Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 312, taken the bait

"In terms of strength, among the three gangs, the leader of the Yanyan team is the most powerful, followed by the leader of the Poison team, Viper, and finally the leader of the Storm team, Storm..." After listening to the other party's analysis, Yuhai said, The strength pattern of the three major gangs was immediately pictured in his mind.

In the battle in the black market, the strength of the leader is the key factor. If the leader falls at a disadvantage, it will be useless for the people below to win.

"You are right to understand this. In those rugged caves, the Yanyan team is indeed the most combative gang. Once in an environment with water, the situation may change..." the masked stall owner added.

"That's true." Ukai nodded slightly, thinking to himself.

He remembered that the leaders of the Rock Team and the Poison Team each had an electric elf. This was obviously to guard against the water elf of the leader of the Violent Team.

From this point of view, the Riot Team is still the weakest of the three gangs.

On land, ground elves have significant advantages, especially in complex underground caves.

Poison elves also pose a huge threat, because once an elf is poisoned, it is almost equivalent to losing its ability to fight, and detoxification also takes a lot of time.

In the water, the Riot Team will face the threat of electric elves, and it can be said that they are suppressed everywhere. Ukai couldn't help but wonder how the Stormtroopers managed to survive in such a predicament.

It is estimated that the Bugs team was at the bottom before, and there was no such crisis. Only after being at the bottom did they realize that they were at a disadvantage no matter who they faced.

"What else do you want to know? I'll tell you everything I know." The masked stall owner blew out smoke rings, feeling that the money was quite easy to make. Just by saying a few words, you can easily make money, which is much easier than setting up a stall to do business.

"These are enough." Yuhai handed over thirty thousand, turned and left the drainage outlet, ready to start tonight's fishing activity.

"By the way, little brother, since you are so willing to give money, I will give you another piece of news for free. Recently, the leader of the Poison Team and the leader of the Violent Team have been in frequent contact, and they may be up to something big. If you don't want to get involved in trouble, It’s best to come here less often and go back to the ground first to avoid the wind..."

"Thank you." Ukai thanked him and left the sewer outlet, deciding to return to the black market managed by the Poison Team. What he was selling happened to be poison-type props. It seemed that he had come to the right place this time.

"Little brother, those in black uniforms are members of the Poison Team. Try not to provoke them if you can..." The masked stall owner added after Yu Hai turned around and left.

When Yuhai heard this, he silently waved his hand back and disappeared into the darkness of the sewer. He was still thinking about the leader of the Poison Team and the Violent Team leader in his mind, and was frequently exposed to this news, wondering whether they planned to join forces to fight against the Yanyan Team.

According to the stall owner, when the Bugs Team existed, the three major gangs checked and balanced each other and maintained order here.

As soon as Team Poison appeared, they quickly eliminated the weakest Team Bugs, took Team Bugs' place, and also took away the second spot of Team Violence, and consolidated this position with their strong strength.

Now it seems that the Poison Team wants to unite with the Violent Team to deal with the Rock Team. Once Team Rock is defeated, will Team Poison really let go of their former ally Team Riot?

the answer is negative.

The Poison Team will most likely turn against the Riot Team, or even destroy the Riot Team, in order to achieve total domination of the Big City sewer black market.

All this does not seem simple. After the Poison team annexed the Bug team, they did not adopt a strategy of maintaining balance, but intended to eliminate all competitors and monopolize the entire black market.

This style of leading his subordinates to the top reminded him of the Rockets' methods. If it weren't for the Rockets in Hasa City, he might not have made such an association.

When it comes to the Rockets, he feels like he can't escape their shadow no matter where he goes.

Especially the leader of the poisonous team - Viper, his elf lineup consists of six poisonous elfs including Arbor, Nidoking, Big Flower Eater, Self-destructing Magneto, Big Mouth Bat and Double Bomb Gas.

The three elves, Arbor, Big Mouth Bat and Double Bomb Gas, are almost the standard configuration of Team Rocket members. This makes it difficult for Yuhai not to doubt the other party's true identity and purpose.

When he thought that this might be Team Rocket's stronghold, with the goal of unifying Big City's underground black market, he couldn't help but have a strong intention to quit. He really doesn't want anything to do with the Rockets. Once stuck to this group of tissues like dog skin plaster, it is difficult to get rid of.

