After an hour of searching in the sea, Zhang Daye and Shark Chili finally confirmed that the fighting fish group had either disappeared or had really moved away.

It is rare to encounter such a silly fish, which can be used as a sparring partner underwater and as food on the shore. How can it just run away with a bucket overnight?

"What a pity." Zhang Daye said, "Let's find something else."

In the end, Zhang Daye and Shark Chili could only bring dozens of other fish and sea animals ashore to give everyone a bite.

Artoria said the same thing as Zhang Daye: "What a pity."

It’s rare to encounter a fish that tastes delicious no matter how you cook it.

"I always feel that those fish are a bit pitiful." Rui Mengmeng said, "Did we go too far?"

"It's okay, it's not completely extinct." Jackie Chan said, "And those are ferocious fish that can attack people. Didn't the king thank us yesterday? It should be considered a good thing for the people of Dressrosa."

Apart from being ferocious, everything Uncle Long said was right, but he was obviously very timid.

I have captured so many of your kind, shouldn't you unite and call your seven aunts and eight aunts to beat me together? What's the point of escaping?

Zhang Daye gnawed on a bone while cursing, and even drew the prize.


A thick bone in his wrist was bitten into pieces by Zhang Daye. You can't blame him for being excited. It's really rare to get a good thing.

[Rui Mengmeng's Greaves: One of the parts of the black armor of Xiongbing Company soldier Rui Mengmeng. It has amazing defensive power and is the last part of the black armor. 】

It took him nearly two years to finally put together Rui Mengmeng's set of black armor.

After getting the black armor, Zhang Daye's first thought was... to try it on himself.

But this thing was tailor-made for Rui Mengmeng. Zhang Da also looked at the two bowls on the breastplate and felt that he should not be able to bear it.

He Zhang is not Ye Yan, he has integrity.

"Sneeze~" Ye Yan turned away from the dining table and sneezed, wiping his nose and said, "I feel like someone is scolding me."

Zhang Da also said casually: "Who would scold you if nothing happens?"

Ye Yan looked at him: "Then I know who is scolding me."

How can a fair and just evaluation be regarded as a curse? Zhang Da also raised his finger: "I swear to God, if I had just scolded Ye Yan in my heart, God would have struck me with thunder."

Ye Yan didn't believe his lies anymore: "You're not afraid of lightning! It must be you!"

"..." It seems that this is really the case. It seems that next time you can't swear on the sky, you should swear on Tom's life.

Zhang Da stopped talking nonsense with Ye Yan and took out the black armor: "Mengmeng, it's yours."

Rui Mengmeng was stunned: "Ah? Mine?"

Zhang Da also said with envy: "It's yours, try it on."

"Okay!" Rui Mengmeng was a little happy. This is armor, and it looks very handsome. She is somewhat of a middle school student now and is very interested in this set of armor.

Shoulder armor, breastplate, leg armor, arm armor...

The composition of this set of black armor is quite complicated, and Rui Mengmeng even knows how to wear it.

In the end, it took Artoria's help to put it on successfully.

Rui Mengmeng moved her hands and feet, picked up the sword and assumed several fighting postures, and asked everyone expectantly: "How is it?"


"so cool!"

"Sister Mengmeng is so handsome!"

Rui Mengmeng's 'new skin' won unanimous praise from the little girls, and Misaka also gave a thumbs up.

Jackie Chan also gave a fair evaluation: "He is so heroic."

Artoria was much more professional: "The armor is very heavy and doesn't feel like an ordinary material. If it doesn't affect movement, it should be considered a great pair of armor."

Ye Yan was also very professional, but his professional direction was a bit skewed. He shook his head and said, "My expression is wrong. I should be more fierce. Come and learn from me."

Ye Yan made a fierce expression.

Rui Mengmeng followed suit in a daze.

"No, you used too much force. You look like a bad girl." Ye Yan said, "Stop it a little, pay attention to your eyes, be more serious, be more domineering, think about how you fought before."

Rui Mengmeng obeyed and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Gua~" Karu was startled by her, and quickly hid behind Tom, looking out to observe.

But Ye Yan clapped his hands and praised: "Very good, that's it, so awesome, the goddess of war!"

"Hehe..." Rui Mengmeng was embarrassed by the praise, and her image as the goddess of war was instantly shattered.

Shark Chili's focus was more practical. He asked: "Since it is armor, the main question is how protective it is. Do you want to test it?"

Zhang Da also shook his head: "The test must be done, but Mengmeng may have to do something else first."

"Ah?" Rui Mengmeng was confused.

Zhang Da also said: "Do you still remember what happened when you first got the dark alloy sword?"

Rui Mengmeng's face turned pale: "That time, I seemed to have eaten up all the food reserves for a month on the ship... It won't happen again this time, right?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "It's not impossible, so everyone can help make some preparations."

Tom obviously remembered that incident. He was exhausted that day. It would be terrible if it happened again. Tom fell backwards in fright.

Fortunately, Karu supported him from behind.

Zhang Da also touched Tom’s head:

"Don't be afraid. Last time we were sailing on the sea and the conditions were simple. This time we are on the island, and there is already so much ready-made food here. You just need to wait for us to come back from hunting and simply roast a few beasts with the dragon charm. "

Tom thought for a while and it seemed like this was the case.

Originally, a large part of the food here would be destroyed by Artoria, but when this happened, Artoria also stopped eating.

Everyone started to work separately. Jackie Chan took Artoria and Weiwei to the town to purchase ingredients. The key point was to bring Karu with him. This child has strong endurance and fast speed. After training, he also has good weight-bearing ability. He can work hard to move more. Several trips.

Perona and Ye Yan were responsible for hunting in the dense forest of Greenbit. With the help of the vision and smell of the flag demons, Perona's ability control, and the help of Chaos Beasts to help with transportation, it should not be difficult to bring back some large animals.

Shark Chili naturally goes to the sea to find some lucky sea monsters and big fish.

Zhang Da also wanted to follow, but Rui Mengmeng said: "Boss, can you also accompany me here with Teacher Tom? I feel a little unsure."

"Okay." Zhang Da also gestured to Shark Pepper, sat down and comforted him, "I've experienced it once, so it'll be okay."

"But if it evolves again this time, I don't know how much food it will eat. Counting those last time, it will cost a lot of money."

"I'm still thinking about how strong you will be after you evolve, and you're actually worried about this..." Zhang Daye said helplessly, "You're not the only one with big appetites on our ship, and didn't I tell you at the beginning that you would work here? Food and accommodation are included, don’t worry, your salary will not be deducted.”

Faced with Zhang Daye's touching promise, Rui Mengmeng's focus once again went astray: "Hey, boss, have you actually learned how to comfort people normally?"

Zhang Daye: "..."

Rui Mengmeng has too few scenes and it’s hard to find pictures o(╥﹏╥)o

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