Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 111 Resurrection from the Dead

Just knowing a little more doesn't make you a genius.

Ke Ling waved his hand. He was worthy of receiving the title of genius. If he asked any more questions, he would reveal his secrets. He had learned so much from Class A and B.

I think I already know what to do.

Akihiro Kano is an action person and wants to do research immediately. He has always been an action person, otherwise he would not have caused so many bad things.

With the new problem-solving ideas provided by Ke Ling, Kano Akihiro was eager to try. He had had enough of failing again and again.

At this time, Sister Anjiu, who had been ignored for a while, finally reacted. The expressions on their faces were very complicated.

It has to be said that Kano Akihiro's words really made it impossible for the two to refute. If he said that, there was obviously something wrong with Anjiu Qisheng's death.

However, the two girls accepted Kano Akihiro's statement so easily, which really made Ke Ling feel a little embarrassed.

Didn't you even try to verify it yourself? Of course, it is indeed not something that the two of them can do if they want to verify it.

what should we do?

As the elder sister, Anjukuna was obviously more assertive. She asked. The two of them wanted to become stronger and avenge the death of their father and mother, and they were willing to pay any price for this.

They have heard that Akihiro Kano and Mr. Collins can give them the powerful power of ghouls. In order to take revenge, they will have no regrets even if they lose their qualifications as human beings.


Akihiro Kano, who had just received new inspiration, now only wants to perfect his semi-ghoul surgery. Just improving the success rate can save him a lot of trouble.

If you don't want to die, just wait. There is only one successful case of this guy's semi-ghoul transformation surgery so far.

Ke Ling smiled. He didn't know whether the two sisters were lucky or unlucky, but they were really the only two lucky ones in the early stage besides the protagonist Kaneki Ken, and they had a fraction of a percent chance of winning.

Anjukuna and Ankunashiro looked at each other, and both of them could tell that it seemed that Mr. Collins, who was wearing a silver fox mask, had better skills than Kano Akihiro.

Mr. Collins, what is your purpose? Can you tell me now?

Although Kano Akihiro wanted to leave these guys alone and conduct experiments immediately, he had not forgotten that Mr. Collins was not really one of his own.

He was very confused. What did this mysterious man who suddenly appeared want to get from him? He couldn't be here specifically to tell him how to improve the semi-ghoul surgery, right?

Actually, I came here to kill you. After all, in my opinion, it wouldn't be a pity for a guy like you to die a thousand times.

Ke Ling said calmly, which made Akihiro Kano stunned when he heard the words, as if he was a little unexpected.

You mean I used humans for experiments? Turn humans into ghouls?

Kano Akihiro didn't make any unusual move. He knew that under the hands of the man wearing the silver fox mask, it was unlikely that he could escape.

Yes, I should kill guys like you every time I see them.

Ke Ling nodded. He really didn't have a good impression of Kano Akihiro because Kano Akihiro really had no bottom line.

Although Ke Ling considers himself not a good person, at least he has been trying to prevent himself from becoming a psychopath. His three views make him unable to agree with Kano Akihiro's approach.

Kano Akihiro may have many reasons, many of which sound lofty, in order to resurrect his mother, in order to develop a treatment method that allows humans to use Rc cells, or in order to overthrow the rule of the ghouls in the Waxu family.

But no matter how many reasons this guy has, it cannot change the essence of what he is doing. He is turning humans into man-eating monsters. As a person who has also been forcibly turned into a man-eating monster, based on this alone, Ke Ling Reason enough to kill him.

What's more, this guy's semi-ghoul technology was not yet mature, so he killed many people. It can be said that he deserved his death.

As a fellow ghoul researcher, I think you should be able to understand that it is an inevitable sacrifice. Their death will make a huge contribution to mankind.

The smile on Akihiro Kano's face disappeared. In fact, he knew that he had committed many sins, but the belief in his heart that he wanted to resurrect his mother has been supporting him to move forward.

