Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 421, the road to departure


[Attribute: Water + Flying]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 79.99%]

[Level: 31.17%]

[Characteristics: Intimidation/20.13%] [Hidden Characteristics: Overconfidence/15.23%]

[Mastery of moves: (Reverse Scale/7.11%) (Tornado/10.01%) (Dragon Dance/6.41%) (Dragon Tail/7.22%) (Dragon Wave/8.34%) (Dragon Fury/5.37%) (Climb Waterfall/13.24%) (Requesting rain/9.39%) (Water tail/7.28%) (Water cannon/11.53%) (Surfing/8.71%) (Diving/7.93%) (Tidal whirlpool/5.61%)】

[Mastery of moves: (Freezing Fang/4.51%) (Freezing Light/6.64%) (One Hundred Thousand Volts/7.58%) (Thunder/6.87%) (Jet Flame/5.37%) (Big Character Explosion/4.56%) (Stomp /5.73%) (Earthquake/7.63%) (Iron Head/8.95%) (Iron Tail/5.61%) (Crush/6.77%) (Tit for Tooth/7.71%) (Evil Wave/3.65%)】

[Mastery of moves: (Storm/5.33%) (Bounce/9.79%) (Destructive Death Ray/7.55%) (Slam/15.69%) (Tarzan Pressure/12.24%) (Roar/20.37%) (Sacrifice Crash/13.25%) (Tie tight/9.33%) (Sharp stone attack/6.25%) (Sleep/17.66%)]

[No moves for now: (Leap/3.21%) (Impact/2.31%)]

Good guy, seeing this panel, Yu Hai said in his heart what a good guy...

Whether he should talk about the potential of a quasi-champion or not, he held it in for a long time and could only think of one sentence, Damn it...

This salty fish is not turning over, but transforming into a dragon. Silly Fish has all six dragon-type moves that Gyarados can learn.

In addition to dragon-type moves, the richness of moves with other attributes is unprecedented, and they are all ultimate moves with different attributes.

In addition to the water system and flying system, Gyarados has inherent talents, ice system, electric system, fire system, ground system, steel system, evil system, general system... all of them are from ninety to more than one hundred powerful. trick.

He realized that as long as he tamed this Gyarados, he would have a pretty big guy. Although it was not as good as a few mosquito-repellent frogs, the rough-skinned and thick-bodied Gyarados was enough to cope with most situations.

Just by evolving, the level of Gyarados has reached more than 30 levels. Ordinary senior level elves may not be the opponent of this Gyarados. It is too fierce and the panel is also very gorgeous.

It also has the intimidation characteristic, coupled with the huge body and the terrifying big mouth, it will scare a lot of people just by appearing on the scene. It also has the overconfidence characteristic. After defeating the opponent, the attack will be increased by one. One minus and one plus will not equal to Gyarados comes out with its own secondary attack enhancement.

Really, this Gyarados is only one step away from the potential to become a champion. Among his elves...

The one with the best potential is Gengar, followed by Darkrai, and now there is another Gyarados. I don’t know who the fourth one is. He now has three partners who can become champions.

The excellence of this Gyarados was unexpected. He felt that not letting Gyarados show its face would be a bit unfair to Gyarados, and that such a good talent would be lost in vain.

There is no rush now, wait until he goes to the Kanto region, he will make this Gyarados shine.

After looking at the panel, he closed it and released Gyarados.

"Roar," Gyarados had woken up a long time ago, but it was hurting all over. Gyarados didn't dare to move. The mosquito-repellent frog that had just beaten it all over its head was sitting next to it, so how could it dare to move.

"Hey, are you still showing your teeth?" The mosquito-repellent frog raised his fist. There were some scratches on it. They were all hit on the hard scales of the Gyarados, and the force caused by the rebound force quickly caused the damage. can be restored.

Its usual training objects are big trees. Compared with the scales of Gyarados, it feels that the scales of Gyarados are harder.

"Hey, boss, I don't dare anymore," Gyarados bowed his head and gave in, not daring to do it again.

"Hey, can you listen to the trainer carefully?" Mosquito-repellent frog looked at Yuhai. Yuhai had already taken out the wound spray and was treating the wounds on his fists.

"Hey, I will listen to the trainer from now on," Gyarados looked at Ukai pitifully, not daring to be cruel to Ukai any more. The power that instantly expanded was also knocked back to its original shape. It turned out that he was still the stupid fish.

"Finally honest," Yuhai finished treating the wound on Gyarados's fist before turning to Gyarados. He heard the conversation between Gyarados and Gyarados, but he couldn't understand it. Darkrai translated it for him. .

Hearing Gyarados's words of resignation, he breathed a long sigh of relief. He finally subdued this ferocious beast, and it was worthy of all the resources he invested.

