There are paintings painted on the stone walls of this ancient building.

There are people and various Pokémon painted on it.

In the murals, there are fights and harmonious relationships between them.

If viewed coherently, it is the history of the changing relationship between humans and Pokémon!

From this point alone, it can be basically determined that this ruins does not exist on this continent itself.

Where does the 'history' come from between humans and Pokémon on this continent?

It's a bit difficult to judge what kind of ruins this is based on this little bit of information!

"In the Pokémon world, many mythical beasts are regarded by ancient humans as incarnations of gods, so many ancient ruins were built by ancient humans for the mythical beasts they believed in!"

Gently tapping his finger on the mural, there was a picture recording the scene of human worship, Fang Yuan thought to himself.

"So, is this relic related to that mythical beast?"

Taking a few steps back, Fang Yuan tried to see the whole picture of the ancient building, but because of the���Because it was in the mountain, it could not be realized.

The main purpose of digging out the cave he is currently deep in is just to expose the entrance and allow researchers to enter it.

"Can you tell anything?"

Pu Mu and the others also walked over slowly at this time.

"I don’t have a clue yet, so I’d better take a walk inside!"Fang Yuan shook his head

"Then let's go! Pu Mu was not surprised and said with a smile.

The escort team sent by the alliance consciously formed a circle to protect the researchers.

Some of them were responsible for lighting work.

Under the illumination of special lighting fixtures, the surroundings It's like daytime.

When you approach the ancient building, the first thing you see is a spacious hall.

Perhaps it can't be called a hall anymore. This is a huge square!

Looking at it, the hall looks extremely empty, and there is not much useful information.

After leaving behind several researchers and the guards responsible for their safety, Fang Yuan and Pu Mu continued to walk deeper into the building. Every time they advanced, several researchers would leave the team and investigate various aspects of the ruins.

After half an hour passed, there were not many researchers still following Fang Yuan and Pu Mu.

"I feel... I am afraid that this relic is not in the mountain, but the entire mountain itself is this relic.……"Fang Yuan couldn't help but said.

Naturally, their walking speed was not very fast, but after walking for half an hour, they still couldn't complete the 'periphery' that Pu Mu mentioned. How big must the entire ruins be?

"To be honest, I feel the same way……"Pu Mu also smiled bitterly,"However, we will soon reach the location we explored before!"

As a scientific researcher, although he is not old, his physical fitness is far worse than Fang Yuan.

After walking for half an hour, he began to breathe slightly even as he spoke.

After walking for a few more minutes...

Pu Mu suddenly stopped and walked to the edge of the stone wall on one side, bending down as if confirming something.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan and said with a smile:"This is the location we explored last time. If we go further, it will be an unknown place!"

After saying that, he paused and said with expectation:" Hope there will be something we want in it!"

"Then let's go quickly!"

Fang Yuan was also full of expectations.

Pu Mu did not move immediately, but turned to look at Fang Yuan:"Aren't you going to release your Pokémon?"

He has always heard that Fang Yuan is very strong, but he has never seen Fang Yuan's Pokémon!

"It’s okay for this kid to be outside! Fang Yuan pointed at Huanmeng, and then said jokingly:"Besides, didn't you say that there is no danger in the ruins?"

Pu Mu shrugged:"As you can see, it is indeed calm inside the ruins. I asked you to release the Pokémon just as a precaution."……"

As if to prove the truth of his words, Pu Mu walked past the guard as he spoke.

However, the moment his foot landed on a certain stone brick, there seemed to be a faint sound in the darkness.

Then Pu Mu saw something in the darkness glowing coldly under the light, approaching him quickly.

When he saw clearly what the cold light represented, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

That's... an arrow! ?

Just when Pu Mu thought he was about to be stabbed into a hedgehog by arrows, the arrows in front of him suddenly stopped.

Taking a closer look, the arrow was covered with a faint pink light!

Pu Mu looked behind him and saw Fang Yuan's half-smiling expression.


Didn't you say there's no danger?

Do you still want to set a flag?

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