After finalizing the plan, Fang Yuan came directly to the Kentero group.

The Kenteros obviously knew how powerful the fire-breathing dragon was, and they couldn't help but retreat back with some caution.

Fang Yuan did not provoke them, he stopped a distance in front of them and repeated Pu Mu's words. and expressed his desire to go and have a look.

A Kentero who was one size larger than the other Kenteros came out of the group and nodded towards Fang Yuan.

Obviously, this is the leader of the Kentero group.

But it still looked at Pu Mu with a little distrust.

Fang Yuan and Pu Mu just followed the Kentero group and headed in a certain direction.

Soon, the Kentero group stopped in a certain area.

Fang Yuan and Pu Mu knew they had reached their destination, so they crossed the Kentero group and walked forward.

When I saw the leader of Kentero again, I could clearly feel that the aura on his body had calmed down.

"Judging from its appearance, the little Kentero must have woken up!"Fang Yuan already believed Pu Mu's words.

Sure enough, when they came to the front of the Kentero group, they saw a lively little Kentero.

"I didn’t see it, but you are quite caring!"Fang Yuan laughed.

Pu Mu shrugged:"If we encounter one, there's no way we can just ignore it!"

Although, he almost lost his life in trying to save him.……


"This is your institute?"

Fang Yuan looked at the majestic building in front of him and turned to look at Pu Mu.

After they talked, they realized that the two of them had the same destination, so they simply arrived at the current human base together.

Originally, Fang Yuan wanted to What left him immediately was that Pu Mu repeatedly invited him to visit his research institute, and Fang Yuan couldn't refuse.

Just looking at the scale of this research institute, Pu Mu was more than just a researcher!

"How about it? My research institute is not bad, right? Pu Mu smiled.

He could see now that Fang Yuan is probably not a descendant of any high-level trainer.

Ordinary people may not know about researchers like him, but there are more high-level trainers in the alliance. Shaochou knew a little bit about it, but it was precisely this that made him even more impressed by Fang Yuan's talent.

"Not bad indeed! Such a research institute can usually get a lot of kickbacks, right? Fang Yuan said nervously.

Pu Mu's mouth twitched and he simply pretended not to hear what he said:"Let's go in, don't just stand here.""

After facial recognition, the two of them entered the interior of the research institute unimpeded.

There is a cave inside, with transparent glass on both sides of the aisle. On the other side of the glass, there are various environments such as sand, pools, and artificial forests.

Different types of Pokémon are active inside, and from time to time you can see a few researchers in white coats holding small notebooks to record various data.


A few people in white coats walked towards Pu Mu and nodded respectfully.

Seeing Fang Yuan next to Pu Mu, they couldn't help but be a little surprised and gradually walked away with curiosity.

"I heard you keep talking about your research institute before, and I thought you were working here.……"

When the researchers walked away, Fang Yuan couldn't help but glance at Pu Mu in surprise.

"I didn’t expect that this is really your research institute! Pu

Mu nodded, feeling proud and proud. After thinking about it, he looked at Fang Yuan

"Along the way, have you fallen in love with any Pokémon? You pick one or two, and consider it as my repayment of your favor for saving me!"

The weight of Pu Mu's words is not small. Pokmon that can be placed in the research institute are worth a lot of money when placed on the alliance's trading market.

"I really don’t have what I want……"

After thinking about it carefully, Fang Yuan smiled and shook his head.

The Pokémon here are rare to ordinary trainers, but to Fang Yuan, they really are nothing.

Pu Mu's slightly proud smile froze on his face, feeling shocked.

Fang Yuan actually doesn't like any of the Pokémon in his research institute?

Pu Mu's original feeling of elation disappeared all of a sudden...

Also, such a young 'Diamond Level' trainer naturally has a higher vision than most people.

These are pretty good Pokémon for ordinary diamond-level trainers, so it’s not surprising that he doesn’t like them.

"But, how can I repay my favor like this?"Pu Mu is in trouble.

The most difficult thing to repay is the debt of gratitude. As a result, he can't repay even the best things he has...

So what should he do now?

Pu Mu thought hard, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He really has something here. Something that might suit this genius trainer’s liking!

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