Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 659 No, I’m just being polite

Chapter 659 No, I'm just being polite...

Things are unpredictable, and Zhang Da never expected that he could transform from a small tavern owner into a creditor of a kingdom.

The root cause of this incident is that Dressrosa's royal family is too poor, even poorer than Weiwei's family.

From another perspective, this may also mean that although King Riku is a good person, his ability as a king is indeed not very good, at least his income-generating ability is not as good as that of Kobra.

Originally, Zhang Da also wanted Weiwei to be his assistant and gain some experience, but now it seems...

It seems that it can still be sent. King Riku is not without merit. At least in times of crisis, the people can donate their family savings with such trust. It is remarkable that he can do this.

After discussing some details with King Liku, Zhang Da also received an IOU.

I seem to be dealing with IOUs all the time lately.

Zhang Da also put away the IOU and prepared to invite everyone to Cyrus's house.

The reason why they didn't choose to go there during the meal was because they were worried that their family would be poor.

After leaving the palace, everyone stayed in the flower field on the fourth floor of King's Heights for a while.

There are sunflowers all over the mountains and fields here. Looking around, they are golden under the sunlight, and there are countless green leaves under the flower tray, which looks full of vitality.

Most people would sigh when seeing such a scene, appreciate it, or take a photo, but Tom was different. He casually folded off a flower plate and pulled off the bristles in the middle of the flower plate, revealing the full sunflower seeds inside.

Now it is July, which is the season when sunflower seeds are ripe. Tom happily ran to pull the hem of Artoria's skirt and showed her the flower plate, indicating that we have melon seeds to eat, and there are melon seeds all over the mountains and plains.

Artoria... couldn't walk anymore: "Tatsuya..."

Zhang Da also nodded: "Okay."

Everyone eats melon seeds. You can pick some and dry them or make them into various flavors as snacks.

Before starting, Uncle Long reminded: "Everyone try to pick a flower plate every few sunflowers. It would be too rude for us to destroy such a good scenic spot."

Everyone looked for larger and more mature flower plates in the flower field and picked a few each. Then they went to the street to find a few bags and packed them, and bought some souvenirs before heading to Cyrus' house.

Along the way, Tom took out a flower plate and played with the bristles on it and the petals on the edge.

Yellow petals and tiny stubbles fall off along the way, like marks made by people who are afraid of getting lost.

Cyrus' home is on the Galta Hill in the eastern town of Dressrosa.

A small house with a red roof and white walls was built alone on a hill, surrounded by grass and wild flowers, with bees and butterflies flying everywhere.

But judging from the environment, it is indeed a good place to live in seclusion. In addition, the family of three is harmonious. It is no wonder that they don't even want to go to the palace.

Cyrus didn't go to work today, so he practiced swordsmanship with each move outside the door.

Rebecca held a wooden sword and gestured beside him.

Originally, Cyrus refused to let Rebecca learn swordsmanship on the grounds that "it would be a father's dereliction of duty to let his daughter take up arms to protect herself."

But think about the huge change last time, and think about the group of capable little lolita in the Amber Tour Group, especially Weiwei, as the princess of Alabasta, who is often disgraced due to exercise, Cyrus's Concepts cannot help but change.

It is necessary to master some self-defense skills, at least when he goes to perform his duties as a soldier, his daughter's safety can be guaranteed.

"Sister Perona! Sister Wendy! Sister Misaka! Sister Weiwei..."

Rebecca dropped the wooden sword and called out a series of sisters in one breath, her lung capacity was amazing.

The little girls gathered together happily. Although there was something wrong with Misaka's age, it was enough for everyone to know. The public opinion was that Misaka was fourteen years old.

Cyrus put away his sword and stepped forward to say hello, and also told his wife to prepare to entertain guests.

"Excuse me." Zhang Da also handed over the souvenir and praised, "The environment here is so good. I almost want to build a house here."

Cyrus said: "It would be a great honor to be my neighbor to you."

The adults went inside to drink tea, while the children and pets stayed outside to play.

Tom simply found an open space to deal with the sunflower trays.

