"my home?"

Fang Yuan was slightly startled, then turned around and saw the old principal's unsightly expression.

The resentment was about to reach the sky.

Fang Yuan quickly realized that Xiaoguang even had the key to his house, saying that he The relationship between the two has not reached that point.

Fang Yuan doesn't know whether others believe it, but judging from the old principal's appearance, he definitely doesn't believe it.

The point is, this is Xiao Guang's grandfather. Fang Yuan couldn't help but coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Ahem, if the old principal is fine, I'll leave first!"

After saying that, Fang Yuan turned around and was about to run away.

"Stop here, boy! The old principal came up and said,"Are you running so fast because you are afraid that I will eat you?""

Fang Yuan: I'm really afraid.……

"you boy……"

The old principal thought about it carefully and found that these two children were quite a match. Fang Yuan didn't do anything to disrespect the girl, so he couldn't help but sigh.

"Be nice to Xiaoguang! During the time you are away, she will not think about food or tea!"

Gazing into Fang Yuan's eyes, the old principal continued:"Especially after the beast tide happened, I saw her secretly wiping tears several times!"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan couldn't help but think of that charming figure, his eyes softened and his face became serious.

"Don't worry, I will!"

Long before going to the wilderness area, the girl's unreserved dedication had already made him decide to protect her for the rest of his life.

"This is naturally the best. If you let me know that you bully her, I will……"

Having said this, the old principal suddenly remembered that he seemed to be no longer Fang Yuan's opponent...

After a pause, the old principal thought about a new solution.

After a while, he continued:"I will let my old guys and my apprentices over the years beat you together!"

Fang Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The old principal is already old, does he still want to imitate young people to fight in groups?

Also, your old friends are probably quite young, right?

If you call them all together, aren't you afraid that a fight will start and all of them will suddenly get out of the way?

Thinking of that extremely beautiful scene, Fang Yuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Um? Don't you agree?"The old principal raised his eyebrows.

"No no!"Fang Yuan quickly waved his hand,"Don't worry!"

After thinking about it, Fang Yuan took out two things and stuffed them into the hands of the old principal.

"What's this?"

The old principal opened his hand. On it was a round bead and a special-shaped stone.

"This bead is [Mega Evolution Stone], this stone is [Mega Key Stone]】!"

Fang Yuan explained briefly

"Just keep the Keystone on your body, find something to fix the Evolution Stone on your Charizard, and that’s it!"

While saying this, Fang Yuan jumped on the back of his fire-breathing dragon and turned to look at the old principal.

"As for the specific functions, you will understand after some exploration!"

Patted the fire-breathing dragon, its huge wings flapped, and one man and one dragon rose into the sky, leaving the old principal with a stunned look.

When Cheng Taihua proposed to trade the [Mega Evolution Stone], Fang Yuan wanted to give The old principal also prepared one.

The special little fire dragon and the mysterious egg that the old principal gave him were no less valuable than Cheng Taihua's [Silver Feather].

The most valuable thing was that he didn't care about it at all. In return, he gave both things to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan always remembered this favor!

Well, the truth is that the old principal is Xiaoguang's grandfather, ahem.……


Soon, the fire-breathing dragon fell in the yard

"come back! Charizard!"

Fang Yuan put away the [Advanced Ball] and came to the door of his house.

Thinking of the beautiful figure he was about to see, Fang Yuan's mood also became better.

Speaking of which, the only relationship between the two in these days The time they spent together was just a short moment when he returned to the human base.

Not only did the girl miss him, but he also missed her.

Just as he was about to take out the key and open the door, there seemed to be several movements in the house.

"What is Xiaoguang doing inside?"Fang Yuan was stunned, his hand hovering in the air.

The next moment, the door opened, revealing a girl wearing pink home clothes.

In front of her, there was an apron.

Fang Yuan was even more stunned, just like the girl Just as he had never heard of him being able to cook, he had never heard of a girl being able to cook!

Noticing his gaze, the girl's pretty face turned red, and she lowered her head and rubbed the corners of her clothes uneasily.

"Well...I'm sorry, I've been studying for two months, but I still can't do something well.……"

Only then did Fang Yuan notice that there was a vegetable leaf stuck to the girl's face, and her apron was a little messy with various ingredients.

So... did you just knock over everything in the kitchen?

"Silly girl……"

Fang Yuan couldn't help but twist the vegetable leaves from the girl's face, and then hugged the girl's soft body into his arms

"ah! The apron is dirty!"

The girl pushed Fang Yuan with a little force. Seeing that she couldn't escape, she bit her lip and leaned into his arms with a sweet look on her face.

"Don’t worry, I’ll get it done soon, and you’ll definitely be able to eat the food I cooked tonight!"

"No more meals!"Fang Yuan gently sniffed the fragrance of the girl, leaned close to her crystal earlobe and said

"ah? If you don't want to eat, what will we eat tonight?"

"eat you!"

The girl's little face was confused for a moment. Fang Yuan couldn't bear it anymore and picked up the princess.

The girl reacted this time, her little face was as red as an apple.

And her body, He suddenly became limp, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his beautiful eyes were watery.

This look of letting Jun take his pick was Fang Yuan's silent invitation.

Fang Yuan stepped into the door, closed it with his heel, and held the girl in his arms. He strode towards the room upstairs.

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