Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 113 Learning Now

Hiss~ Sure enough, it still doesn't work?

Looking at Hei Nai and Nai Bai working hard, Ke Ling felt helpless.

Since deciding to teach these two children, Ke Ling has been trying to teach them water breathing for the past two days.

But it turns out that the breathing method is indeed not something that everyone can achieve quickly.

I'm sorry, Master, to disappoint you.

Kuronai and Nabai's faces turned red. They were obviously ashamed and a little angry with themselves. The opportunity to become stronger was right in front of them, but they couldn't seize it.

It doesn't matter, it's not your fault, it's just that I was too anxious.

Ke Ling shook his head. It was indeed a bit embarrassing to hold others to his own standards.

At this time, Ke Ling began to miss the skill chip. Sure enough, the plug-and-play skill chip was simple and fast!

The power of technology can save a lot of trouble, at least skipping the entry-level step, which is often the most difficult step, especially for breathing methods.

Continue to polish your body. Even if you undergo semi-ghoul surgery later, you still have to get used to fighting on your own.

Looking at the two girls, Ke Ling warned that excessive use of Hezi would increase the concentration of Rc cells in the body, and may even produce irreversible results.

Yes, Master.

Heinai and Naibai nodded obediently. The two little girls were very obedient and practiced according to Ke Ling's requirements seriously.

Ke Ling had told them the truth behind CCG, which shocked both girls.

The ghouls of the Hexiu family hide themselves, control the CCG, and balance the power between humans and ghouls, and neither the ghouls nor humans know about this.

This news hit Kuronai and Nabai's minds like a bolt from the blue, causing them to lose the ability to think. At the same time, they also realized how terrifying their target of revenge was.

The two girls did not flinch at all, but worked harder and harder, striving to fulfill Ke Ling's requirements 100%.

Jingle Bell.

A burst of music sounded, and Ke Ling's cell phone rang. It was Kano Akihiro who gave it to him. This old guy has a lot of money.

Devil, I have perfected the semi-ghoul surgery and can let the two of them come over.

After the phone was connected, Kano Akihiro's voice came over, bringing good news.

After Ke Ling explained the principle, he quickly completed the improvement of the semi-ghoul surgery.

It turned out that, just as he had judged when he first heard it, the technology was entirely feasible.

Okay, go right away.

Ke Ling responded, hung up the phone, and looked at Heinai and Naibai.

Let's go and test whether you are qualified.

Ke Ling waved his hand and motioned for the two girls to follow him. They were in the open space outside the villa.

Master, what if we can't perform the surgery?

Nai Bai trotted to keep up with Ke Ling and asked with some anxiety. She had been worried for the past two days.

Because Ke Ling had been warning them not to abuse Hezi's power, as if she and her sister would definitely be able to pass the test.

Don't worry, it'll be no problem.

Ke Ling smiled. In fact, Kurenai and Nabai's qualifications were not very good. They could not fully adapt to Kamishiro Rise's son like Kaneki Ken.

But the two of them were lucky enough. The one with the lower luck value died. The success rate of Kano Akihiro's ghoulization surgery was estimated to be as low as a few tenths of a percent.

Kuronai and Nabai looked at each other, hoping that there would be no problem, otherwise the master would be even more disappointed.

After a while, Ke Ling led the two girls down to the laboratory and saw Kano Akihiro waiting.

The old guy looked obviously tired, looking like he was overdrawn after working at high intensity for several days. Of course, his spirit was still high.

Come on, let's verify it.

Akihiro Kano greeted Kurenai and Nabai, he couldn't wait any longer.

Heinai and Naibai did not step forward immediately, but looked at Ke Ling first, waiting for his answer.

Are you okay?

Ke Ling raised questions. He was afraid that the old man would suddenly die in front of his eyes.

Don't worry, I'm fine.

Kano Akihiro calmed down for a moment. He was indeed very tired, but he could still hold on.

Do a test first, adaptability test, there is no danger.

Seeing Ke Ling's disbelief, Kano Akihiro settled for the next best thing.

Go ahead.

This time Ke Ling nodded and motioned for Hei Nai and Nai Bai to step forward.

The two girls stepped forward obediently. Ke Ling had already turned on the video recording mode. He wanted to record the semi-ghoulization surgery perfected by Kano Akihiro.

I hope there won't be any problems.

Kano Akihiro took a breath. Sister Anjiu accepted the transformation voluntarily. If they are not suitable, they will have to find someone else.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to find people to voluntarily undergo reform. He has plenty of money, and there will be brave men under the generous reward. Moreover, he also has a hospital where seriously ill people may voluntarily undergo reform.

This is different from directly turning into a cannibal ghoul. After the current operation is completed, as long as you don't overuse your child, you can still eat like a normal person.

But for things that can be easily solved, it is best to be simple. If you find other people, it will take a lot of effort.

Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with them two.

Ke Ling said, his determination surprised Kano Akihiro.

And after the results came out, this surprise became substantial, because there was really no problem!

Have you taken the test in advance?

Seeing Ke Ling's calm expression, Kano Akihiro made some guesses.

Go on, I'll be watching.

Ke Ling did not answer, but this attitude convinced Kano Akihiro that he must have taken the test in advance.


Akihiro Kano did not dwell on these minutiae anymore, he immediately began to prepare for the operation.

Ke Ling was still recording, and his high-power prosthetic eyes accurately recorded every move of Kano Akihiro.

Kuronai and Nabai were a little worried. Although they passed the adaptability test and there was no danger in theory, this was not an ordinary surgery after all.

After this operation, there will be ghoul organs in their bodies, and they will also have abilities that only ghouls have.

I'll go first.

As the elder sister, Kurenai volunteered and came to undergo the surgery first. If there was really a problem, Nabai could not undergo the surgery.

Don't worry, it'll be no problem.

Ke Ling patted Heinai's head and comforted her.

After all, the two sisters had even survived Kano Akihiro's primitive surgery, so there would be no problems after it was perfected.


Kurenai nodded vigorously, got on the operating table, and then quickly lost consciousness after an injection of anesthesia.

Nai Bai was temporarily asked out. The little girl shouldn't be allowed to witness the entire operation. After all, she would have to go through it later.

The operation began. Kano Akihiro was talking about every step, as if he was seeking confirmation from Ke Ling, but Ke Ling stood by and said nothing, recording the whole process, focusing on learning.

After these days of unexpected supplements, Ke Ling's understanding of the human body and organ transplantation has naturally improved by leaps and bounds than before.

The knowledge of the cyberpunk world is a bit advanced. Some of Kano Akihiro's operations are completely unnecessary in Ke Ling's opinion. He has a better way.

Soon, the operation was successfully completed, and Heinai did not show any abnormal reactions. The concentration of Rc cells in the body fluctuated under detection, and finally stabilized at around 750.

The first phase is successful. If Hezi is released, about 20% will be opened.

Kano Akihiro breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed, and fatigue soon followed.

I'll take a rest first and then do it after the next surgery.

Without forcing himself anymore, Akihiro Kano decisively chose to rest. His goal had not been completed yet, so he could not fall here.

After Kano Akihiro finished speaking, he left straight away. Nabai who was outside the door saw him leaving and entered the operating room anxiously.

Successful, just wait until she wakes up.

Ke Ling told Nai Bai the news of the successful operation, which made his anxious sister relieved and started to look forward to it.

Ke Ling watched the video playback on the side. With the video, he could ask Lao Wei to help with the transplant as long as he took the raw materials back. This kind of surgery would definitely be performed by Lao Wei without any problems.

I was convinced that someone actually started taking half a month of annual leave the day after tomorrow!

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