Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 110 Sisters Anjiu and Experimental Improvements

This is the mother body originally used by the Hexiu family to give birth to offspring. It has very excellent genes.

Looking at Kamishiro Rise, Kano Akihiro is like looking at a treasure. Her qualities are much superior to ordinary ghouls.


Ke Ling naturally knew this. If Kamishiro Rishi was not special, how could he be qualified to be used by the protagonist?

Of course, this kind of specialness does not reach the level of cheating. Kaneki Ken's becoming stronger is also related to his constant companionship.

If a ghoul eats a ghoul, it will enhance the ghoul's physical fitness and fighting ability. The ghoul's hyacinth has a very high concentration of Rc cells, which is a great tonic.

After sharing a large number of ghouls, the ghoul will also grow new hirsutes, and may evolve into a hetero, a powerful monster form that covers its body with hirsutes.

Theoretically, the more ghouls there are, the stronger the ghoul will be. The benefits of devouring the same kind are much higher than devouring humans. The ghoul is such a twisted creation.

Please wait a moment, Mr. Collins, we have guests.

A soft sound came, and Kano Akihiro suddenly said that he had made an appointment with guests during the day, and it was already dawn.

Ke Ling nodded. He was an uninvited guest and was unexpected. However, he was a little curious, who would be Kano Akihiro's guest?

Soon, the guest was brought into the laboratory. They were two girls, twins. One had black hair and the other had white hair. It was easy to tell them apart.

What? Are you going to turn these two kids into your assistants?

Ke Ling asked deliberately. Kano Akihiro obviously didn't think so. The only person he trusted was Nurse Taguchi.

These twins with black and white hair are naturally very easy to recognize. The black-haired one is the elder sister Arkuna, and the white-haired one is the younger sister Arkuna Shiro.

These two were also poor people. Their father was An Jiu Qisheng, the original owner of this mansion. They were still very young when An Jiu Qisheng was silenced.

Akihiro Kano smiled and did not answer Ke Ling, but looked at the twin sisters.

where is this place?!

Anjukuna looked at everything in front of him and was completely shocked. Anjuuna Shiro was also stunned there.

They never knew that there was such a huge underground laboratory beneath their former home.

Your father, An Jiu Qisheng, died because of this.

Kano Akihiro said that these two children were specially found by him and he had high hopes for them.

What?! Father was obviously killed by a ghoul! What does it have to do with this place?

Anjukuna retorted loudly, saying that she did not understand that ghouls killed their parents, which she and her sister had witnessed with their own eyes.

That was arranged by the CCG. What we want is for you to see it with your own eyes.

Kano Akihiro shook his head, looking like he knew the inside story very well.

Arranged by CCG?

Anjukuna and Ankunaba looked shocked, with expressions full of suspicion.

What are you talking about?!

Obviously, the two sisters did not believe what Akihiro Kano said, because the two of them are now Ghoul Investigator candidates at CCG Academy.

The ghoul broke into the house and just killed your parents. Then the CCG's white pigeon arrived in time and saved the two of you who witnessed everything. Is it really such a coincidence?

Akihiro Kano explained the facts. He had read the relevant records. According to the official records, it was the ghouls who attacked Anjiu Qisei's house. Bai Ge arrived in time to save the two sisters who witnessed everything.

is this real? Of course it is true, but the inside story behind it has been omitted. The whole thing was actually a silence plan arranged by the CCG, and the two sisters were witnesses.

Since then, Sister Anjiu has been adopted by CCG. CCG takes in a large number of orphans whose parents were killed by ghouls and trains them into white pigeons, which are ghoul investigators.

CCG Academy, which is a training school for ghoul investigators, is different from ghoul countermeasures education for the general public.

Students trained in the CCG Academy become second-class investigators upon graduation. As long as they pass the assessment, they will be awarded Kuink and become the main combatant.

Students who graduate from the Ghoul Countermeasures Education Institute are only third-class investigators after graduation. They can only use the mass-produced firearm Q Barrett and are not qualified to use the Kuink.

And sisters like Anjiu, orphans whose parents were killed by ghouls, were naturally sent to the CCG Academy to be trained as ghoul investigator preparatory students.

With their hatred for ghouls, the two sisters are also very motivated. Now they are both excellent preparatory students, with top grades in all aspects, and they believe they will soon graduate and become official investigators.

Why?! Why does CCG do this?!

The sister Anjunahiro, who had been silent all this time, hugged her head, her expression was painful and she didn't want to believe it.

