Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 637 Building the Thunder Drum


The light green attack hit Kaido's body. Even though he had thick dragon scales and domineering defense, he still felt a pain like soul tearing.

It was as if something was trying to tear his soul out.

Kaido didn't know what this ability was, he only knew that his current situation was very bad and he just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"This old boy wants to run away!" Zhang Da also noticed that Artoria was already chasing forward, and hurriedly said to Wendy, "Wendy, do you have enough magic power to give Kaido a hard blow? "

Wendy probably understood that the so-called "hard" refers to an attack with dragon power: "One blow should... wu wu..."

Wendy suddenly covered her mouth and turned blue.

Xia Lulu immediately pulled up Wendy: "Here we go again, can't even a simple raft like this be used?"

"I'm sorry..." Wendy drooped her limbs, like a jellyfish that had lost its dream, "It's okay now, Tatsuya-nii, if it's just one blow, it should be fine."

I thought you weren’t dizzy with this raft!

"How about forget it, just run away and Kaido will make trouble for him next time." Zhang Da also looked worried - although no one could see it through the bandage.

"No problem." Wendy insisted, "Xia Lulu, take me to fly a short distance over there."

"Okay." Xia Lulu said, "But don't force yourself."

"Yeah!" Wendy took a deep breath, the magic power in her body increased, and the color of her hair began to change.

"I have to find a way to give him a shot." Zhang Da was also a little worried. He found that his defense power was good, but his attack power didn't seem to be enough.

The strongest swordsmanship move is not as good as Teacher Kai's overlord-like Thunder Bagua. The electromagnetic gun can barely break through the defense, but the effective killing distance is a bit shorter.

You have to think of other damaging moves. You can't let Kaido run away like this after he almost got shot, right? He, Zhang, has never suffered such a big loss.

"Take the Thunder Taiko." No one expected that the first person to take action was Misaka's sister who was farthest from Kaido.

When Misaka read out the name of the move she developed in a calm tone, most of the dark clouds in the sky had already gathered together.

Electric light flashed in the clouds, and the dark thunderclouds gathered and compressed to form the shape of a huge taiko drum.

The taiko is about the same size as Kaido's body that hovers when he performs his tornado.

As the drum surface vibrated, lightning that was about the same thickness as Kaido's body was shot out and bombarded Kaido's body.

The huge dragon body was instantly covered in dazzling lightning, and a huge roar came from the air. It was impossible to tell whether Kaido's scream of pain was included in it.

The drum was still roaring, Kaido roared and blew out a stream of hot breath that penetrated the thunder clouds. He looked at Zhang Tatsuya hatefully: "Well done, kid, I will remember you!"

Zhang Daye:? ? ?

Retribution? I used to like to find ways to get others to take the blame for me, but now it’s my turn to take the blame for Misaka?

After using this move, Misaka on the shore fell softly backwards. Perona and Weiwei quickly supported her and asked with concern: "How are you, Misaka? Are you injured?"

"The battery is exhausted. Du~ Misaka used the most popular language to describe her state."

Weiwei was confused, and Jackie Chan translated: "You mean you're tired, right? That kind of move doesn't look like it can be easily controlled."

So Karu became Misaka's temporary bed. Misaka hugged Karu's furry neck and rubbed her face from time to time.

Now there were only a few of them left on the shore, and the flag demons had already gone to catch Ye Yan.

"Speed ​​increase, Burner!" Wendy added a speed-increasing magic to Xia Lulu and herself, and the two quickly caught up to the attack range.

Kaido's Haki of Wisdom paid attention to Artoria and Wendy, and he created a cloud of flames under his feet to escape faster.

Wendy opened her mouth: "Tianlong's——"

Xia Lulu's eyes changed slightly, leading Wendy to adjust her position and angle.

Wendy fully trusted Xia Lulu, and the magic did not pause at all: "-Roar!"

The thunder and lightning spewed by Kaido missed him, but the tornado spewed by Wendy hit Kaido's dragon head.

"Ouch~~" With a crisp squealing sound, one of the dragon horns on Kaido's head broke and fell from the air. Kaido's face was filled with astonishment, "Can that little girl also see the 'future'?"

"Ex——calibur!!!" Artoria shouted softly, the sword shone with golden light again, and slashed hard at Kaido.

Kaido suddenly swung his body and jumped into the sky, but the golden light still flashed across his tail, which was very close to the place where he was injured previously. Blood spilled, and a small section of his tail fell off together with the dragon's horns.

The dragon rose rapidly and finally disappeared.

Zhang Daye opened his eyes today. Could it be that one battle can release three Noble Phantasms?

And it doesn’t look like Artoria is having a hard time...

Garp's eyes were opened today. How many years has it been since anyone could beat Kaido so badly?

Garp actually doesn't have much interest in chasing Kaido. If the opponent wants to run away, Garp has no confidence in keeping him.

The ultimate goal of his action this time was just to prevent Kaido from destroying Dressrosa. Of course, he also temporarily added the matter of protecting the ships of the Kingdom of Prudence.

But I didn’t expect that the Amber Tour Group would be so aggressive. Even if they couldn’t leave Kaido behind, they still wanted to leave some souvenirs.

What he didn't know was that it wasn't quite over yet.

Because Zhang Da was still taking things out of the inventory.

Shotguns, cannons, fireworks, bows and arrows...

The small raft was filled with debris, and Rui Mengmeng and Tom almost had no place to stay.

"Enough, enough...Boss, if it falls, the raft will sink!" Rui Mengmeng watched helplessly as the pile of debris exceeded her height, but the swaying raft refused to fall.

Not only that, Tom can also take things from the debris, set off fireworks, and shoot into the sky with a shotgun.

Zhang Da also said: "It's okay! Help quickly, if you have anything that can hit the sky, just use it."

The three of them were busy working for a long time. It was not clear what the outcome would be, but the cannon fire was fun.

Seeing Kaido disappear and the dark clouds clear, Zhang Da also finally started to pack his things and prepare to return.

Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng sat on the raft, one on the left and one on the right. One used the Sea King sword as an oar, and the other used a dark alloy sword as an oar. The boat rowed very fast.

Maybe rowing with a sword is a required course for a master.

Tom was tired from paddling before, so he put his hands behind his head and rested comfortably against Zhang Daye's back.

However, when they were approaching the shore, Tom opened his eyes and subconsciously shrank his head.

Just hearing a bang, Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng were smashed into the water with a mace.

Tom was not spared. After sending away the two men, the mace still fell on Tom's head. Together with Tom, they smashed the small raft and fell into the sea.

Zhang Da also emerged from the water holding the back of his head, and suddenly felt a weight beneath his feet. It was Shark Pepper driving the Shark Giant that pushed him up.

Shark Chili complained: "Although I am mentally prepared to be a salvager, there are too many things falling, right?"

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