In the next few days, Fang Yuan made several trips to get Ding Zhiyong's 'approval' as he said.

Every time I go to the gym, the gym staff have weird faces.

As for Ding Zhiyong, his face looked as uncomfortable as eating a fly...

There is always a winner in a battle. If it is just a defeat, the gym leader must give a badge...

Then the strength of the trainer who finally obtains the master level cannot be guaranteed at all..

Just like these big guys who are on the same list and have similar strengths, they can challenge other big guys on the list every day.

After a few years of challenging, you can win thirty games, right?

Therefore, this unique master path, in order to ensure the gold content of the master trainer who finally enters the earth rankings... the alliance does stipulate pure defeat, and the gym leader can also not challenge according to his own wishes. The badge!

But similarly, the alliance also stipulates that when faced with challengers, gym leaders cannot avoid fighting!

These few times I approached Ding Zhiyong, I don’t know what his mentality was...

Each time he failed miserably, but every time he gritted his teeth and said that Fang Yuan had not received his approval...

Fang Yuan pretended to be depressed on the surface. He looked like a child, but he was smiling in his heart.

This is a good person!

Is this because he is afraid that his Pokémon will not get enough experience?

It wasn't until Pu Mu was almost ready to set off that Fang Yuan let the little Dream lying on his head take action.

Ding Zhiyong's quasi-king-level Gyarados was instantly killed with just a few moves of his fingers!

This time, Ding Zhiyong not only seemed to have eaten a fly, but more like he had eaten something dirty.

Even though he didn't want to hand over the badge, under such a huge gap in strength, he still gritted his teeth and handed it over.

In order to ensure the fairness of the gym, the alliance has appointed supervisors.

Before, Ding Zhiyong could still say that Fang Yuan's strongest elf Lightning Bird had an attribute advantage...

Now faced with such a crushing result, he could no longer find any excuse.

On the way back to Pu Mu's research institute, Fang Yuan looked at the panels of several Pokémon on the field and couldn't help but smile.

[Darkrai Lv.58]

[Category: Dark Pokémon]

[Gender: no gender]

[Attribute: evil]

[Traits: Nightmare]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Master]


[Flash Shakira Lv.60]

[Category: Bullet Skin Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Properties: rocky ground]

[Features: Molt]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Master]


[Lightning Bird Lv.66]

[Category: Shock Pokémon]

[Gender: no gender]

[Attribute: Electric flight]

[Characteristics: Feeling of oppression]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: King]


Early that morning, Fang Yuan walked out of the room Pu Mu had prepared for him and found a lively scene in the open space outside the research institute.

Countless researchers in white coats are directing dozens of powerful and strange forces to carry square-shaped packages of materials to trucks.

"Are you leaving today? Fang Yuan secretly said,"However, I didn't expect that there would be so many people together."……"

After thinking about it, Fang Yuan felt relieved. It was obviously impossible for Pu Mu to complete the inspection work of this kind of ruins by himself.

As a doctor at the institute, Pu Mu may have a broader grasp of knowledge, but the basic work of collecting information and excavating ruins still needs the help of his researchers.

"Are you up?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Pu Mu came over with a smile.

"Well, it’s early for you too! Fang Yuan nodded,"Where is the ruins we are going to?""

"You’ll find out when you get there! Pu Mu smiled mysteriously and gave it away,"Pack it up and come with me!""

An hour later, a mighty motorcade drove out of the research institute.

Pu Mu and Fang Yuan sat together, in the center of the entire motorcade.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something……"In the car, Pu Mu thought for a while,"Everything I got from this trip to the ruins, after completing the research work, will all belong to you. You can treat it as the reward for saving me and this trip!""

"All mine? Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment,"Does the alliance allow it?""

This is a ruins that may be related to the world on the other side of the world. Are you giving everything to him?"

"Excluding the research value, after the obtained items are handed over to the alliance, they are just assigned to the alliance's high-level trainers.……"

Pu Mu explained with a smile, looking at Fang Yuan with an incomprehensible look.

"You will eventually become one of the strongest trainers in the alliance. I will give you everything. Even if the alliance makes some slight remarks, it will disappear after you prove your strength!"

Although Pu Mu has been busy with preparations for exploring the ruins these days, it is impossible for him to know nothing about the uproar in the entire human base.

It is this handsome young man who looks only twenty years old in front of him. Gym leader Ding Zhiyong is rubbing against the ground!

Maybe one victory does not mean that Fang Yuan is stronger than Ding Zhiyong, but four wins in four battles... and from the beginning to the end, the Pokémon in his hand are in good condition, then It's enough to explain the problem!

I guess if anyone still said that Fang Yuan was not strong enough, it would be hard to say in other places, but in this human base, he would be drowned in saliva!

Fang Yuan didn't say anything more, and he didn't refuse Pu Mu's kindness....

The worst thing is, when the time comes, all the things that he doesn't have much use for will be left for Pu Mu to explain to the alliance!

The things that he doesn't like with the system may not be bad in the eyes of others. Got it!

…… ps: Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions every day

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