Because your father tried to leak the secrets of this laboratory, CCG is researching how to turn humans into ghouls, and this cannot be announced.

Akihiro Kano's words made the Anjiu sisters stunned. The white-haired Dr. Kano in front of them was shattering their three views and beliefs.

You are really cruel to children, Dr. Garner.

Ke Ling was listening, thinking that it was no wonder that these two sisters were deceived by Kano Akihiro.

Akihiro Kano was deliberately inducing the two sisters. The old man didn't mention the fact that the controller of CCG and the Xiu family were ghouls, and only let the two sisters hate humans and CCG.

But in fact, the research on half-ghoul transformation and the silencing of Anjiu Qisheng are things that only the Hexiu family can know about, and have nothing to do with the human investigators of the CCG.

How could it be?! How could it be like this?!

The two sisters' outlook on life was greatly impacted. They seemed unable to accept that the CCG they had longed for turned out to be such an organization.

The deaths of their father and mother kept replaying in their minds. The feeling of being deceived and fooled made them angry. In the end, these all condensed into hatred towards CCG.

Actually, what you should hate is the people in charge of CCG and the Xiu family. They are the ones who did all these things.

Ke Ling said something, if you want to take revenge, you have to find the right target, otherwise you don't even know who you really should hate in the end.

It's not important, Mr. Collins. What's important is that if they want to avenge their parents, they must have stronger power, and I can give them just that.

Akihiro Kano didn't mind Ke Ling's talkativeness. He revealed his ultimate goal, which was to get Sister Anjiu to voluntarily accept his semi-ghoul surgery.

Since Kaneki Ken, he has performed several transplant surgeries, but none of them were successful. The subjects either died due to body rejection or directly transformed into grotesque, mentally retarded monsters.

The success rate is horribly low. As for the reason, he needs more experimental data to verify.

So Sister Anjiu became the target of his experiment, and he began to consider that maybe volunteering could improve the success rate of the operation?

You are wrong, Dr. Kano. Your success rate is too low. It is just because you did not find the right experimental target. There is an adaptability problem between the human body and Hebao. Most people's adaptability is very low. Incompatibility means Being unfit has nothing to do with being unwilling.

Ke Ling saw what Kano Akihiro was thinking, and the successive failures made Kano Akihiro start to consider the influence of other factors.

Oh? Mr. Collins, do you also do research on semi-ghoul surgery?

Ke Ling's words made Kano Akihiro's eyes light up. He finally understood why this guy came to his laboratory. He turned out to be a colleague? Looks like he's still ahead of him?

It's not really about research, just some insights.

Standing on the shoulders of Di Xing A and B, Ke Ling was naturally very confident. After all, Kano Akihiro himself was impressed by Di Xing A and B's skills.

Dr. Gardner, have you ever considered adding a lock to He Bao?

Ke Ling remembers that the Kuinks operation is similar to the principle of making Kuinks, but the difference from making Kuinks is that the Kuinks operation is to put the locked Hepack into Inside the human body, not in a box.

Add a lock?

Kano Akihiro repeated it, thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

You're saying that He Bao's power is too powerful and violent. If you can control the release of Rc cells, you can increase the success rate?

As a professional ghoul researcher, Kano Akihiro naturally knew everything about it. He didn't need Ke Ling to explain the specific principles. He quickly understood the meaning of Ke Ling's words.

That's right, just like making Kuink, the Hebag is wrapped with Kuink steel coating to limit the operating power of the Hebag, reducing risks while allowing more effective observation of the change process of the human body.

Ke Ling explained the principle. He had just started to study a few T study materials given by Pila. He had not yet found where to enter the door of medicine. These naturally came from the wisdom of A and B of the earth.

“We can divide the implant into five stages, with 20% power in the F1 stage, 40% power in the F2 stage, 60% power in the F3 stage, 80% power in the F4 stage, and 100% power in the F5 stage, opening up and improving step by step.

The technical capabilities of Dixing A and B have perfected the semi-ghoul surgery to an exaggerated level. What does it mean to have a bottom line? Unlocking step by step is to ensure security.

Genius idea Mr. Collins, I am not as good as you when it comes to ghoul research.

The surprise in Kano Akihiro's eyes became more and more as Ke Ling spoke, until finally, he sighed directly.

He briefly thought about it and felt that Mr. Collins's method was very feasible. It was not just someone who didn't know anything and was talking nonsense here. This method was much better than his.

Is Musk really good? The human implantation experiment of the brain-computer interface product telepathy has been initially successful? Pay attention to the follow-up news

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