The scorching and intense flames drew a line of fire on the ground, separating the Flame Horse from the Kentero group.

Pu Mu looked back at the still aggressive Kentaro group, looking for a chance to break through the line of fire, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

And when he turned back, he couldn't help but look at Fang Yuan with a bit of shock.

"When did the alliance have such a young diamond-level trainer?"

Pu Mu is not an inexperienced person. He can see from the subtleties the bond between this powerful fire-breathing dragon and the handsome boy.

It is obvious that this fire-breathing dragon was either lent by the elders or The young man's own!

And with just one flame, he could forcibly intercept the entire Kentero clan...

The strength of this fire-breathing dragon was at least diamond level, right?

Pu Mu never thought that Fang Yuan would be more powerful. A high-level trainer...

After all, even the one who is currently sitting on the league champion's throne and is known as the number one genius in the history of the league... at this age, it seems that his rank is only diamond level, right

? It is easy to be limited by knowledge, and Pu Mu is naturally no exception.

"Thank you for saving me and the Blazing Horse! Pu Mu bowed slightly in front of the statue,"My name is Pu Mu, what do my friends call me?""

In Pu Mu's opinion, in addition to his own talent, an excellent trainer like the boy in front of him may also have an extraordinary background.

He thinks that he often interacts with high-level trainers in the league and has relationships with many people. Not bad.

Perhaps, he could guess the boy's specific background through his name and return the favor!

"My name is Fang Yuan, thank you, don’t say thank you for now, please explain why you are being chased by Kentero first!"

Fang Yuan looked at him with a half-smile.

Kentaro is not a Pokmon that will actively attack humans, let alone a large-scale pursuit like this.

If the guy named Pu Mu in front of him is so ugly, it's hard to say. Come on, don't blame him for leaving directly and leaving the matter to the Kentero group.

In this era of raging monsters, as humans, Fang Yuan doesn't mind doing whatever is necessary as long as it doesn't affect his own interests. But it doesn't mean that he will save everyone!

"Fang Yuan?"Pu Mu muttered this name, but couldn't think of any descendant of a high-level trainer with this name in his mind.

Could it be that this young man got to where he is today on his own?

Before he could think about it, After hearing the second half of Fang Yuan's words clearly,

Pu Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

However, there was nothing to complain about, and it was impossible for people to help indiscriminately. It is true that he and Fang Yuan are both human beings, but there is an alliance between Pokémon and humans! He was chased by the Kentero group.

Who knows if he did something excessive to the Kentero group?

He said that Pu Mu had heard a little bit about the actions of some trainers with bad behavior in the wilderness area.

This young man did not choose to expel all the Kentero groups at the first time, but instead made him think twice.

"I am a Pokémon researcher, and this time I went out to study the Pokémon in this area!"Pu Mudao


Fang Yuan looked at him twice and found that he did have a bit of the rigorous temperament of a researcher.

"However, you still haven’t made it clear why you are being chased by Kentero!"

Hearing this, the bitterness on Pu Mu's face became a little deeper, and there was also a bit of indescribable melancholy.

"Just last night, I met a little Kentero that was in extremely bad condition. If not treated in time, his life may be in danger.……"

Saying that, Pu Mu paused before continuing:"After I asked the clan leader of Kentero for permission, I treated it, and then, that's it.……"

"That little Kentero couldn't be saved?"Fang Yuan asked

"No, after taking the medicine, there will be a short period of drowsiness. When it wakes up, the state will naturally recover!"Pu Mu spread his hands.

"However, you have also seen that these Kenteros did not listen to my explanation at all.……"

If what Pu Mu said is true, then he is really unjust...

Fang Yuan couldn't help but look at him sympathetically, but he couldn't just believe him based on his one-sided words.

"Where is that little Kentero? Do you mind taking me to have a look?"

Pu Mu nodded. He knew that if Fang Yuan wanted to prove his innocence, this method was undoubtedly the fastest and most true.

At the same time, it could also be regarded as an explanation for this group of Kenteros!

…… ps: The protagonist will not save people randomly. If you don’t believe me, just look, this guy has a name...

Originally the plot was a little different, until we found out that all Kentaros were male... we had to silently change the text and updated it now...

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