Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 311, Three Major Gangs

He is an extremely cautious person. Regardless of whether there is a warning from this corpse, he will deal with anything with extreme caution.

The sight before him made him even more convinced that this was no ordinary chaotic place, but an irregular area where lives could be lost at any time.

"Quack, quack, quack," the Bad Frog made an inquiring voice, as if asking whether he should continue to move forward, because it was obviously full of dangers.

"Go, if it's not dangerous, what are we doing in a place like this?" The purpose of Yuhai's trip is to fish. If he doesn't go deep into it, how can he achieve his goal?

He didn't want to touch the wild elves unless he had to. During the days of survival on the desert island, he had to hunt the elves to survive. That was because in that environment, if he didn't eat, he would starve to death.

If someone came to save him, he wouldn't have to eat, but no one came to save him, and no one knew he was on a desert island.

Every rainy night, he dreamed that he was back in human society. But when he woke up in the morning, everything returned to that small tree hole, and he had to face the next day's life.

Now, he is on Little Orange Island. If he is discovered poaching wild elves here by the Alliance, he will face a serious hunt and may even be listed as a wanted person for poaching elves.

In that case, he wouldn't have to wash it, it was already too dirty and completely dirty.

However, it's different when you eat black and white. This is a chaotic area, and it's common for elves to be robbed.

Most of the participants are wanted criminals who are wandering the black market, or unidentified criminals. Their greed often leads to them being robbed.

If you can't control your greed, you can rob someone if you don't want to be robbed. If you don't want to be robbed, don't be a gangster. Since you are a gangster and are greedy, who can you blame? Even if he is robbed, he deserves it.

If poaching elves is a black industry, then engaging in crime in the black market is more of a gray area.

As long as no one holds him accountable, he'll be fine.

This means that he must choose between being hunted by wanted criminals on the black market, or being hunted by the Alliance.

You have to choose one, right? After all, for him, this is the fastest way to make money.

What? Serious business?

He knew very well that the legal ways to make money were within the league's laws and regulations, and he did not want to test the law and challenge the league's authority.

He is more inclined to face the pursuit of the gang than to be hunted by the alliance.

Anyway, he is alone. Even if he is hunted by the gang, he can still live a normal life after returning to his normal identity. Once he is hunted by the alliance, he can only go to the dark side.

In addition to this reason, he also had another reason for not wanting to touch the wild elves, which sounded a bit ridiculous.

The funny thing is that he is not qualified to say this. In his previous life, he had watched a movie about protecting wild animals and exposing poaching gangs.

In the movie, there is a scene near a lake. The ground is full of carcasses of wild animals, and vultures are hovering around foraging for food.

That scene shocked him deeply, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. The scene had a great impact on his soul at that time, and he was silent for a long time, and it took a long time for him to recover.

That was also the first time he met poachers and knew what kind of people this group of poachers were. This group of people only had interests in their eyes and would kill anyone for their interests.

He doesn't want to be that kind of person, he doesn't want to be such a vicious person, and he doesn't have the right to say such things.

He had eaten wild elves for survival. If he didn't eat, he would starve to death. He was already dirty and didn't want to clean up his innocence. He had nothing to say and was not qualified to say this, but he had never bought or sold any wild elves.

The elves caught in the wild are either used by themselves, released, or given to children in orphanages. No wild elves have ever been traded.

The elves he bought and sold were all trainer elves obtained through illegal means. These elves would not be labeled as poaching by the alliance.

He would rather choose to eat black food than become a poacher. He hates poachers from the bottom of his heart, so he is determined not to become that person.

He thought a lot and walked a long way, suppressing his hatred for poachers. After turning several corners, he seemed to have discovered a new world.

What comes into view is the bustling crowd. As you get closer, you can hear the sounds of hawking. There are actually people setting up street stalls here.

When he came here, he discovered that it was a spacious cave. No one blocked the way in and out of the cave to collect protection fees. The large light bulb hanging above his head emitted bright light, illuminating the entire area very clearly.