However, he found the conversation between these two guys quite funny. In fact, the elves are very simple, and they basically respect each other based on strength. Whoever is stronger is justified. This is true for trainers and alliances.

If the Rockets are stronger, then the Rockets are justified. It's a pity that this world league is stronger, and the Rockets can only behave with their tail between their legs.

After walking around the Gyarados, he found that the frostbite on the Gyarados was the worst. He first used thawing spray to treat the frostbite on the Gyarados, and then sprayed the frostbite on the Gyarados with medicine. .

After taking care of Gyarados's injuries, he raised his hand to wipe his sweat. This Gyarados was too big and was beaten too badly, otherwise it wouldn't have taken so long to deal with it.

When treating Gyarados for frostbite, he also measured the height of Gyarados, and it turned out to be nine meters two...

If he remembered correctly, the average height of Gyarados was six meters and a half, Xiao Shun's Gyarados was about seven meters seven, and his Gyarados was over nine meters tall.

Good guy, he is indeed very cruel. Even his waistline is bigger than Xiao Shun's Gyarados. Such a big Gyarados would be too conspicuous when released.

As long as others see Gyarados, they will instantly think it's him, just like the giant claw crab's claws. It may become his label in the future as a trainer, but it doesn't matter.

This stupid fish is a big treasure that he carefully selected, and he also used a king-level dragon scale. It took so long and so many resources to give birth to this big guy.

Others don't even want it, so how could he dislike it? Even if he becomes a trainer, it doesn't matter if he thinks of him when he sees Gyarados. He will have many more labels in the future.

Zapdos, Darkrai, Gengar, Armored Tyrannosaurus, Flying Mantis, Mosquito Frog and other elves can all be labeled by a certain trainer. These elves all have such potential, and they are all his elves. Others As long as people get one, they will wake up from their dreams with a smile!

However, he has them all, hehehe...

He took Gyarados back into the Poké Ball. Gyarados's injuries were like this for the time being. When he went to Citrus Island, he went to the Poké Center there to treat Gyarados's frostbite. Anyway, if he didn't cure it for free, it would be useless. He had been waiting for this free for a long time. .

"Old Man He, Magikarp has evolved, I'm leaving." Ukai and Midorika had drinks yesterday, and there was no need to drink today. He had to rush to Citrus Island to take a boat, in case he got drunk and delayed things.

"Go ahead and come see the old man when you have time," Green River didn't ask any more questions. He didn't want to know too much, and he didn't know if others asked him.

"Old Man He, there are some drinks and food here. You can eat them slowly, and remember not to drink too much." Yuhai took out the things he had prepared last night and asked the elf to place them in front of Old Man He.

"Thank you. I'm almost out of supplies. With these supplies, I can last for another half month," Green River happily accepted the drinks on the ground, including two bottles of good wine.

Just looking at the quality of these two wine bottles, one could tell that they were both worth hundreds of thousands of fine wines, and they were all good wines that he could not usually drink.

"Old Man He, I will come to you for a drink when I come back from Kanto," Ukai waved goodbye to Midoriya and prepared to go back and pack up the tent and leave Sweet Orange Island.

"Kanto? You are going to Kanto," Midoriya didn't expect Ukai to say it himself. It seems that Ukai's departure this time is not an important matter.

"Yes," Yuhai didn't say what he was going to do. He just waved goodbye and returned to the campsite to pack up tents and daily necessities.

However, before packing up these things, he first used the elf ball to collect the bad frogs, big-mouthed bats, bog-leap fish, etc. that were inconvenient to show up.

When the battle broke out just now, Gengar didn't let these little guys come out, and Green River didn't see these little guys either.

After packing his things, he looked at his watch and saw that it was only after ten in the morning, and it would only be noon when he arrived at Citrus Island.

He also had to go to the Elf Center to teleport King Magikarp and treat Gyarados, so he could board the ship at one or two in the afternoon and arrive at Tuocheng Island in the evening. He also had to go to Dejima in the bay of Tuocheng Island to board the boat and leave from Dejima. The Orange Islands travel to the Kanto region.

The reason why I chose Toucheng Island to board the boat is because Toucheng Island is the closest to the Kanto area and is also the safest route.

In fact, there are three ways for him to leave the Orange Islands...

The first road is the Orange Islands in the south of the Kanto region, and the Orange Island is in the northernmost part of the Orange Islands. It is the closest to the Kanto region, and it takes two or three days to reach the Kanto region by boat.

In fact, the gap between the Kanto area and the Orange Islands is not entirely the sea. Going north from the Orange Island, you will arrive at the New Island, and continuing north from the New Island, you will arrive at the Seven Islands, which is also the hometown of Kona.

After passing the Seven Islands, you will arrive at Honglian Town in the Kanto region. There is a strait to the north of Honglian Town. After crossing the strait, you will reach Zhenxin Town, which is also the place where every trainer's dream begins.