The children helped enthusiastically. Under Tom's command, they threshed grains, carried water, and threw away garbage. The busy life was full of laughter and laughter.

Melon seeds are not difficult to make. To put it simply, they are washed and boiled. After boiling, they are either stir-fried, roasted, or sun-dried.

The main difference in taste lies in the different seasonings used in the cooking steps, which Tom will personally check.

As for the final step, you can fry it in a big pot, bake it with a dragon charm, or let Weiwei use her ability to absorb water.

Of course, the last one is more difficult. Weiwei is not very proficient yet and needs more practice, which is just the right time to hone her abilities.

The adults in the room were drinking tea and chatting about the previous events. Cyrus and Shukarite were thanking, and Zhang Daye and the others were being humble, which was a bit boring compared to the outside.

Arturia took a sip of tea and looked out the window, wondering if she should join that group.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Tom led his "many subordinates" to deliver melon seeds of various flavors into the house.

When people chatting have handfuls of melon seeds in their hands and throw melon seed peels on the ground while talking, it is difficult for the conversation to become serious.

The 'parents' on both sides couldn't help but talk about embarrassing things about their children, and Uncle Long even exchanged experiences with raising children with Cyrus.

Cyrus was a father for the first time and had only a little experience, while Uncle Long had never been a father, but he had raised many children.

Although the two people always felt that something was wrong when they communicated, the scene was extremely harmonious.

The children obviously didn't like this kind of topic, but their protests were ineffective and their faces turned red by everyone's laughter, so they had no choice but to take their friends and hide away from these unscrupulous adults.

Zhang Da also watched Rebecca and his little girl walking away and suggested:

"Mr. Cyrus, I know a person who is very good at making robotic arms. If you are willing, I can help you introduce him. If it is him, he should be able to help you restore normal movements and even make powerful mechanical legs. "

The person Zhang Daye was talking about was Franky. This kid had been tinkering with his robotic arm. I had chatted with him before and it seemed that his research direction was heading towards Gundam. I don’t know if there were any results.

But Franky's robotic arm was already quite sophisticated when he went to the Water City last time, so it shouldn't be a big problem to get a mechanical leg.

Shukarite looked surprised, obviously very moved by Zhang Daye's proposal.

But Cyrus was not very interested: "Thank you very much for your kindness. I am almost used to it now. There is no need to cause you any more trouble."

"It's better not to make a decision in such a hurry." Zhang Daye said, "You are a husband now, and Ms. Shukaret's opinion is also very important. Maybe she will understand you, but she will definitely be heartbroken."

"Besides, you are also a father. Sooner or later Rebecca will grow up and come into contact with more peers. Children often talk and fight with each other without restraint. They may not be as sensible as my children.

It’s hard to guarantee that someone won’t say things like ‘your father is a lame’ or ‘you are the daughter of a lame’ while playing around, and then…”

Many people in this world have some strange persistence. They don't do some things not because they are not technologically advanced, but because they are unwilling.

For example, if Red Hair wanted to, he should have a way to get a mechanical arm, but he didn't do it because his arm was 'bet on the new era'.

Another example is Cyrus now. I don’t know if he regards his broken leg as an honor, or as a memory of his courage and determination at that time. In short, he has never thought about wearing a prosthetic limb these days.

Different from the original plot, his wife had already passed away and his daughter had grown up, so he had nothing to care about the broken leg.

But now, Zhang Da has also laid out what Cyrus values ​​most, and he must think about it carefully.

Shukaret held Cyrus's big hand.

Cyrus looked at his wife's gentle eyes and looked out the window: "I know, I will think about it carefully. Thank you for your reminder."

Zhang Daye and the others sat for a while and then said goodbye. Before leaving, Zhang Daye left a permanent pointer to the Seven Waters Capital and a letter to Franky.

"Tom? Wendy? Where are you? We're leaving!" Zhang Daye didn't see anyone after he went out, so he shouted a few times.

At this time, a cat's head poked out from the window of the house near Cyrus's house and waved happily to Zhang Daye.

The little girls also poked their heads out and waved here.

Only Wendy and Xia Lulu were more well-behaved and walked out of the gate normally.

