"Come out too! Mew-two!"

Fang Yuan then took out two [Master Balls] and threw them into the sky.

White light flashed, and Chaomeng appeared in mid-air.

Fang Yuan's experience told him that if he had to manually control all the monsters in this place, If he converted it into points, he would probably have to sleep on the floor here for two nights... and he wouldn't need to ask for his waist... This was not the first time that Mewtwo and Mew, who were lying on his head, had done this kind of thing.

When Fang Yuan gave the order, he mobilized his mental power with ease. The pink energy covered the magical beasts one after another, and then transported them to Fang Yuan's hands.

"Ding! Successfully recovered diamond-level monsters! You have earned 2000 points!"


"Ding! Successfully recovered the master level monster! You've earned 5,000 points!"


"Ding! Successfully recovered the king-level monster! You have earned 10,000 points!"


In Fang Yuan's hands, one monster after another disappeared into the air after a few distortions.

In Fang Yuan's mind, the beeps for successful recycling also kept ringing!

As the piles of World of Warcraft corpses on the ground continue to decrease, the numbers in the points bar above the system store panel are also beating crazily.

Fifty thousand... one hundred thousand... two hundred thousand...

Fang Yuan once again went from a 'zero' light egg to a points giant!

"Next, is the main event!"Fang Yuan murmured.

In front of him, there were only the four beast kings left, which had not been exchanged for points.

The beast kings with quasi-god-level combat power!

No matter what, the points that can be exchanged are not that low. Right?

Walking up to the Netherworld Demon Tiger, Fang Yuan pressed his palm on it

"Ding! Do you want to recycle the quasi-god-level Nether Demon Tiger?"


A small vortex seemed to appear in the palm of Fang Yuan's hand, and a suction force was generated.

The huge body of the Netherworld Demon Tiger gradually became illusory, and finally became lighter and lighter, twisted and then disappeared.

"Ding! Successfully recovered the quasi-god-level Nether Demon Tiger! You've earned 10,0000 points!"

The points exchanged for a quasi-god-level monster are ten times that of a king-level monster!

Sure enough, the quasi-god's combat power has reached another level?

Fang Yuan's burning gaze couldn't help but cast towards the remaining monsters on the ground. The three-headed beast king

"Ding! Successfully recovered the quasi-god-level magical bear! You've earned 10,0000 points!"


"Ding! Successfully recovered the quasi-god-level Vajra Demon Ape! You've earned 10,0000 points!"


"Ding! Successfully recovered the quasi-god-level Blood Hell Demonic Lion! You've earned 10,0000 points!"


Because there are four quasi-god-level beast kings this time, Fang Yuan now has a whole lot more points than when he took out the abandoned city before...!

"It’s time to splurge again!"Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

"But now it's time to go back."

After being away for so long, Xiaoguang must be getting impatient, right?

"Everyone, come back!"Put away all the Pokmon except Huan Meng, Fang Yuan summoned Charizard and jumped on its back.

Charizard flapped its huge wings, and the strong wind swept, and one person and one dragon disappeared in place.

But Sandstorm did not Without the energy supply, it slowly dissipated, revealing the empty defense plain.

If it weren't for the messy bloodstains on it, and the smoke and flames that had not yet dissipated, no one would have thought that a large-scale beast had happened here. tide


Cheng Taihua and the others seemed to be working very efficiently.

When Fang Yuan rode the fire-breathing dragon across the sky, he also discovered that the human base below was not as chaotic as imagined.

Under the maintenance of the army, it was fairly orderly.

The people who had been moved to the center of the base were now walking in groups towards home.

The originally tense atmosphere of preparations for war has also diluted a lot.

After watching for a while, Fang Yuan looked back and could already faintly see the edge of the other end of the base.

The combat power of the fire-breathing dragon has been upgraded to the king level, and its flying speed has also made a qualitative leap.

The time spent was reduced by nearly half compared to before!

In the distance, Fang Yuan could already see the figure of the old principal.

However, until he landed next to the old principal, he could not find that beautiful figure, which made him a little confused.

"Stop looking for it. After you left, Xiaoguang's nervous look made me feel bad, so I asked her to go back first!"The old principal said calmly.

Fang Yuan felt relieved:"So has she returned to school?"

"No! She asked me to tell you that she is waiting for you at your home!"

There was a hint of resentment in the old principal's tone.

His granddaughter actually has the key to Fang Yuan's house?!

"The old principal’s negative emotions +10086!"

…… ps: Because I am not full-time, I have things to do during the day, so I can only code at night, so the update time may be relatively late, please don’t mind...

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