Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 112 Be my apprentice

give up.

Kano Akihiro laughed hoarsely, and what he said was simple.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will not give up. Before doing all this, I knew clearly that the possibility of success is almost zero, but if I don't give it a try, how can I be willing to do so?!

Kano Akihiro's hands were trembling and his expression was very excited. He always knew that it was almost impossible, but he was willing to try!

You are indeed better than me in perfecting the semi-ghoul surgery, but I may not be able to surpass you in research on resurrection from the dead!

Decades of persistence have made Akihiro Kano extremely paranoid. Ke Ling's words indeed confirmed once again that the possibility of success is slim.

But then I thought about it, I have already achieved the point where I can resurrect people and even have consciousness, so I just need to take one more step forward, one small step forward! Is it possible to cross that threshold? !

Sure enough, you are hopeless.

Ke Ling sighed. Kano Akihiro seemed like a normal person, but decades of obsession had long since driven him into madness.

He would not give up until he saw the final result with his own eyes, without hitting the wall, without breaking his head and bleeding.

But I admit that one thing you said is right. Sacrifice can indeed be avoided. Limiting the power of Hebao and opening it level by level can indeed better observe the changes in the human body.

Kano Akihiro changed the topic and his expression gradually calmed down.

My previous method was too inefficient. With your method, I can save a lot of trouble and no longer have to worry about finding experimental subjects.

Kano Akihiro looked at the Anjiu sisters on the side. These two sisters were the best experimental subjects, enough for him to observe for a while.

That's why I told you this method, Kano Akihiro, this is the right way. Use your previous method to create half-ghouls. They will only hate you and will not cooperate with your research.

Ke Ling guided Kano Akihiro. This old guy found Anjiu sisters because he actually wanted to find two people who were willing to cooperate with his research. He would naturally agree with this statement.

Of course you want to resurrect your mother, but you shouldn't risk the lives of innocent people. Even if you succeed in the end, will your mother be happy to accept such a resurrection? Seeing what you look like now , will your mother really be happy?

Ke Ling began to teach him values. If Kano Akihiro really cares about his mother, then this is a problem he must face.


Kano Akihiro remained silent. These are things that need to be considered only after success. To be honest, because the probability of success is so low, he has not even considered these issues at all.

Is this your purpose? Let me take another path? A path that no one has sacrificed for? What if I choose to refuse?

Akihiro Kano spoke slowly, but he actually already knew the answer.

Then I will kill you.

Ke Ling did not hesitate and asked him to cooperate with Kano Akihiro. Seeing Kano Akihiro constantly using the lives of innocent people to pile up his own research results, this was impossible. His three views had not collapsed to that extent.

I understand, at least at this stage, I won't do that again.

Akihiro Kano nodded. The failed mutants were not of much help to his research. If he had Ke Ling's method before, he would not have done that kind of thing and let himself take unnecessary risks. He didn't want to be the target of public criticism.

Very good, it seems we have reached a preliminary consensus on this point.

Ke Ling nodded. Of course he would not trust Kano Akihiro so simply, but at least now, this guy would be more restrained.

Kano Akihiro actually understands good and evil in his heart, so if conditions permit, he will not choose extreme means. But once this road fails, he will definitely revert to his old ways and choose extreme means again. There is no such thing with him Any bottom line.

If it weren't for the fact that A and B of the local banks had difficulty in contacting and gaining trust under the protection of CCG, Ke Ling would never have cooperated with someone like Akihiro Kano.

In exchange for perfecting the semi-ghoul surgery, I need you to make a Kuink for me using Kamidao Rise's Hebang.

Ke Ling put forward his own request. As for Hebao's transplant, there was no rush for the time being. He would wait until Kano Akihiro perfected the semi-ghoul surgery.

Moreover, Ke Ling didn't intend to reveal his secret to this guy. He didn't trust Akihiro Kano. No one knew what he would do if he had no bottom line.

If Akihiro Kano knew the secret of his body, I'm sure this guy would have some evil thoughts.

This world is already miserable enough. If this guy were to invent something related to ghosts and spread it, it would be great fun.

That's no problem. What shape do you want?

Kano Akihiro agreed. This was very simple for him. After all, he had worked in CCG’s research institute for so long.

