In the sky above the territory that originally belonged to Darkrai, a figure was constantly hovering.

Judging from its appearance, it seems to be a Pokémon.

It has a light blue body, orange hair on its abdomen, and two bunches of purple-red hair on its chest.

There are yellow crescent-like decorations on both sides of its head.

Pink ring-shaped wings are on the sides and back, with claw-like front ends placed on the chest.

When it soars in the sky, its gossamer-like feathers emit light, and when its wings flap, it emits flash particles, leaving a long strip of light in the sky.

It seemed to be looking for something, its pink eyes with a hint of white light looking at the land below.

If Fang Yuan were here, he would definitely recognize it immediately.

At the same time, you will also understand why Darkrai's previous treatment of the passing trainers only made them fall into coma instead of causing them nightmares...

It's a pity that at this time, Fang Yuan was riding the fire-breathing dragon and no longer knew How far it flew.

This figure circled in the air for several more times, perhaps not finding what it wanted...

It flapped its wings slightly, leaving a strip of light before disappearing into the sky.


Fang Yuan on this side would naturally not know that a mysterious elf came to that area after he left.

On the contrary, during the flight, the movement below caught his attention.

Down below, bursts of movement came, and smoke and dust billowed.

Among the billowing smoke, Pokémon with the appearance of a cow, a pair of huge horns on their heads, three points on their foreheads, hair on their necks, and three tails appeared and disappeared.

This is a Kentero tribe!

Speaking of Kentero, pocket fans should be familiar with it. Master Zhi once conquered a large group of Kentero in the wilderness area.

From time to time, the Kenteros also like to use their hard hooves to show intimacy to Master Zhi...

This kind of Pokémon is not particularly strong individually, but they live in groups, and their collective strength is not small..

They are usually docile and will not attack humans for no reason unless they are attacked.

As for what will happen if we really provoke them?

Enhanced version of the needle swarm, do you want to know about it?

So... most people won't provoke them if they have nothing to do.

However, it is obvious... the figure below who is being chased by the Kentero group is not an ordinary person...

I saw only a figure, riding on a horse-shaped Pokémon, running forward without daring to look back..

The horse-shaped Pokémon has a light yellow body, with blazing flames on its temples from the top of its head along its back to its tail.

An object similar to a horn sprouted from the top of his head, with fiery red eyes.

This is the flaming horse!

A Pokémon with super sprinting and running abilities that is extremely suitable as a mount!

If it weren't for this flaming horse, this man who dared to anger a Kentero tribe would have been completely cold.

However, looking at the state of the flames on this flaming horse, it was obvious that it had gone through a long run and its condition was gradually declining.

This dear friend, although it’s not cold yet, he’s already on the way to getting cooler.……

"How can these guys be so good at chasing!"

Pu Mu, who was on the back of the flaming horse, hugged the flaming horse tightly and was about to cry without tears. Didn't he just do a 'little thing'?

As for mobilizing troops like this, did the entire ethnic group join the team chasing him?

"But now there is no regret medicine. As long as I stop, I will definitely be trampled to pieces by these Kenteros.……"

Pu Mu sighed and stroked the flame horse's neck apologetically.

"It’s just that I’m going to inconvenience you, I’m sorry!"

He didn't say anything about letting the flaming horse leave alone...

The flaming horse is extremely loyal. Even if he jumps directly off its back, it will come back and accompany him to meet death.

Of course, maybe in his heart , more or less still have a little bit of hope!

"However, not long after the beast tide recedes, how many trainers will enter the wilderness area! Let alone a trainer who can stop these Kenteros! Pu

Mu laughed at himself and closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate.

The movement behind seemed to be getting closer, but why did he suddenly feel that the temperature became a bit high?

Moreover, after the temperature increased, why did the movement behind become further and further away?

Pu Mu Hesitating slightly, he slowly opened his eyes and saw a huge flame coming from the direction of the Flame Horse, and then splitting to both sides due to the Flame Horse's [Fire Drawing] characteristic, blocking the Kentaro group behind. Come.

He looked up and saw a handsome young man riding on a fire-breathing dragon!

"Am I... saved?"

Happiness came so suddenly, Pu Mu couldn't believe it.

…… ps: I think I have to find time to write one more chapter, and then update the first chapter of the next day at this time every day. Otherwise, it feels weird to update the sixth chapter after midnight every time.

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