform Master Ada right away," the maid asked Yuhai to wait, then turned and left. Not long after, Ada appeared in the camera on a stool.

"Brother Hai, where are you? Do you have anything to do with me?" Ada saw Yu Hai and waved her little hands excitedly. They had not seen each other for only two days.

"Ada, I just passed by Tangerine Island and am at the Elf Center of Orange Island. I caught a pretty good Elf on Orange Island. Do you want it? If you want, I will teleport it to you..."

"Brother Hai, what kind of elf is it?" Ada was so excited when he heard that there was an elf. He didn't expect that Yuhai would catch elf for him when he went out. This surprise came as a surprise.

"It's a Magikarp," Ukai answered truthfully, not hiding anything from Ada. After all, he is the eldest master of the gym, and the future gym leader should look down on Magikarp.

"It turns out to be Magikarp," Ada's face twitched when he heard Magikarp. He thought it was some rare elf!

"Haha, if you don't want it, just put it in your pool," Yuhai smiled, knowing it would be like this, and he didn't force it, Ada could choose whatever he wanted.

"Brother Hai, has your Magikarp evolved?" Ada's frustration lasted only a moment. He suddenly remembered the geographical knowledge he had read in the book. Combined with the Magikarp Falls on Sweet Orange Island, he could probably guess Ukai's past. the goal of.

"I just evolved today. I will use Gyarados to participate in the competition," Ukai's Gyarados was still being healed and was badly beaten by the mosquito-repellent frog. He didn't know if Ada could suppress the Gyarados.

"So that's it, I understand, please teleport here," Ada knew that in addition to being a very powerful trainer, Ukai was also a very powerful breeder. He would look at the development of the elves, and maybe that Magikarp King had a good talent. !

In addition, Ukai also wants to compete with Gyarados. He can first see how Gyarados performs before deciding whether to conquer Magikarp. Anyway, he keeps them in his own pond, and there is also a stupid fish in the pond!

"Okay," Ukai nodded lightly and placed Magikarp's Poké Ball on the teleportation machine. After pressing the switch, the Poké Ball flashed twice and disappeared out of thin air.

Then, he saw Ada holding an ordinary Poké Ball on the screen and shouted to him: "Brother Hai, I received the Magikarp..."

"If you have nothing to do, just hang up. You have to work hard to train the elves in the gym. If you still can't beat Magikarp when I come back..."

"Brother Hai, your Magikarp and Tench are so powerful. They hit the moving target with perfect accuracy every time. My Squirtle has been trained so far, but he can barely do it. How did you train?"

"Haha, you will know if you ask Carp King," Ukai smiled awkwardly. He was not angry at being interrupted, but Ada's frustrated expression was funny.

There is no answer to this question. Elves with good talents will basically know it after watching them a few times, not to mention the Carp King and the Weak Tench. These two silly fish have the talents of quasi-kings, and their talents are not weak at all.

"Ha, ha, it's okay if Carp King doesn't spit out water, so let's forget it," Ada scratched his head in embarrassment, looked around for a moment, and found that there was no one around, then he smiled softly to Yu Hai: "Brother Hai, I'm old I found your Slowpoke, Starfish, Tench, and Magikarp..."

"She found that these four water elves are very good at shooting. Now they are using your elves to deal with those challengers, especially Carp King and Weak Tench. I saw my sister using these two elves to torture many people who came to challenge them. The newcomers, those newcomers couldn't even defeat Magikarp King, and they all left the gym crying in the end, saying that I was bullying the children..."

"Haha, it's okay, just use it as you like," Yu Hai was amused. What else could he say? He ate all the food for free and just used the water gun as a target practice.

"Brother Hai, you must win the championship back. I only made it to the top 16 that year, and you still have such high demands on others, but you can't even do it yourself..."

"I'll try my best and take good care of Badadie and the others for me," Yukai only regarded it as Ada's complaint, and he didn't guarantee that he would win the championship. After all, he didn't have enough elves in the competition. Even including Gyarados, there were only seven elves. , Xiao Zui Wo is considered a substitute and may not be used in subsequent games.

Ada has resentment towards Atsumi, probably because his younger brother has been suppressed by his sister for too long. The younger brother wants to get angry, but he doesn't have the ability, so he has no choice but to go to him.

"Don't worry, Brother Hai, I arrange the best food for them every day, and I don't treat them badly. I like them very much..."

"Huh," Ukai breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Atsumi would not be able to retaliate against him and would turn his anger on the elf.

Now it seems that Atsumi is not so stingy. When he goes back, Atsumi can let Atsumi vent her anger with a few curses. You can't hold back your anger...

"Okay, hang up first, I have to board the ship," Yuhai said goodbye to Ada and hung up the video call.

As soon as he hung up the video call, Miss Joy called him on the radio that the treatment of his Gyarados and Mosquito-Repellent Frog had ended.

He took the Gyarados away and was told that the Gyarados would need to rest for at least a week, and that the mosquito-repellent frog would also need to rest for two days.

He also had a big pot of rice at the Elf Center for free, and it tasted pretty good. He left the Elf Center and went straight to the port of Orange Island, bought a first-class ticket to Orange Island, and boarded the ship that was about to depart. .

This time you can arrive at Toucheng Island at night, and then transfer to another passenger ship. There are passenger ships to the Kanto area on Dejima Island in the Bay of Toucheng Island.

Once on the ship, his journey in the Orange Islands ends, and he will also head to a new area and start a new journey...

The place he was about to go to was the place where the trainer's dream began. He was inevitably a little excited. He sat on the side of the boat and looked at the sea, with some expectations in his heart. After all, he was finally going to meet Dr. Oki, Master Zhi and Xiao Mao. .

Although he is an adult with a mature mind, every time he thinks of the scene when Master Zhi takes Pikachu on a trip, he can still think of his own childhood.

I didn't know anything at that time, so I just sat in front of the TV, looking forward to Master Zhi conquering new elves, looking forward to the elves he conquered evolving, looking forward to Master Zhi winning the championship, looking forward to... looking forward to... ...I have grown up...

It's a pity that Master Zhi's elves don't like evolution. They are still the same after twenty years, especially Bulbasaur. He also said that he was a lonely stranger in the world and had no relatives. He laughed to death and made his stomach hurt from laughing.

Hey, it’s a pity that when he was a child, the TV station only broadcast to the Orange Islands, and no longer broadcast it to the Chengdu area. He vaguely remembered that the elves at that time were not called elves, but they seemed to be called Pokémon. It was really a nostalgic name!

Leaning against the side of the ship, staring blankly at the sparkling boundless sea, with mosquito-repellent frogs following beside him, his thoughts drifted away again...

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