Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Leave request note (also a side story)

I know it’s quite sudden to send a request for leave at this time, but there are reasons why I have to ask for leave:

It all started when Mrs. Two Shoes bought a robotic cat named Meccanu.

When Doraemon first entered the house, both Tom and Jerry laughed in unison. What could a mere iron lump do to Jerry?

However, things turned out somewhat unexpectedly. McCanu easily knocked down Jerry with a hammer and shot Jerry out of the house with a slingshot.

Jerry fell to the ground and broke into pieces. When he came back from a long way away, Tom picked up the small bundle and left the house.

Jerry didn't care about this. Tom was kicked out not once or twice. He broke a lot of plates and Tom was kicked out, but he came back later.

As long as he returns to the mouse hole and proves that the robot cat can't do anything to him, the mistress who is afraid of mice will naturally get Tom back.

Jerry thinks so, after all, getting Tom kicked out of the house was part of his prank.

But this time Tom was driven away by a mere robot cat instead of himself, which made Jerry a little unhappy.

Then get rid of it quickly!

The plan didn't go well at the beginning. Whether Jerry concealed himself with an envelope, smuggled in with a water pipe, or shot with a slingshot, he was intercepted by McAnun.

Jerry had an idea and found a lot of wind-up mouse toys and put them in one by one.

Sure enough, the irregular running of a large number of clockwork mice overloaded Doraemon's calculations and caused system chaos. Not only did it make a mess in the house, but it also crashed itself.

Jerry swaggered back to the mouse hole. He was just a doraemon. He couldn't even recognize a mouse toy, so he couldn't compare with Tom.

"Oh! God, what's going on?" Mrs. Two Shoes looked at the chaos in the room in surprise. The tables, chairs, piano, and floor were all messed up, and the parts of Doraemon were also scattered everywhere. On the ground, only one core is still beeping.

Jerry poked his head out of the hole and watched with a smile as Mrs. Two-Shoes got furious.

"How could this happen? I want to call and complain to them!"

"Hey, what's going on with you? You dare to deceive me with inferior products! Do you know how dangerous it was just now? That cat actually chased me with an ax and chopped it! Look, come and look at me What a mess our home has been made by that abominable Doraemon!"

As Mrs. Two-Shoes spoke, she used the receiver of the phone as a camera and glanced around the messy room.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to actually see the scene in the room through the receiver, and kept whispering apologies.

"Really, you have to compensate for what happened to my house!" After Mrs. Goody-two-Shoes received a positive reply, she still threw down the receiver angrily.

Jerry leaned on the edge of the mouse hole and nodded. He must pay compensation, otherwise he would not be able to live in the future.

Mrs. Two Shoes sat dejectedly on the surviving chair: "Really, if I had known this, I shouldn't have driven Tom away. There's nothing wrong with thinking about an antique cat like Tom."

Jerry nodded in agreement, but he shouldn't drive Tom away. Tom was much better than Doraemon.

"Yes, I should get Tom back. He shouldn't have gone far yet, right?" Mrs. Two-Shoes hurried out of the house without changing her shoes.

Jerry nodded again in agreement, yes, hurry up and get Tom back.

No, before Tom came back... Jerry stared at the big refrigerator at home and rubbed his hands expectantly.

Banana peels, grape branches, apple cores... all kinds of garbage flew out of the refrigerator in a steady stream, and Jerry squeezed into the hole of his house step by step with his round belly.

I didn’t forget to take a large piece of cheese with me when I went back.

Time passed day by day, but Tom still didn't come back.

In order to let Mrs. Two Shoes look for Tom, Jerry always came out to cause trouble when she was eating and sleeping, making her unable to eat or sleep well.

But Mrs. Two Shoes had given up looking for Tom. In order to solve the rat problem at home, she tried to adopt stray cats such as Butch and Lightening, and also tried to borrow a female cat from a friend's home.

Jerry was angry and beat up all the cats. He wanted Mrs. Two Shoes to know that no cat except Tom was of any use.

Of course, this alone was not enough. Jerry was anxious and went to ask his relatives for help, but unfortunately there was no result for the time being.

"Cousin, it's me."

Jerry immediately became happy when he heard the steady voice on the phone. It was his eldest cousin. There must be good news, right?

"I'm sorry, cousin, I beat up all the stupid cats in the whole neighborhood, but I still can't find the one you're looking for. But don't worry, I'm packing my bags, I'll go to the next block right away, and I'll call you later It’s yours. Goodbye.”

Jerry put down the receiver in frustration, but soon the phone rang again.

"Oh, my dear nephew, I'm Uncle Parker. I've already changed dozens of guitar strings while I was on the show, but unfortunately I didn't find the best ones. Oh, you know where I got my guitar. Damn it, I will continue to look for it. Don’t be sad my nephew, why don’t you let me sing a song for you?”

There was nice guitar sound and singing coming from the receiver. If it were normal, Jerry would definitely listen to his uncle singing, and then watch with a smile as his uncle pulled out Tom's beard after breaking the string.

(The translation team I read does not distinguish between nephews and nephews, so I will directly use it here, although it is a bit strange)

It's just that he couldn't listen to it at all today. No matter how good the music was, Jerry would only feel upset.

Jerry silently hung up the phone.

After a while, the phone rang again, this time it was Jerry's little nephew Taffy, who had blown up several cats' nests with firecrackers today, and called specifically to comfort Jerry.

Taffy also wants to sing a nice lullaby to Jerry, and he will ask more stupid cats tomorrow.

Jerry thanked him for his kindness and told him that he was still young and not to mess around.

But Teffy will definitely not listen.

Jerry hung up the phone. He was a little angry with Tom. How could he just leave so quietly?

Jerry dismantled Tom's cat's nest.

[Perhaps you have already guessed it, yes, that’s right, I am Jerry. I am going to find Tom now, so I cannot update the text today, so I ask for leave]

[In addition, because it is a request for leave, although it is a bit long, this chapter is still free (a painful loss of royalties o(╥﹏╥)o)]

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