"Why did you go to someone else's house to play..." Zhang Da was stunned and turned around to ask, "Do you have any neighbors? Why do I remember that your house is the only one on this hillside?"

Cyrus was even more surprised than him: "I don't remember my family having neighbors either... Where did this house come from?"

"..." Zhang Da was silent. Since Cyrus didn't know where this house came from, he knew it.

Sure enough, Wendy came over and said, "This is what we and Tom just built."

Xia Lulu also thought this was ridiculous and said helplessly: "The specific process is difficult to describe. In short, it is like this and then that. By the time we react, the house has been built."

Zhang Da could understand her mood and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to build a house for fun?"

Xia Lulu said: "Because of you."


Xia Lulu nodded: "Yes, when you first came here, didn't you say that the environment here was very good and you wanted to build a house here? So Tom built one for you."

"I..." Zhang Da didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was just saying polite words to Cyrus... although the environment here is indeed very good.

But he was still a little touched. Whose cat could be as capable as Tom? Just say a few words and a house was built.

Wendy whispered: "Actually, I thought I was playing at first, so I helped Tom cut down trees and process wood, but when I came back to my senses, it was already like this."

"It's incredible..." Cyrus sighed. A cat and a bunch of children could make a house from scratch in just one meal. It was simply magic.

Rebecca ran over cheering and threw herself into Shukarette's arms: "Mom, I learned how to build a house! Dad, I just helped everyone!"

Zhang Da also shook his head quietly, no, you haven't learned it.

Shukarite touched Rebecca's head and said with a smile: "Rebecca is very powerful."

"Go and have a look inside! It's great inside too!" Rebecca pulled Shukarette to visit.

Zhang Da also said to his companions: "The buildings are all built, let's go and take a look."

Uncle Long asked Cyrus in a low voice: "Is it illegal to build a house privately?"

"At least there is no problem on this hillside." Cyrus made a rare joke and said, "Even if it is illegal to build a house without permission, I can prove that it is just a group of children playing with building blocks here."

God is so good at building blocks!

Everyone thought that the room created in such a short period of time would only be superficial, but they never expected that except for the furniture, all the rooms had been arranged.

If you look carefully, the layout of the room is exactly the same as that of the dormitory on the Amber, except that there are no rooms such as a bar or library.

In addition, this house is not only made of wood, but square stone bricks and many iron plates are used in many places.

Xia Lulu introduced: "The stone bricks were polished and shaped by Weiwei's ability, and the iron plates were made from iron sand extracted by Misaka from the ground, and then made into iron plates using thunder metallurgy."

Wendy added: "Also when mining rocks, Perona helped with fixed-point blasting using ghost bombs."

"..." Zhang Daye managed to hold back a sentence for a long time, "This can be considered as applying what you have learned. Not bad, not bad."

It should be said that these ways of using abilities are very much in the style of the Amber Tour Group. The children have all grown up, and Zhang Da is actually a little emotional.

Tom led the way with a proud look on his face, letting everyone visit the rooms one by one. These are all his proud works.

Zhang Da also rewarded Tom with a slap on the head.

"Now, the house has been built, does it mean that Sister Wendy and the others will live here?" Rebecca asked happily.

Just playing with everyone for such a short period of time, Rebecca found countless fun.

Whether it’s making melon seeds to eat or building a house, it’s all so fun!

Shukaret said quickly: "I heard that you are planning to visit Dressrosa for a while. If you don't mind it, how about we ask you to be our neighbors for a while?"

Zhang Da also asked for everyone's opinions, nodded and said: "That's fine, it's not expected to always live in the palace, so just stay here for a few days."

"Long live!" Rebecca cheered.

Wendy and the others also looked happy, and they seemed to really like this place.

Cyrus originally thought that his daughter and wife were a bit presumptuous, but since Zhang Da also agreed, he said that he would help arrange furniture and other matters.

But Tom may not have had enough fun yet. He stood on Carew's back and waved his hand, taking his 'men' to continue the expedition.

It seems that he is planning to make the furniture in one go while the fun is still there.

Two in one

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