Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 313, I found you

The grocery store owner was shocked when he saw a lot of stuff poured out of his backpack. The number of ten elves was already considerable, and he immediately began to carefully select them.

In the sewer black market, poison and grass elves are still very valuable, because there is a gang called the Poison Team here. If you want to join this gang, you must first conquer a poisonous elf.

However, most of these elves already have trainers, and it is not easy to capture them again. They can only be recycled to breeding houses to breed cubs.

After careful screening, the grocery store owner selected five elves that had evolved to the second stage: two dumb-mouthed flowers, a big-mouthed bat, a smelly flower, and a child with a lotus hat. These five second-stage evolved elves were put aside by the boss.

The remaining five elves, Orb Silk Spider, Agate Jellyfish, Arbor Snake, Stinky Mud and Giant Needle Bee, were placed on the other side by the boss.

In addition, the boss also sorted out three items outside the backpack: antidotes and various potions, daggers and daggers, many pokeballs, a few broken stones, and poison-type elf cultivation books, all piled together.

In addition, there is a poison needle, a newbie prop, a low-purity leaf stone, and ten boxes of grass-based energy cubes, all of which were placed in a pile by the boss.

Since then, everything has been divided into four piles to make it easy to estimate the value.

After the boss finished classifying the things, he started to estimate: "The quality of your black goods is average. Based on the recommendation of an acquaintance, I can give you a price of one million for the elite big-mouthed bat. The smelly flowers and The lotus-hatted boy costs 300,000 yuan, and each one costs 200,000 yuan..."

"I'll pay 150,000 for the remaining orb silk spiders, 100,000 for the Arbor snake, 50,000 for the agate jellyfish, and 50,000 for the stinky mud. You can take away the giant needle bees and release them, I don't want this kind of garbage here."

"This price is determined based on the difficulty of conquering it. Agate jellyfish are very common in shallow seas, and there are also a lot of smelly mud in the sewers..."

After the boss said the quotation, his eyes turned to Yuhai, waiting for Yuhai's decision. If Ukai disagrees, Ukai can leave with the elf at any time.

After hearing the quotation, Yuhai nodded slightly in agreement. He felt that the price was quite reasonable. After all, these were not elf cubs. If they were cubs, the price would be higher.

At this moment, he finally knew how profitable the breeding room in the department store was. A common elf that costs only 50,000 yuan can be sold for hundreds of thousands in a department store. It can only be said that the customers are too simple.

However, the boss did not make it clear that these elves are actually dispensable. Just because of places with frequent human activities, these elves have become increasingly difficult to capture.

Once people know that catching these elves can make money, those trainers hanging out in the sewers will definitely catch the elves.

As a result, the elves originally hiding in the sewers either escaped from the sewers or hid deeper. If you want to capture these elves, you can only go to more remote places.

More remote places face severe crackdowns from the Alliance. In comparison, illegal places like sewers seem to be less risky.

Seeing that Ukai did not object to the quotation, the grocery store owner raised his hand and pointed to the sundries piled with the backpack, including antidotes, potions, elf balls, broken rocks, daggers and daggers, and street books. He said to Ukai : "I paid 50,000 yuan to collect that pile of debris. If you don't want to sell it, you can take it back."

"There is also a newbie prop poison needle. I will pay 700,000 to buy it. The underground black market has a poison team, and the demand will be greater. I can give you a price of 1.2 million for this low-level leaf stone. You can also go down there. If you set up a stall on the black market, you may be able to sell it for a higher price..."

"These ten boxes of good-quality grass-based energy cubes have a lot of impurities. They are barely considered good products. They should be energy cubes processed by small workshops. I will give you a price of one thousand per box. In the black market below, you should be able to sell them for one thousand The price of five…”

After the boss quoted the price, he was not sure whether Yuhai would sell these things again, so he quietly waited for Yuhai's reply.

"Okay." Yuhai pretended to think for a while, then nodded in agreement.

He silently calculated the income in his mind and found that the income this time was not as much as the black ship's income last time, but he felt that the risk was still within the controllable range. This was enough, and at most he would come a few more times.