Kamidai Rise's Hezi is Linhe, which has strong plasticity, so the processing styles that can be selected are relatively free.

Just follow this style.

Ke Ling pulled out the thermal samurai sword. For the time being, this weapon was easy to use. After all, the first systematic combat method he learned was Water Breathing.

no problem.

Akihiro Kano glanced at the thermal katana, and then nodded directly. Of course, the scale can also be made into a sword shape.

Although this knife seems to be made with a very special craftsmanship, Kuink is not bad either. It is the only way for humans to fight against ghouls.

Is there anything else?

Kano Akihiro saw that Mr. Collins obviously valued the talent of Kamishiro Riyo, and this should also be one of his goals.

This is normal. Anyone who studies ghouls, who can refuse such an excellent Hebao mother body?

I've been staying with you for a while recently, should it be okay?

Ke Ling planned to use this place as a resting place, just in time to keep an eye on Kano Akihiro, so that this guy wouldn't run away.

Of course, it just so happens that we can also discuss the research on ghouls.

Akihiro Kano readily agreed. He still had many questions to ask Mr. Collins about the follow-up research.


Ke Ling felt guilty for a while. Looking at Kano Akihiro's expression, he must have wanted to get to the bottom of it, which was a bit troublesome.

He can still talk about the semi-ghoul surgery. The principle of this thing is similar to that of Kuink, and the explanation is quite clear. Kano Akihiro will soon complete the improvement.

But Ke Ling really doesn't understand the matter of the resurrection of the dead. Who knows how this guy Akihiro Kano did it? All he knew was the semi-ghoul technology he also used.

You should perfect the semi-ghoul surgery first. This is the basis of everything.

Ke Ling put on the posture of someone who has come before, and what he said was serious and thoughtful.

You won't understand a lot of things just listening to me. You should study it yourself instead of following my old path. I've already told you the result of that path, it won't work.

With his brain spinning, Ke Ling quickly thought of a way to say it. Don't ask me, my result is wrong.

You can always use it as a reference. There are rooms in the laboratory. You can choose it yourself.

Kano Akihiro didn't take it seriously. Seeing that Ke Ling had nothing else to do, he said casually and then started his research.

His two collaborators so far, Jiu Duoerfu and Devo Collins, are both mysterious and secretive.

But these are not important to him, as long as he can continue his research, he doesn't care about anything else.

The two sisters Anjiuhina and Anjiunabai looked at each other. They looked at Ke Ling who was wearing a silver fox mask and prepared to follow him.

Come with me.

Ke Ling didn't mind and took the two girls to visit the laboratory. This place was really big.

The Anjiu sisters also became more and more certain that this place must have been built by CCG. It was impossible for their father to build such a laboratory.

You two.

Looking at the two girls Heinai and Naibai, Ke Ling started to speak, but stopped mid-sentence.

Senior, what's wrong?

The two sisters asked with some restraint, Ke Ling's pressure was very strong.

Forget it, it's nothing.

Ke Ling shook his head. He originally wanted to complain about the two sisters for trusting Akihiro Kano so easily, but in the end he did not say anything. After all, he had never experienced what these two girls had experienced.

If you want to become stronger, I can teach you that Akihiro Kano has a brain problem and is not worthy of trust.

Ke Ling sympathized with these two innocent unlucky children. Instead of letting them accept Akihiro Kano as their godfather, they might as well become his apprentice.

“What can you teach us?”

Anjukuna asked. She and her sister Anjiunabai were not ordinary girls with no power. They were top students in CCG Academy.


Ke Ling's figure flickered and disappeared in front of sisters Anjiu. Before the two girls could react, they felt their bodies losing control.

I can make you stronger.

Ke Ling lifted the two sisters up with one hand in each hand, like lifting little chickens. They had no ability to resist in front of Ke Ling.

Putting the two girls down, Ke Ling saw the surprise on their faces.

We do!

Anjukuna and Ankunashiro agreed immediately without any hesitation. The Mr. Collins in front of them obviously had a power far beyond their understanding. What was there to hesitate about?

very good.

Ke Ling nodded. He believed that he must be more normal than Akihiro Kano. This could be regarded as saving the two girls who had fallen off.

Damn it, the cooling down has been tricked.

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