However, the black market does not seem to be very big, and you can see the end at a glance.

This place is more like a temporary stall camp. All transactions are conducted through street stalls. There is not even a decent shop. It is more like a temporary camp.

Before entering the cave, he noticed a lot of people gathered inside and decided to put the Bad Frog back into the Poké Ball.

Compared with orb silk spiders, bad frogs are worth more, so being targeted by predators is not a big problem.

If he is noticed by the managers of the black market, he may get into trouble and find it difficult to leave smoothly.

To be cautious, he decided to leave only an orb silk spider on his shoulder for cover.

In the observation just now, he has seen more than one orb silk spider appear in this black market.

When he actually stepped into the cave, he noticed that about 70% of the elves around the masked man and the masked stall owner were poisonous elves, which made him feel a little puzzled.

In addition to the poison type, there are also a small number of insect type, water type, grass type and ground type. These common attribute elves exist, but the poison type elves dominate here.

The most common poisonous elves are poisonous elves, such as Arbor snakes, walking grass, gas bombs, smelly mud, one-horned insects, orb silk spiders, trumpet buds and other common poisonous elves, which can be seen everywhere here.

Even some rarer poisonous elves, such as Nidorino, Nidoran, Pincer-tailed Scorpion, etc., can also be seen here.

Even bad frogs, he saw several.

When he decided not to release the bad frog, he knew that among the many poisonous elves, the value of the bad frog was relatively high.

Therefore, he planned to find out the situation here first before considering whether to take the bad frog with him.

The best way to quickly learn about this place is to ask for information from its regulars.

The question is, how to determine who is a regular customer and who is willing to sell information to him?

First, this kind of people must be merchants setting up stalls, because they must be familiar with prices and the environment, otherwise they will not dare to set up stalls easily.

Second, what they sell at their stalls are usually common small commodities, most of which are in high demand in the market. Only such items will appear frequently on the stalls, and if they are rare items, they may only appear once or twice.

Third, such people are usually older, usually middle-aged. They are more tactful, cunning, and can be said to be personal masters. Being able to hang out in such an environment for many years is a testament in itself.

Looking for someone according to these three criteria, Yuhai quickly locked on a target. This masked stall owner's stall sells homemade poison energy cubes, antidotes, poison sacs, poison props and various poisons...

Although the stall owner had his face covered, the white hair on his temples could not be hidden. This is exactly the kind of person Ukai is looking for, an experienced regular.

"Little brother, I want to buy something," the masked stall owner noticed. Yuhai stared at his stall for a long time without saying a word. Young people who came here for the first time would have a similar situation. He knew that if he didn't take the initiative to speak, these people would be in trouble. Young people may turn away.

He sells some contraband prohibited by the alliance here just to earn some small money to support his life, and he doesn't want to miss any possible customers.

"The things I'm interested in are not in your stall." Yuhai shook his head gently. He didn't dare to let his elf try the poison from the stall. After all, he didn't know whether the other party had added any unknown substances.

In addition, the quality of the poison energy cubes here is far lower than the energy cubes on the black ship, let alone compared with department stores.

He guessed that only those trainers who were greedy for cheap would choose to buy these foods for the elves here.

"Then what do you want to buy?" The masked stall owner frowned, confused by Ukai's behavior of stopping in front of his stall but not buying. He really couldn't understand Ukai's intention.

"I want to know the specific situation of the black market and set a price." Yuhai looked directly at the stall owner, not sure whether the other party could understand his intention.

"It turns out I'm buying information," the masked stall owner touched his chin, thinking this was a feasible deal.

"Tell me about the black market. As long as I am satisfied, the money will be yours." Yuhai took out 50,000 alliance coins and waved five 10,000-yuan bills in front of the masked stall owner. He believed that no one would be indifferent to such a temptation.

"You need to pay a deposit first." The masked stall owner looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention, then made his request.

"No problem." Yuhai did not hesitate to put down two ten thousand yuan bills as a deposit for the news.