"Here are 4,310,000 alliance coins. You can count them clearly." Yuhai took a plastic bag of money, of which four bundles were bundled, one million per bundle. He just picked it up and looked through it with his thumb. , the remaining 310,000 are easier to count.

After counting the money and confirming that it was correct, he took out 60,000 yuan and gave it to the young bartender on the spot. He gently patted the bartender on the shoulder: "You did a good job, and the extra money will be used as a tip..."

After patting the bartender on the shoulder, Yuhai left the grocery store with the remaining 4,250,000 alliance coins, planning to go to the sewer black market again and catch two greedy big fish, and he would probably be able to catch up with the previous harvest of the black ship. .

After Ukai left, the grocery store owner turned his attention to the young bartender and threw the Poké Balls of Stingy Bee and Stinky Mud to the bartender.

"I remember that you had a stinky mud. These two elves used it to add some nutrients to your stinky mud. The more poison the stinky mud eats, the stronger it will become..."

Many people understand this truth, but the existence of stinky mud has dissuaded many trainers who want to cultivate stinky mud. The first reason is that the smelly mud is too smelly, the second reason is that it is too toxic, and the third reason is that the smelly mud will cause pollution.

Smelly sludge itself is born from industrial pollution, let alone sewage sludge. Heavy metals and other pollutants cannot be ignored. Even breathing stinky mud will bring air pollution, and few people cultivate stinky mud.

Despite this, there are still many trainers who are hungry for strength and breed stinky slimes. What they pursue is the maximum lethality. Even if the stinky mud has to endure some self-inflicted damage, it will injure the enemy by 1,000 and damage itself by 800.

If you only pursue maximum lethality, you can indeed cultivate a stinky mud.

"Thanks, old man." The young bartender took the elf ball. He knew that this was a reward for introducing business, and he was not polite to the grocery store owner.

There are countless young people like him in this place who are struggling for life, and everyone just takes what they need.

The bartender who returned to the bar couldn't help but think of the mysterious man Yuhai, who was indeed his big benefactor. In just three encounters, the tips he gave him were more than serving drinks and pouring water in a bar for a month, and higher than the salary offered to him by his boss.

He secretly thought: Is it really so profitable to be a gangster? The mysterious man just now made more than four million yuan, which was his two years' salary. It seems that I need to return to the black market to see if there is any opportunity to make money.

Otherwise, when will he have enough resources to cultivate his own stinky mud and buy an electric elf for his sister? All of this will require a lot of money.

Although the bar job was safe, the income was too low to support his career as a trainer. He is already sixteen years old, and if he wastes any more time, he may completely miss out on his dream of being a trainer.

Yuhai, who had already left, didn't know what the bartender was thinking. He went to a nearby ATM machine, inserted two bank cards, and entered the ID and birthday passwords of the two people.

However, the password for the first card failed after two attempts, so he had to give up and throw away the card.

Fortunately, the password on the second card was correct, but the amount in the card was not much, and the total withdrawal was only 400,000.

After withdrawing the money, he went to the beach again and threw his ID card and bank card into the sea.

He sat on the beach, letting the sea breeze blow, and took out his small notebook to settle accounts.

There are 2.8 million in cash, plus the 400,000 withdrawn from the bank card, plus the 4,250,000 alliance coins obtained from the sale of loot from the grocery store owner.

Total balance: 7,450,000 (seven million four hundred and fifty thousand)

Regarding this harvest, Yuhai feels pretty good. As long as he does black and white again, he can catch up with the previous income of the black ship. He put the pen and notebook back into his backpack and summoned a large-billed gull to take him into the sewer outlet.

When he reappeared in the black market cave managed by the Poison Team, the masked men who had noticed him before stared at him, surprised that he could come back alive instead of being killed by those people.

His safety meant that the chasing masked men had encountered something unexpected.

In fact, other people had already gone to the fighting place and found only some blood, but no trace of anyone.

Those people may have become the shark's belly, and the trainers who come later will naturally not see anything.

If battles often occur here and cause casualties, then there must be a group of sharks waiting to enjoy the "buffet" around the outlet of the sewer coast.