No, that can be avoided. As long as you do the adaptability test in advance, you can avoid unnecessary sacrifices. In the final analysis, you are still too eager for quick success. With your ability, you may not be able to think of ways to improve.

Ke Ling shook his head, his expression under the mask full of disgust.

Also, don't talk about how their deaths have made huge contributions to human society. Whether they have contributed or not is not your decision. Whether they want to contribute or not is not up to you.

To be honest, Ke Ling is even more disgusted with behaviors like Akihiro Kano's wishful thinking of experimenting on innocent people and then saying that their deaths have made great contributions to human society than a simple perverted murderer.

Just like a hypocrite is more hated than a real villain. He obviously does the same thing, but he still has to find a sanctimonious and high-sounding excuse for his behavior.

Mr. Collins, your research on ghouls is more in-depth and thorough than mine. Do these research results come out of thin air?! Can you get these results without doing any experiments?!

Akihiro Kano frowned and his tone became dissatisfied. He couldn't understand why Mr. Collins in front of him could confidently accuse him? If I have to say it, aren’t we all the same? Are you, Devor Collins, doing the same research? And the research is more thorough!

Mr. Collins, I remember you said there was a way to solve my mother's problem? That would be resurrection from the dead! If you can even do this, how many experiments have you done for this?!

Ke Ling said before that he could solve his mother's problem, but Kano Akihiro has not forgotten that coming back from the dead is the ultimate goal he has been pursuing, and he is willing to do anything for it!

It can't be done. Jiu Duoerfu deceived you about the resurrection of the dead. In other words, he didn't even know if it could be done.

Ke Ling said simply that Jiu Duoerfu easily persuaded Jiu Na Mingbo to help him, with just one sentence.

Hezi is a product of imagination and has infinite possibilities.

There is nothing wrong with this. Hezi does have many functions, including fire breathing, electric discharge, bombs, laser cannons, and clones.

Theoretically, Hezi can transform into any form with his imagination, but there are only a handful of ghouls who can actually do this.

But with this characteristic, no one can say whether it can really resurrect the dead. At least in the end, Akihiro Kano sacrificed countless lives and failed to successfully resurrect his mother.


Akihiro Kano was silent. If someone else had told him this, he would have ignored it. However, Mr. Collins was obviously more in-depth in ghoul research than he was. He was willing to listen, and maybe he could serve as a guide. future reference.

Of course he knew that it was an illusory hope. Now that an authoritative person has come forward to deny it, it is nothing more than proving this point once again, but so what?

Actually, if it is someone who has just died, there is a possibility of resurrection, but that is definitely not the resurrection you want. And for someone like your mother who has died long ago, there is no possibility of resurrection at all.

Ke Ling revealed Kano Akihiro's final research results, transforming dead people into Hezi monsters. Izumi Takatsuki can also do it, as can Noroi, but he has almost no self-awareness.

Akihiro Kano also did it. He resurrected a large number of investigators, and even some like Okahira, who had relatively sound self-awareness, but Okahira needed to constantly rely on drugs to maintain his life and consciousness.

In Ke Ling's view, these research results are very abnormal, but this is obviously not the resurrection that Akihiro Kano wants.


Kano Akihiro remained silent. As Ke Ling explained the results in more detail, he became more and more surprised. This Mr. Collins had actually achieved such an experiment?

So...what exactly do you want me to do?

Akihiro Kano spoke slowly. He still didn't understand Mr. Collins's intention. Was he trying to persuade him to give up?

Akihiro Kano, give up on the so-called resurrection from the dead. This road is unworkable. Continue to study the medical application of the resilience of ghouls. This is what your father and son have been insisting on for two generations, isn't it? You The current ideas are a bit too extreme.”

Ke Ling felt that he could give Kano Akihiro a chance, at least let him come up with some medical achievements to atone for his previous sins.

People are good and evil, but technology and weapons are not good or bad. One thing is undeniable. As long as Kano Akihiro's research is used in the right place, it can save countless lives.

Hey guys, it's going to cool down and it's snowing heavily, brothers, keep warm.

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