Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 662 Gobble? Gobble the tiger.

Zhang Daye and Tom waited with Rui Mengmeng for ten minutes, but... nothing happened.

Rui Mengmeng asked suspiciously: "Is it possible that everything is fine at all?"

"No way." Zhang Da also knocked on Rui Mengmeng's black armor, hard, "Maybe he's holding something back."


As soon as Zhang Daye finished speaking, Rui Mengmeng's stomach made a loud noise.

Normally, Rui Mengmeng might blush because of such a gaffe, but now she couldn't care less. A feeling of hunger and powerlessness surged through her body, and her little face turned pale.

"So hungry... ugh..."

Rui Mengmeng only had time to say this, and then she started to devour the food that everyone had left behind.

The table full of fish and sea animal meat was swept away by her as quickly as the wind and the remaining clouds.

Zhang Da was also caught off guard by her. He had to take out a large refrigerator from the inventory and stuffed her with everything that could be eaten directly. Those that could not be eaten directly were given to Tom for simple processing.

This is the large refrigerator from Tom's house that I drew a long time ago. Ever since I had money to buy a new refrigerator, this refrigerator has been placed in the inventory as a container for storing backup ingredients.

Since only items obtained through lottery can be stored, every cabinet, box, and even rice cooker and microwave oven that were drawn were used by Zhang Daye to store important things.

For example, the gold, treasures, baileys, etc. obtained before, and some are used as containers for backup food and fresh water.

Of course, there are two bedside tables that serve as snack boxes for Artoria and Tom. They can also be taken out for emergencies when necessary, such as now.

Tom watched helplessly as Rui Mengmeng emptied the large refrigerator that he usually occupied, and the snack cabinet was also emptied. Tom felt a little distressed and stretched out a hand feebly.

Rui Mengmeng took the last bag of potato chips and opened the mouth. When she was about to start eating, she noticed Tom's expression. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and handed over the potato chips with difficulty: "Teacher Tom, would you like some too?" "

Tom took the potato chips and was very excited.


The sound of his stomach growling made Tom reluctantly push the potato chips back.

Rui Mengmeng covered her stomach: "I've eaten so much and I'm feeling much better."

Tom didn't believe her nonsense, so he simply held her mouth with one hand and poured the potato chips in with the other.

He took out a carton of milk from nowhere, opened it casually and drank it.

Not to mention, after drinking this carton of milk, Rui Mengmeng's hunger really eased a lot.

Zhang Da also said that he was familiar with the plot. When he was drifting at sea and about to starve to death, Tom suddenly appeared and gave him a bottle of milk.

Although I didn't see how it was done at that time, Zhang Da could almost imagine it. It probably wouldn't be much gentler than it is now, but... I still have to thank Tom.

I guess Tom was also moved by the sight of Rui Meng being so hungry, so he was able to restrain his own greed.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the three of them heard a "croak~" sound, and Karu ran back carrying a big bag that was much taller than him.

After unpacking, most of the contents are cooked food such as roasted chicken, roasted goose, and roasted whole lamb, and a small portion is filled with various fruits.

Uncle Long was very considerate and asked Karu to send back everything he could eat immediately.

Fortunately, Karu could carry so much food.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhang Da also quickly untied the rope around Karu and started unloading the goods.

Rui Mengmeng's eyes almost turned green when she saw the food, and she pounced on it and started eating.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Super soldiers require too much energy, and they usually need to eat special high-energy food to supplement it. But there is no such thing here, and the quality cannot match it, so the only way to make up for it is quantity.

Fortunately, she also developed the ability to digest and absorb quickly early, otherwise she would be in big trouble.

When Kalu saw Rui Mengmeng's eating speed, he knew that his mission was not over yet. He saluted with his wings and ran back quickly.

Here Rui Mengmeng is gobbling up food, and over there the flag demon Lu Dashan really ran over carrying a wolf and a tiger.

Zhang Da also skillfully peeled the skin, deboned and cut it into pieces, handed it over to Tom and then roasted it.

Gobbling became gobbling.

Not long after, Shark Chili brought back a sea beast that looked like a hippopotamus. According to the naming rules of sea beasts, it should be called sea hippopotamus.

When Zhang Daye was cutting the meat, he found that this big guy seemed to have a little too much fat, so it should be suitable for roasting. But now Rui Mengmeng shouldn't care about the issue of whether it's greasy or not. A really hungry person can still eat even a pot of fatty meat slices.

Purchasing, hunting, and fishing, with the cooperation of several parties, Rui Mengmeng ate until dark, and then her eating speed slowed down. It was impossible to count how much food she consumed.

When I first watched the anime, Zhang Daye also thought that if super soldiers are so powerful, why not create more advanced warriors to fight against aliens.

Now think about it, a second-generation super soldier needs to consume a huge amount of resources. The third-generation super soldier is probably even more terrifying. More warriors or more than three generations of super soldiers... the earth may not be able to support it.

Seeing that she stopped eating, Zhang Daye asked: "How do you feel?"

Rui Mengmeng licked her lips and said, "It tastes good."

Tom nodded with satisfaction. It was made in a hurry. It just tastes good.

"..." Is this the point? Zhang Da also said, "I'm asking you how your body feels?"

Rui Mengmeng said without thinking, "I'm full."

"..." Zhang Da was silent. This kid must have watched the Spring Festival Gala. "If I ask again, would you say you don't feel anything?"

"Ah?" Rui Mengmeng didn't understand, but someone did.

Ye Yan came back, heard the conversation between the two, and asked, "We worked hard hunting, and you two acted in a skit here?"

Perona, who was too lazy to walk, floated aside and asked curiously: "What is the skit? Is it a bad joke?"

Lu Dashan was dragging a wild boar behind. Although Jin Erpeng had just sent a message to them saying that it was enough, he beat them all and brought them back for dinner. It happened to be dark and everyone had not eaten yet.

"The skit was meant to make people laugh at first, but later it turned into making people cry for some reason, but they said it was thought-provoking..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Da also complained: "Why don't Ye Yan and I perform a scene for you during the Chinese New Year this year?"

"No." When Perona heard that Ye Yan wanted to participate in the performance, Perona immediately shook her head. It was not like she had never seen Ye Yan's performance before, and she couldn't appreciate it at all.

A few people sat down and chatted, and not long after, Shark Chili also came back dragging a sea lion. He had been in the sea and had not received any messages, so he only returned after catching the prey.

Uncle Long received the message from Karu and finally brought everyone back to buy some rice, noodles, fruits and vegetables for dinner.

"Thank you everyone, I'm completely fine." Rui Mengmeng thanked everyone, "Let me cook dinner. Teacher Tom is also very tired."

After hearing what he said, Tom immediately felt that he should be tired, and casually threw the chef's hat on Rui Mengmeng's head.

I'm writing, I'm writing, I guess it will be very late again

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