As the people around him watched, Yuhai ignored the gazes. He once again paid the stall fee of one thousand alliance coins and found an open space to start his stall night life again.

However, unlike last time, this time no masked man came to ask about the price.

The thugs hanging around here can be seen from the miserable state of those few people that this new guy is a tough one.

Those who survived in this environment were all veterans. They were unwilling to offend such a ruthless character for two newcomer props, let alone be hunted down by them. Everyone knew that such a risk was not worth it.

As for revenge?

Don't be ridiculous, in this underground world full of interests, the idea of ​​revenge is especially ridiculous.

The criminals who hang out here only value profit, not brotherhood.

Unless they are blood brothers, being too loyal will only lead to backstabbing and betrayal.

Therefore, everyone must be extremely cautious, otherwise they cannot survive in this environment.

As for the drug team that manages the black market, will it intervene in these matters?

The answer is, no.

As long as there is no trouble in the black market, the poison team will not care. Everyone is here to do business, and there is no need to fight and kill.

If you are worried about being targeted, you can pay the protection fee to the poison team and you can get safe protection in the black market.

Yu Hai had expected this. He knew that fishing like this could only be used once or twice. Everyone here was as cunning as an old fox. It was impossible for someone to always be fooled. In the face of huge risks, they all controlled their greed.

Seeing that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, he decided to close the stall and leave the underground cave.

For the sake of safety, after arriving in the sewer, he released the Bad Frog and asked the Orb Silk Spider to explore the path ahead to prevent being ambushed.

It turned out that he was overly worried. There was neither Lao Liu ambushing him nor greedy wanted criminals sneaking up on him.

In other words, he was in the air force again. Even he couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that this thing could also be in the air force. No one else.

It seems that the way of making money by "fishing" can no longer continue. But there are two other black markets where you can do the same thing and do it twice more.

This is not a long-term solution. Once the three regulars in the black market know him, he will no longer be able to fish in this way. After all, everyone is not a fool, will not be easily fooled, and will not take the initiative to enter his fishing net.

If he still jumped in under such circumstances, then he would have reason to doubt whether the other party was trying to catch him.

It's impossible to attract experienced trainers just by relying on two newcomer items. Items that make senior trainers excited must be at least senior level, and even elite level items may not necessarily attract them.

This puts him in an endless loop. He does have senior-level items, but he may not be able to deal with the senior trainers he attracts. If there are only two newcomer items, those who know his level will not bite the hook.

So, how can he raise enough funds to fill Guisi's bottomless pit?

Oh, he is so difficult...

Sighing softly, Ukai understood that if he could not lure the greedy thugs, then he would have no choice but to take the initiative, which he did not want to do.

After all, there is a significant difference in nature between active attack and forced counterattack.

Hitting someone is considered intentional injury, and being hit can be considered self-defense.

As for over-defense?

Well, sorry, there is no law here. This is a lawless zone, and the laws of the alliance cannot touch this place, so there is no such thing as excessive defense. Being able to leave a whole body here is considered the greatest kindness.

If there is really no other way, he can ask the bartender which black ship likes to eat black people, and then play a sheep himself and sweep out all the black ships in the Big City port. In this way, he should be able to raise enough money for ghosts to consume. funds.

After making up his mind, Ukai decided to give up fishing on the black market and try his luck with Kurofune instead.

The sailors who ran the ship seemed to know how to save money better. The four people in the black market combined were less than half as much as the two people on the black ship.

It can only be said that those four people did not work hard enough, so they should look for their own reasons. After working for so many years, they have no savings? Think carefully about whether you have worked hard? Otherwise, how can we become the target of others’ harvest?

Walking in the dark sewer, Yuhai was thinking about how to make extra money when he suddenly stopped, turned around and shouted in a low voice to the sewer behind him: "Come out, I found you..."

His shout made both the bad frog and the orb silk spider nervous. They didn't hear any movement behind them. Could it be that the trainer discovered something? When did the trainer's perception become stronger than theirs?

"Stop hiding, I saw you." Yuhai was actually bluffing. He was not sure whether there was really Lao Liu behind him.

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