Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 660 Zhang Daye’s Wings

Changing places to stay is not a big deal for Amber Tours.

It's just that the environment is different from before, which can add a bit of freshness. You still have to live your life the same way.

In addition, among the group of little girls who play in the streets and run around in the mountains and fields during their free time, there is an extra Rebecca.

Cyrus was very happy that his daughter could have some playmates, and Shukaret was even more so. He would make some snacks to feed the children if he had nothing to do.

Zhang Daye's training never slackened, and his desperate look made Cyrus shake his head.

If it were an ordinary person practicing like this, he would probably be buried long ago. Guys with strong physiques are really incomparable.

Little did he know that there was nothing Zhang Da could do. He had not yet learned the dragon power and domination form that he had longed for, so he had no choice but to work hard and pursue Ye Yan and Wendy for advice.

Faced with Zhang Daye's request, Ye Yan declined in a cordial and friendly manner:

"Don't do it! Go away! You just demonstrated it this morning, and now you ask me to demonstrate it again. It's very tiring, right? And the sequelae are very severe. Nothing will change today, not even more money."

Zhang Da also opened his mouth, but Ye Yan actually said that adding more money would not work. It seemed that he was really tired. He didn't force it and went straight to Wendy.

Wendy was not averse to practicing magic with Zhang Tatsuya. She asked, "Brother Tatsuya, have you made any progress?"

Zhang Da also said: "Yes, you see, I will demonstrate it to you."

"Really?" Wendy was a little surprised and looked at Zhang Daye expectantly.

Xia Lulu was also watching.

I saw magic power surging on Zhang Daye's body, and then a pair of white wings appeared behind him.

The wings flapped slightly, not much, but Zhang Daye lifted his feet off the ground and floated in the air.

"..." The two people watching were a little discouraged.

Xia Lulu pointed to Zhang Daye's wings and asked, "Is this the progress you are talking about?"

Zhang Da also said helplessly: "Yes."

Although Wendy also has wings after her transformation, they are a sign of poor power control and will gradually diminish with more practice.

The wings behind Zhang Daye have nothing to do with the power of the dragon. They are completely Xia Lulu's flying magic.

After learning transformation magic from Xia Lulu before, Zhang Da also asked him about flying magic, but he didn't expect to fully master it until now.

It feels like it's hard to write a manuscript and hard to clean. When these two troublesome things are put together... the room is quickly tidied up.

Although flying magic is more flexible than Moon Step, it is easier to fly with people, and it can be said that it can be transformed, but this is not what Zhang Daye wants now.

Seeing that he was not in a high mood, Wendy comforted him: "Brother Tatsuya is so diligent, he will be able to master the dragon power soon."

"I hope..." Zhang Da also folded his wings and looked at Xia Lulu, "How about you tell me more about the principle of prophecy magic?"

If Xia Lulu's prophecy magic is used proficiently, it can be used as an insight and haki to predict the future.

Zhang Da also thought that if he had to choose one of the two when learning magic, it would not be a loss to choose between prophecy and dragon power this time.

Xia Lulu said: "It's okay, but it always feels like you are thinking of something unreasonable."

"The roar of the heavenly dragon!"*2

Zhang Daye stood opposite Wendy, who had entered the dragon power state, and breathed out at the same time, dozens of meters apart.

Two violent tornadoes collided in the middle. In an instant, strong winds sprang up. Trees fell down within a few hundred meters, and the flowers and plants near the place where the winds collided were blown away together with the land.

The two breaths left deep ravines wherever they passed.

Zhang Daye and Wendy refused to give in to each other, and the moves of similar scales were in a stalemate for a while. In the end, Wendy was slightly better, Zhang Daye's breath was offset, and the whole person was enveloped by a tornado.

Wendy stopped immediately when she saw this. Just when she was about to ask something, Zhang Daye said in advance: "I'm fine, let's continue!"

Zhang Tatsuya's resistance to magic is ridiculously high. Perhaps he is not as good as Kaido in terms of overall defense ability, but when faced with dragon-slaying magic, he can say that Kaido is his younger brother.

After Wendy confirmed that Zhang Da was okay, she continued to take action.

The two of them used various magic moves one after another. Because they all used the same moves, and Wendy had the dragon power bonus, Zhang Tatsuya was always the one who suffered.

He doesn't care about this either. Since he can't learn it directly, he can only feel it with his body. Isn't that how he learned Haki in the first place.

Anyway, it's just a pain, and it will get better soon.

Zhang Da has been here like this for more than half a month, so it's not a big problem.

During this period, Rebecca would always come over with a small wooden sword to play with. While the girls were training, she would also practice her sword skills by herself.

Artoria would give some pointers when she was bored. The reason was to repay Shukarite for the snacks she brought specially every day.

"Rebecca's swordsmanship talent is very good, even better than Tatsuya at the beginning."

This was Arturia's evaluation of Rebecca. Cyrus was overjoyed when he heard about it. He didn't even know his daughter was so good.

If Rebecca keeps practicing hard, will she be better than Tatsuya-san in the future...well, no.

Cyrus thought about Zhang Daye's brutal training schedule and knew that this was absolutely impossible.

Even if his talent was better than Mr. Tatsuya's, he would have to put in at least the same amount of effort to surpass him, but he didn't want to lose his daughter even though it would kill people.

Of course, he didn't notice that Artoria was talking about 'the first Tatsuya'. Compared with Zhang Daya back then, not only was his strength very different, but his talent had also definitely undergone a huge change. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible. So much progress has been made in just over two years.

That afternoon, the training time was almost over, and Zhang Da also called Shark Chili to catch the fighting fish together.

This can be regarded as a daily repertoire. Thanks to the Amber Tour Group, Rebecca has eaten a lot of betta fish meat recently. With her daily exercise, her body has become much stronger.

"Is it time? Let's go then." Shark Chili said, "It seems that fighting fish have become increasingly difficult to find in the past two days. Could it be that we have eaten them all?"

Shark Chili saw with his own eyes that a group of betta fish dared to pounce on and attack anyone they saw, but now they only dared to swim underwater and wait and wait until someone entered the water before daring to attack.

After that, it changed to pretending not to see people entering the water, and would only fight back when they got close.

The day before yesterday... Shark Chili discovered that those fighting fish actually ran away when they saw him and Boss Tatsuya, and it was not easy to catch them.

Yesterday, it was even more outrageous. It was actually difficult to find a single betta in the strait where bettas live. Finding fish depends on Zhang Daye’s knowledge, knowledge, and domineering. In this way, he finally caught a sea beast to make up for it.

I don’t know what today’s harvest will be like, but I heard that due to the recent decrease in the appearance of fighting fish, King Riku plans to restore the traffic between Dressrosa and Greenbit, and plans to introduce the Dontata clan to the people.

Yesterday, Cyrus specially expressed his gratitude to Zhang Daye and the others on behalf of King Liku.

Zhang Da also thought about it and said: "It should not be extinct. We don't eat much every day. I heard they said that betta fish have lived here for 200 years. How can they become extinct so easily?"

Shark Pepper said: "If not extinct, it may have moved."

Zhang Da also sighed: "Let's take a look and talk about it. What about being ferocious, bloodthirsty and extremely violent?"

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