The final evolved form of the round land shark, the popularity of the biting land shark has always been high among pocket fans!

As a quasi-god Pokémon, Biting Land Shark not only has a very high level, but also has a good appearance!

Naturally, it has gained the love of many pocket fans, and Fang Yuan is no exception.

Being able to come to this world, this Pokémon is also on his must-conquer list!

When you have an opportunity, of course you can't miss it.

The most important thing is that, as far as Fang Yuan knows, there are trainers in the alliance who use the Bite Land Shark!

For example, the one currently sitting at the top of the Heavenly Ranking is the Royal Sister League Champion!

Then, it is natural that there will be ownerless Round Land Sharks in the alliance!

"Round land shark? Cheng Taihua lowered his head and thought,"How could I forget this!""

If it's the Round Shark, it matches Fang Yuan's strength!

As the initial form of the quasi-god Pokémon, the Round Shark is one of the highest-level Pokémon even in the alliance!

"Based on your contribution in this battle, it is estimated that as long as there are still unowned Round Land Sharks in the Alliance, nine out of ten will agree!"Cheng Taihua said with a smile.

The value of the round land shark cannot be measured in money!

Whether it is in the regular exchange of the alliance or in the black market, this little guy has a price but no market!

After all, as long as you own this Even if the little guy doesn't have enough resources to cultivate it, when it grows and evolves into a biting land shark, it will be equivalent to gaining a diamond-level combat power out of thin air!

And having a diamond-level Pokémon is the last thing a trainer can do. You can also get a platinum rank, and you can get a lot of supplies from the alliance every month. No one is stupid enough to trade it out, so that there will always be only one price on the market, but it will never actually appear.

Although the value of the Round Land Shark is high, Fang Yuan is the first to kill the four beast kings, and the Alliance is not reluctant to part with it if there is still time.

As stingy as the diamond-level trainers say, it is really just a joke. That's all

"Then it’s settled! Fang Yuan thought for a while,"It seems that the alliance doesn't have anything more that I want!""

With a system on him, there really aren't many things in the league that can catch his eye.

Maybe, this is the big boss?

In this regard, Cheng Taihua could only smile bitterly:"Well, I'll go back and leave it for you to report. , I guess there will be clear news when you come to the gym in a few days! Fang

Yuan nodded, suddenly remembered something, and warned:"By the way, you just know that I can find the [Mega Evolution Stone], and don't spread it to others.""

He and this group of people can be regarded as fighting side by side, but it doesn't mean that he will help anyone who comes.

"If someone asks, you can tell them directly that there are reserves on this continent and let them find and mine them themselves."Fang Yuan said again.

This can be regarded as an explanation for the source of his [Mega Evolutionary Stone].

Of course, this continent must have mineral deposits of [Mega Evolutionary Stone], there are just more and less. Just a problem

"Don't worry, we still have some sense of propriety! If anyone asks, we just say we got it by accident!"

Said, Cheng Taihua looked around:"Do you need my help to deal with these monsters?"

"No! Fang Yuan smiled and said,"I can handle it myself!""

Compared with exchanging points for the system, selling them into alliance coins on the exchange, for Fang Yuan, is an operation that can cost him his pants!

Cheng Taihua was slightly startled and looked at him thoughtfully. Without asking him what to do, he nodded and led a group of diamond-level trainers away.

Everyone had their own secrets that were not allowed to be touched by others. Although Cheng Taihua was curious, he had no intention of prying. If you have this time, you might as well think about how to minimize the impact of the beast tide.

They asked the young trainers to retreat and stay to face the beast tide.

At this time, everyone in the human base probably thought that they had fallen. There's been a huge commotion……


When their backs disappeared from sight, Fang Yuan also turned around and looked at the land with a radius of ten miles, his eyes couldn't help but be a little intoxicated.

This is not just a pile of corpses of monsters, these are all points!

Moreover, looking at it like this, the points accumulated will probably not be lower than the previous victory over an abandoned city!

"Come out! Bangira!"

Fang Yuan took out the [Advanced Ball] filled with Bangira and threw it into the sky.


White light flashed, and Bangila, who was huge and wearing light green armor, appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

And the next moment, Bangila's [Sand Blowing] characteristic was activated, and a radius of more than ten meters was instantly covered by a sandstorm.

The outside world was covered All the eyes were blocked.

The monster corpses were converted into points and disappeared out of thin air.

If he could keep a low profile, it was better not to be too public.

With the protection of Bangila, Fang Yuan was not affected by the sandstorm.

"It’s time to start mining!" Stretching out, Fang Yuan smiled.

It's the harvest season again!

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