About four or five hours later, the convoy arrived at the foot of a big mountain.

Fang Yuan opened the car door and got out of the car, and couldn't help but look around

"Are the ruins in this area?"

It was different from the ruins he imagined were in a deserted land, with patches of abandoned buildings... what appeared in front of him were high mountains, surrounded by large tracts of tall trees, a vibrant scene.

Except for the obvious Apart from a large open space opened by the alliance for the convenience of research... this place is clearly an inaccessible virgin forest!

"Yes, we discovered this place by chance!"Pu Mu also got out of the car and smiled back to Fang Yuan.

"However, the previous beast tide affected almost the entire wilderness area. Why does it feel like there is no trace of the rampant monsters in this area?"

Fang Yuan turned to look at Pu Mu and asked his question.

Whether he was traveling alone through the wilderness area before, or this time he was traveling with a convoy.……

��On the way, all you see is a messy and ruined scene after being trampled by monsters.

But the forest in front of us, under such circumstances, is like a pure land, still retaining its original appearance.

"In fact, this is also the reason why we can find this ruins!"

Pu Mu didn't seem surprised by Fang Yuan's question. In fact, he had the same idea when he first came here.

"This area seems to have some kind of mysterious power that prevents monsters from entering easily!"

Pu Mu slowly told Fang Yuan the entire cause and effect of the discovery of the ruins.

When the beast tide occurred before, all human bases faced great pressure.

In order to ensure that all human bases can survive this disaster safely , the alliance's top warriors were dispatched one after another.

The core human combat forces, such as the Earth Ranking and the Tianbang, always maintained extremely high mobility and kept running between human bases once the defense line of the human base was on the verge of collapse. , the nearest master trainers will try their best to rush over, and one of them once flew over this area!

In the tens of thousands of miles of dark and endless monsters, this area is the only one. As bright as the stars in the dark night, this master trainer did not immediately stop to investigate, but he also remembered the matter and reported it to the alliance after the beast wave was over.

"I didn’t expect that such a discovery would be made during a beast wave!"

Fang Yuan couldn't help but nodded after hearing this. He really didn't expect that the discovery of this ruins would be such an accident.

However, the existence of this mysterious power also made him more and more curious about this ruins!

Among Warcraft It's not like there aren't powerful beings. Don't even they dare to step into this area?

"Dream, can you feel that power?"Fang Yuan asked, raising his eyes to the little Meng Meng lying on his head.

Before Meng Meng could respond, Pu Mu next to him glanced at it in surprise.

"Although I have never seen this kind of Pokémon, but judging from the cute appearance of this creature, it shouldn't be a powerful Pokémon, right? Pu

Mu thought, and then he laughed dumbly. He only thought that Fang Yuan's question was just casual and didn't take it to heart.


Meng Meng raised its head, tilted its little head, then flew into the air and circled twice before returning to Fang Yuan.

While shaking its head, it rubbed its sleepy eyes, looking slightly confused.

Fang Yuan also I laughed at its cute appearance and couldn't help but reach out and rub its cute little head.


Little Dream closed her eyes comfortably, and her little head arched in Fang Yuan's hand.

After a while, it seemed that nothing happened to it, so it flew back to Fang Yuan's head and lay down to take a nap.

Fang Yuan Yuan turned to look at the camp that was gradually taking shape.

Tents for temporary living were being set up one after another, and the researchers also opened up square boxes of supplies one after another, leaving Fang Yuan unaware. Li took out his professional archaeological equipment.

Turning his gaze to the security trainers sent by the alliance, Fang Yuan was slightly startled.

In the systematic exploration technique, the Pokémon around these trainers were generally of the highest strength. Silver and gold were rare, even platinum-level ones.

As for diamond-level ones, Fang Yuan didn't see any.

"etc! Fang Yuan turned to look at Pu Mu with a strange expression,"Could it be that I am the only one who came to the ruins this time? In terms of strength, I can be considered a high-level trainer?""

Fang Yuan suddenly remembered that when Pu Mu said that he would give him all the things in the ruins...

In addition to the first half of the sentence about returning the favor, there seemed to be a word in the second half of the sentence... reward?

Although even if there is no reward, just rush This relic is related to that world, and he will come...

But... when you return the favor, do you ask others to help you again?

Old Pu, how can you be so good?

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