Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 638 Salvage King Shark Chili

The current shark giant is holding a mace in his left hand, and a dragon horn and a dragon tail in his right hand.

Above their heads stood Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng, with a dizzy Tom lying on his back. Next to Tom was a pile of broken wood.

In addition to the Shark Pepper, there were also a Heavenly Wheel Sword, a Ye Yan, a six-sided demon flag, a soul-suppressing gong and a soul-suppressing hammer lying in the cockpit.

Of the six flag monsters, only Sui Feng Er and Tide Caller remained in physical form, otherwise it would be very crowded.

After a battle, Shark Chili has been harvested so much that he can be called the king of salvage.

Zhang Da also knocked the shark giant on the head as a greeting, and then looked at the mace: "So we were knocked into the water by this thing, right?"

"Yes, this is Kaido's weapon, right?" Shark Pepper said, "You even grabbed his mace?"

"Hmm... an unexpected bonus." Zhang Daye himself didn't know how he managed to get this thing down. "We've already rowed so far, why did it still fall on my head? Did he do it on purpose?"

Rui Mengmeng asked: "Is it because of the magnet?"

"Huh? What magnet?"

Rui Mengmeng said: "I just saw a magnet in the debris pile. You seemed to have used it to attract the Golden Lion's sword before."

"This?" Zhang Da also found a U-shaped magnet. This thing is a high-end product produced by Tom. It can even affect the two swords at the feet of the golden lion...

Shark Chili suddenly shouted: "Hey, hey, Boss Tatsuya, what are you doing? I can't hold the mace anymore!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Zhang Da also quickly put away the magnet. Okay, this is a real blow.

Everyone successfully landed and escorted Wendy and Xia Lulu back together. This battle was the most brutal battle that the Amber Tour Group had ever experienced.

Ye Yan was unconscious due to the side effects of the night master form, Zhang Daye's head was bleeding, and there were some blow injuries on his body.

There were bruises and burns on Rui Mengmeng's back caused by the fire dragon, and there were also scars on her face and body from Teacher Kai's stick, and her internal organs might have also suffered some impact.

After all, Kaido hit her with all his strength with the intention of knocking her out. It was the hardest beating she had ever received.

When Arturia stabbed Kaido in the throat, she was slapped by the flame dragon's claw, and her body also suffered some blow wounds and burns.

Wendy and Misaka were a little exhausted, one was supported by Xia Lulu and the other slept on Karu's back.

Although Jackie Chan, Perona, Vivi and Karu were not injured, they were still a little embarrassed by the huge wind and wave caused by Kaido at the end.

Shark Chili and Xia Lulu are in the best condition except Tom.

Of course, Tom himself didn't think he was in good condition. He was hit by a mace at the last moment and thought his head was injured, so he insisted on Zhang Daye bandaging it for him.

Zhang Da had no choice but to obey his wishes and used the same technique as Tom to wrap his head into a mummy.

One person and one cat have the same look, with two pairs of big eyes blinking in the gap between the bandages. They look more happy than miserable.

Although no one was killed or seriously injured, this was indeed the most embarrassing time for the Amber Tour Group.

Zhang Da also felt that Teacher Kai was too strong. He beat them like this and only lost one dragon horn and a small piece of dragon tail.

Wendy said weakly: "I'm sorry everyone, I will help treat you as soon as I recover a little more magic power."

"No, no, no!" Zhang Daye stopped him, "You are the one who needs the most rest. It is forbidden to use magic until your magic power is fully restored."

Xia Lulu said: "Yes Wendy, it will be very troublesome if she suffers from magic deficiency."

"Yes~" Although she had promised to be the ship's doctor, but could not help everyone heal their injuries, Wendy was a little frustrated.

This child completely ignored her role as an 'support', but her output this time was at least second in the game. Even if she was said to be first, no one would refute it.

Garp looked at them and laughed: "You are really capable!"

Zhang Daye said politely: "Thanks to you being here, we are more courageous."

Garp disagreed: "Don't say such things. Whether I am here or not, the result will be the same."

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Mr. Tatsuya!"

Maynard, Bogart and Cyrus rushed to the scene in a hurry. They saw a messy port and Garp in tattered clothes. They imagined part of the tragic battle - Garp's clothes were in It burned out when I fought against the fire dragon's torch.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing in the whole scene is the three-meter-long mace, as well as the dragon horns and tail next to it.

Maynard was shocked: "This...could these be Kaido's..."

"Pfft hahaha... That's right, they were all beaten on Kaido!" Garp smiled happily, "That guy Kaido, it was so miserable that he was beaten so badly this time, hahaha, go back Tell Seng Guo and he will be shocked!"

Are they all the achievements of the Amber Tour Group? Bogart understands Karp's character. He is not the kind of person who will take credit, nor will he casually pass his credit to others.

Since Lieutenant General Garp said this, it should be true. Could this small group actually defeat the Four Emperors and escape?

"Thank you for your help to Dressrosa! Thank you very much!" Cyrus leaned on his sword and bowed 90 degrees to everyone. "As an army commander, I failed to provide any help. I... am extremely ashamed!"

Yonko Kaido, Cyrus listened to Violet describing part of the battle scene. No matter how confident he was, he didn't think he could defeat such an opponent. Without these people, Dressrosa would not know what it would be like. What does it look like.

After the fight, Garp returned to his serious look, picked his nose and said, "Thank them if you want. It has nothing to do with me."

"Don't blame us for bringing Kaido here." Zhang Daye said, "After all, Kaido came because we beat Doflamingo."

"How could you think that! If you hadn't defeated Doflamingo, Dressrosa would not know when it would see the light of day again." Cyrus said very politely, "The king is already preparing a celebration banquet, please be sure Want to participate.”

Zhang Da also asked: "You must have other things to be busy with, right?"

Cyrus said: "The country has temporarily settled down, and it is getting late, and many things cannot continue."

Zhang Da also nodded: "Okay, please help us find a place to rest."

"We won't have to." Garp said, "Bogart, get ready and go back."


"Lieutenant General Garp, is it inconvenient to sail at night?" Cyrus advised, "It's better to rest for a night before..."

"No need. Although that guy Kaido was seriously injured, he might send his men to cause other troubles. And..." Garp picked his nose harder and harder, "I feel uncomfortable all over. I think Warring States will soon." You need to contact me.”

"Porlu porphyr..."

As if he had followed his words, the phone Bogart kept for Garp rang.

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