Going south from the Kanto area is the Seven Islands, continuing south is the new island, and continuing south is the Orange Islands...

Therefore, this is the reason why young people and young cousins ​​look down on him.

Compared to the Kanto and Chengdu areas, which are prosperous places on the mainland, the Orange Islands are really a rural place.

And he was an orphan trainer from an unknown place in a rural area like the Orange Islands. It was normal for the young people in the Kanto area to look down on him.

The second way is to take the Rockets' airship on Daigan Island, which is also the location of Dr. Uchimu's research institute.

So how arrogant Team Rocket must be to open the airship company on the island of the Alliance Research Institute. Although the airship is very fast and can reach the Kanto area in one day, he will not choose this road. Only choose the Rockets if you are sick.

The third way is to fly directly over with a big-billed gull. If you fly, the journey will only take one day, and it will pass patiently.

But it was completely unnecessary, and he was not in a hurry. If he got lost, and the gain outweighed the loss, it would be safer to take a boat.

This was also the departure route he planned after getting the map...

First, safety...

Second, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

Third, and most importantly, he really wanted to see what kind of place the trainer's dream began. He, a country bumpkin, was finally going to the city!

I don’t know if the route of Tuocheng Island is controlled by Team Rocket. It is impossible to control all the routes, but some passenger ships must be passenger ships of Team Rocket Shipping Company.

As long as you don't expose yourself after boarding the ship, even if it's a Rocket Shipping Company passenger ship, nothing will happen. It's best if nothing happens, otherwise...

Hey, don't blame him if the ship sinks...

After packing his things, Yuhai saw that Green River was fishing again. He had taken back all the elves and took the big-billed gull to say goodbye to Green River.

"Old man He, I'm leaving," Yuhai sat on the big-mouthed gull and waved to Green River in the air.

"Next time you come, remember to bring a bottle of good wine," Midoriya raised his head and waved to Ukai, which was a farewell to this brief reunion.

"Don't be greedy, Old Man He," Yuhai smiled helplessly, pointed a direction to the big-billed gull, and flew away from Sweet Orange Island.

Midoriya looked at Ukai's leaving figure and couldn't recover for a long time. It wasn't until Ukai completely disappeared that he smiled dumbly, whistled, caught a fish, drank a cup of warm wine with green onions and duck, and felt really good in his heart. Comfortable.

Jingle bells, jingle bells—

Suddenly, Green River's cell phone rang. He picked up the cell phone next to him, mumbled twice, and pressed the button to answer the call, "Who would call now? It's really strange!"

"Grandpa He, are you still on Tiangan Island?"

"Xiao Shun? Why did you call me when you had time?" Green River recognized Xiao Shun's voice. Yu Hai had just left. Why did Xiao Shun call?

"Grandpa He, Hao Er's Carp King is about to evolve. We are going to Tiangan Island. I want to ask if you are on Tiangan Island. I can help you bring something by the way..."

"You've got your heart, you don't need to bring anything. The old man has always been on Sweet Orange Island. Come on," Green River heard Xiao Shun say, and immediately thought of the evolution of King Magikarp. It seems that Hao Er of Liugan Gym also wanted to Use waterfalls to hone your Magikarp.

"Grandpa He, do you have any news about Brother Hai? I haven't seen Brother Hai for a long time," Xiao Shun called on the boat, looking at the sea in the distance, shining in the sun.

He unknowingly thought of Ukai. He was a little regretful that he didn't see Ukai on the day he said goodbye to Tiangan Island. He also asked Luo Yan some time ago, and Luo Yan didn't know where Ukai was.

In fact, Luo Yan knew about it, but he didn't tell Xiao Shun. From Luo Yan's point of view, Xiao Shun was not one of his own, so he would not reveal the whereabouts of his boss Yu Hai.

"Ah Hai, he just left and is going to the Kanto area..." Green River did not hide anything from Xiao Shun. Since Yu Hai didn't ask him to keep it secret, he had nothing to keep secret. If Xiao Shun wanted to know, just tell him, otherwise Yu Hai I won't tell him this.

"Just left? Kandu? What did Brother Hai do in Kandu?" Xiao Shun heard the news about Yu Hai and quickly asked on the phone.

"You have the same idea as him. He also came to Sweet Orange Island to evolve Magikarp. His Magikarp has finished evolving. He just left Sweet Orange Island in the morning. He didn't say anything when he went to Kandu. The old man doesn't know..."

"Okay, I understand. We can arrive at Tiangan Island at noon. We also brought wine to Grandpa He." Xiao Shun finally got the news from Yu Hai. He tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart. After bidding farewell to Green River, he quickly hung up the phone. , go find Hao Er...

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