However, he desperately needs money now, and he desperately needs a small amount of money to buy Guis's resources. He just hopes that in the process, he will not attract the Rockets' pursuit.

Returning to the black market managed by the Poison Team, he found the members of the Poison Team who managed the black market, paid a stall fee of one thousand alliance coins, and found an open space to set up a stall. He took out two props, black sludge and poisonous orb, from the jar and marked them as newcomer props.

He only took out these two items as fishing bait, and there was no need to display the others. He was afraid that people from Team Rocket would be interested in the fishing bait.

The choice of these two props was also well thought out, as newcomer props are not uncommon here. Since novice props are of little value to senior trainers, the buff effects are dispensable to senior elves and will not attract senior trainers.

Props are different from evolution stones. Although both are higher-level and more valuable, low-level evolution stones are also more valuable than low-level props.

This is because even low-level evolution stones can be used to evolve elves. Low-level props are ineffective against higher-level elves, so they are relatively cheap.

He had just put two props on the stall when a masked man came over and asked about the price.

"How much do these two newcomer props cost?"

"Two million for each piece." Yuhai quoted the price casually. He knew that newcomers' props were usually within one million. But he is not specialized in selling props, so the price is not important to him.

"Two million? Why don't you go and grab it?"

"Go away if you don't want to buy it. What are you arguing about here? I didn't force you to buy it." Yuhai glared at the other party angrily, deliberately irritating the other party. This is the so-called "fishing".

"Okay, okay, that's very arrogant. I'll wait for you..."

"Haha." Yuhai watched the other party leave, with a sneer on his lips under the scarf, thinking to himself: "You can't be too arrogant, otherwise you will die miserably."

It wasn't until the masked man who was angered by him and warned him to wait came back that Ukai began to close the stall.

The reason why he didn't leave was because he was waiting for the other party to call his good brothers. The other party also went to gather people just now, which played into his plan.

During this period, someone else asked about the price of the props. He still responded in the same way as before. From the corner of his eye, he saw many people paying attention to his stall and pointing at him. Everyone knew that an extremely arrogant new guy was here. face.

When he packed up his props and left the cave, he was followed by a group of tails who were angry at his provocation.

He didn't care about this and quickly left the black market and entered the unlit sewer.

Seeing him trying to escape, the people thought he was scared and immediately followed him.

However, Ukai was waiting for them around the next corner. As they turned the corner of the sewer, he shouted, "Do it..."

"No, there's an ambush..."

"Flashlight, the flashlight was knocked off by something..."

There were four people chasing after them. Their flashlights were all shot down immediately. They reacted quickly and prepared to release their elves.

However, it was too late. While the mosquito-repellent frog and giant claw crab knocked off their flashlights, the flying mantis had already charged forward with a scythe.

Buzz buzz——

The flying mantis accelerated instantly, and in a flash, it cut off the heads of three people. The remaining one actually blocked the attack with a guarding move, and slashed the sickle on the guarding shield.

"Come together and catch him!" Yuhai saw the man releasing the elves and trying to escape. How could he let the other person escape?

At his call, the mosquito-repellent frog instantly burst out with strength and rushed towards the opponent. Giant claw crabs also emerged from the sewers, cutting off the opponent's escape route. The flying mantis keeps pestering the opponent, preventing him from escaping.

Although the opponent had released the elves, they were still subdued under the siege of the three mosquito-repellent frog elves.

Ukai asked the Orb Silk Spider to collect the loot. At the same time, the other three people were kicked down the sewer by him and would be swept towards the sea by the current. The remaining man has been knocked unconscious, and he only has three elves, the Orb Silk Spider, the Mouth Flower and the Agate Jellyfish...

With such strength, they dare to chase him. These people really don't know the heights of the world.

The other three didn't even have basic means to prevent sneak attacks, and were directly beheaded by the flying mantis.

What Ukai wants is this effect, using newcomer props to attract rookies who want to take advantage of others. Their strength is usually not too strong. If the person who comes is too strong, it will be very difficult to deal with.

