"Ahem, this... you also know, wasn't there a beast wave before?"

Pu Mu's face looked a little embarrassed. He clenched his hand unnaturally and put it in front of his mouth and coughed dryly.

"Now high-level trainers are doing post-war processing work, and they can't get away from it.……"

Needless to say what follows, that is, Fang Yuan’s appearance can make up for this gap.

"Hurry up and take care of everything, let's hurry to the ruins!"

Fang Yuan shook his head helplessly, but he didn't have anything else to say.

He and Pu Mu had the same purpose, to explore the secrets in this ruins.

And Pu Mu also obtained his consent at the beginning. Strictly speaking, , he wasn’t all tricked by Pu Mu.

"Don’t worry, it won’t take long to finish all these tasks!"

Seeing that Fang Yuan didn't look angry, Pu Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, if there is nothing valuable in the ruins, I will find a way to find other things to make up for you!"

"I don't particularly care about the items, I'm more concerned about what's in the ruins!"Fang Yuan waved his hand,"Tell me what you know about the situation!"

The two people were talking as they walked, and the researchers and guards in the camp nodded and saluted the two from time to time.

Needless to say, Pu Mu's identity is one of the alliance's few experts on Pokémon.

As for Fang Yuan, they also already know him He is the strongest trainer in the camp currently, bar none!

"Because high-level trainers were not available, and considering safety issues, we actually did not conduct too in-depth exploration of the ruins.……"

Pu Mu thought for a while and said to Fang Yuan

"The information currently available is only enough for us to judge that this is probably not a product of our continent!"

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something again, and added:"After preliminary investigation, this ruins should not be too dangerous. It is estimated that these guards can handle it!"

The implication of his words is that Fang Yuan probably doesn't even need to take action.

"hope so!"Fang Yuan just smiled softly at this.

Soon, the two of them were almost reaching the end of the camp.

At this time, a researcher in a white coat trotted over, his eyes constantly looking around.

Watching After arriving at Pu Mu and Fang Yuan, his eyes suddenly lit up and he ran over quickly

"Doctor, we have everything ready!"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan and Pu Mu couldn't help but look at each other, and they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

"You can enter the ruins!"


"Are the ruins underground?"Fang Yuan asked.

In front of him was a bottomless pit.

Obviously, this was the passage that Pu Mu and the others dug when they explored the ruins before.

"Yes, the ruins are hidden in the mountains! We originally planned to dig up the ruins directly, but……"

While saying this, Pu Mu handed the climbing rope in his hand to Fang Yuan

"The exterior of the ruins is made of unknown material and is indestructible. We can only find another way and dig a passage to the entrance of the same ruins. Fang

Yuan did not pick up the climbing rope, but smiled and pointed at the little Dream lying on his head and said with a smile:"I don't need this, it's enough for me to have it!""

There is obviously an easier way, so why does he have to work so hard to climb up and down like them?

Do you understand the mental power that can lead people to fly?

Pu Mu was stunned and didn't understand what Fang Yuan meant for a while.

Then he Then he saw Meng Meng lying on top of Fang Yuan's head moving his fingers, his cute big eyes glowing...

On Fang Yuan's body surface, a layer of light pink energy emerged, causing Fang Yuan to rise off the ground, Floating in the air,

Fang Yuan and Xiao Mengmeng turned around and fell towards the dark passage.

"Hey~ Boss, take me with you!"

Pu Mu suddenly woke up from his stunned state, looking at Fang Yuan who had disappeared into the passage, he wanted to cry without tears.

He lowered his head and looked at the climbing rope in his hand, and then thought about Fang Yuan's relaxed and comfortable appearance before, Pu Mu felt even more uncomfortable....

What else can we do?

Climb down obediently!

By the time Pu Mu arrived at the bottom of the tunnel in disgrace, it was already more than ten minutes later...

After him, researchers and guard trainers also came one after another. Arriving underground, many male researchers were carrying large bags filled with various equipment and tools. At the first moment, someone took out the lighting tools that had been prepared before and illuminated the entire underground.

In front of them is a huge man-made cave.

At the end of the cave, you can faintly see the corner of a building!

Fang Yuan, who was the first to go down to the cave, had already reached the entrance of the building with the help of Xiao Meng. With the bright light emitted, Fang Yuan carefully looked at the patterns on the stone wall in front of him, murmuring in his heart.

"It seems that this is indeed a relic from that world!"

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