"Haha, little brother is so refreshing. As long as you want to ask, I will tell you everything I know. Let's change places and talk in detail." The masked stall owner quickly folded the four corners of the stall, lifted the entire stall, and led Yu Hai away. The cave.

"What's the point of setting up a stall?" Yuhai asked as he walked, following the other person back the way he came, choosing a different sewer this time.

"To set up a stall here, you need to pay the gang, a stall fee of one thousand alliance coins each time." The masked stall owner led the way, remembering that Yu Hai wanted to know about the black market, and immediately introduced the situation of the black market to Yu Hai.

"The black market here is actually divided into three parts. The black market just now is managed by the Poison Team and is also the residence of the Poison Team. In addition to the black market managed by the Poison Team, there are two other black markets."

"The manager of another black market is Team Yanyan. The leader is named Luoyan, and he is a Quasi-King trainer. He owns a rumble rock that has the strength of a Quasi-King, as well as a giant swamp monster and a lava snail. The strength of the elves is very close to that of Rumble Rock.”

"He also owns three elves: Magnemite, Coconut Egg Tree and Desert Dragonfly. The Rock Team's station is also in the cave, located on the other side of the cave. This gang member mainly uses elves of the ground, rock and steel types. …”

"There is also a black market manager who is Team Storm. The leader is named Storm, and he is also a trainer of the Quasi-King. He owns a Gyarados that has the strength of a Quasi-King. He also has stinging jellyfish and spiny shells with powerful strength. Also very close to Gyarados.”

"He also owns three elves: the Big-billed Gull, the Swamp Monster, and the Heiluga. The Riot Team's station is also located in the cave, but on the other side of the cave. The spheres of influence of the three gangs exactly form a triangle. This gang member Mainly using water elves, Gyarados has become almost a must-have elf for every member, and those without Gyarados cannot join them..."

"The last manager of the black market is the Venom Team we were in just now. The leader is named Viper. That place was originally the territory of the Bug Team, but it was robbed by the leader of the Venom Team and the original Bugs were incorporated. The members of the team were renamed the Poison Team.”

"This gang has risen rapidly in the past six months, and Viper is also a quasi-king trainer. He has an Arbor monster with quasi-celestial king strength. His Nidoking and Big Flower Eater are also very close to Arbor monsters in strength. "

"He also owns three elves: Magnemite, Big Mouth Bat and Double Bomb Gas. The Poison Team is stationed in the cave just now. This gang member mainly uses poison elves, and each member will carry a poison elf with him. , this is a necessary condition for joining them..."

"This force has only been rising for half a year, but it has already ranked second in the sewer black market." The masked stall owner took Yuhai to the drainage outlet on the seaside, pulled down his mask, took out the cigarette and lit it, and asked Yuhai: "Would you like one?"

"No," Yuhai waved his hand, indicating that he did not smoke. He has been quitting smoking for several days.

Then he continued the previous topic and asked: "Is the leader of the Venom Team, Viper, very strong? He climbed to the second position in just half a year, and the leader of the Storm Team, Storm, is willing to be in third place?"

"Of course I'm not willing to give in." The masked stall owner explained, "The reason why Team Poison rose so quickly is mainly because they took over the legacy of Team Bug, including the station and the original members of Team Bug."

"Coupled with the extremely vicious spirit of the leader Viper, and a group of well-trained members, they killed the leader of the Bug Team and suppressed the leader of the Storm Team Storm..."

"What about the Yanyan team?" Yuhai silently wrote down the previous information and mentioned the Yanyan team that was rarely mentioned by the other party.

"Luo Yan, the leader of the Yanyan team, is the most powerful of the three gangs." The masked stall owner explained, "I heard some time ago that the leader of the Poison team, Viper, once challenged Luo Yan, but in the end this The matter is over."

"According to Viper's style of doing things, if he really wins, he will definitely publicize it everywhere. There is no news at all now. It is very likely that he lost in that challenge..."

The movie is, Hoh Xil,

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