After dealing with the last person, he collected the four people's loot, a total of three backpacks, turned around and left the sewer, and counted the four people's belongings outside the drainage outlet.

There are ten elves in total among these four people, eight of which are poison elves, and the other two are grass elves, including Orb Silk Spider, Mouth Flower, Agate Jellyfish, Arbor Snake, Stinky Mud, Mouth Flower, Big Mouth Bat, and Stinky Stinky flower, giant sting wasp and lotus hat boy.

These elves are just rotten fish and rotten shrimps. Some low-class characters also imitate others and take advantage of others.

After seeing the elves, he poured out all the items in the three backpacks and found that they contained 2.8 million alliance coins, four bank cards, and two ID cards.

Since the other two bank cards did not have ID cards, it was impossible for him to guess the passwords, so he threw the bank cards into the sea and it was useless to keep them.

The remaining valuable items include a newbie tool poison needle, a low-purity leaf stone, a large number of antidotes and various other medicines. In addition, there are poison sacs, various daggers and daggers, many poke balls, poison energy cubes and grass energy cubes.

He also found some broken stones, and upon closer inspection he discovered that there were bones on them, which should be fossils dug in the cave.

Apart from collecting, he couldn't think of any use for these broken stones. He could even get a living fossil sickle helmet, so these broken stones were worthless to him.

He also found several books on cultivating poisonous elves. There are still people reading this kind of street book. Yuhai feels extremely speechless. He is really not afraid of poisoning his own spirit.

Except for those valuable items, he threw all the remaining worthless things into the sea. He had no interest in the three people's clothing or food. We are not on a desert island now, wearing other people's second-hand clothes. He doesn't have this habit.

He fed all the poison sacs and poison energy cubes to Guisi, threw away the useless ones, and put the useful ones in his backpack.

After cleaning up the belongings of the four people, Yuhai decided to go to the young bartender from before. He felt that the bartender should have channels to deal with these debris.

He has no intention of going back and continuing to set up a street vendor. Once he appears on the black market, any fool can guess that those people have been eliminated, and it will be difficult for the street vendor to sell these items.

He wasn't sure if anyone would be fooled if they knew the four people had been killed. If that doesn't work, he can only consider going to the Black Ship. The last time the Black Ship made much more money than this time.

Yuhai came to the port bar again and saw the young bartender. He felt that this young man, who was similar to his own age, worked efficiently and without delay, and would naturally ask for help when there was a business.

Seeing Yu Hai, the young bartender immediately understood and understood that Yu Hai must have something to deal with when he came to him, and there would be no shortage of benefits. The clever young bartender immediately led Yuhai out of the bar.

"Sir, I wonder if you are here this time. Is there anything you need me to do?" the young bartender asked Yuhai respectfully outside the bar.

"I need to sell a batch of goods, including elves and props. Help me find a buyer and give you a reward of 50,000 yuan." Yuhai raised his palm wearing a stab-proof glove, and the five raised fingers represented the commission amount.

"Sir, I understand, please come with me." When the young bartender heard this, he realized that Yuhai must have obtained some illegal goods, so he immediately took Yuhai to find a nearby purchaser.

After walking through several alleys, they came to what looked like a grocery store selling tobacco and alcohol. Selling cigarettes and alcohol is just a cover. If it weren't for the young bartender leading the way, Yu Hai would never have thought that illegal goods would be collected here.

"Sir, this is it." The young bartender took Yu Hai into the grocery store and shouted to the store owner: "Old man, we have business..."

"Why are you here?" The old man wearing a gray hat is the owner of this grocery store.

"Boss, look how much these items are worth." Yuhai placed three backpacks on the old man's counter. Only one backpack contained items, and the other two backpacks were empty.

In addition to three backpacks, there are ten elves, a newbie tool poison needle, a low-purity leaf stone, a large number of antidotes and various other medicines. In addition, there are various daggers, many elf balls, and grass energy cubes.

Those broken stone fossils should have been excavated in the cave, and they were all in the backpack together with the stall books.

At that time, Yuhai left behind 2.8 million in cash, two ID cards and two bank cards, as well as poison sacs and poison energy cubes, which he fed to Guisi at that time. Only Guisi could control these unknown toxins.

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