Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 639 Kaido is both valuable and worthless

Bogart answered the phone: "Marshal."

"Is Garp here?" Sengoku had long been used to the fact that the person answering the phone was Bogart.

Bogart said: "Yes, Lieutenant General Garp, Major General Maynard, and the Amber Tour Group are all here."

Garp interjected: "What's the matter, Sengoku, can I finally take a vacation?"

"What a great idea! Come back right away!" Warring States shouted, and then adjusted his tone, "Maynard should also lead the team and come back with Garp."

"Yes!" Maynard didn't dare to be so casual.

"Hey, stingy." Garp crossed his arms, "I just had a fight with Kaido."

"That's why I asked you to come back quickly." Maynard reported to Sengoku when Kaido came and when he escaped, "How about the Amber Tour Group?"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, all of us have been seriously injured and are in urgent need of medical expenses. When will Jack's bounty be delivered?" Zhang Da also cried miserably, "It would be better if there were some medical subsidies and nutritional expenses."

Maynard and Bogart were silent. Looking at Zhang Daye, Tom and Ye Yan, they did look like they were seriously injured. But when you asked for money, your voice was full of anger. Who would believe that you were seriously injured?

The girl over there named Rui Mengmeng is already showing Kaido's mace to some of the younger sisters, okay? Is this what you're saying about everyone being seriously injured?

"..." Warring States didn't believe it either, but it was true that he owed money to others now. "Jack's bounty will be sent to Dressrosa in the next few days for subsidies and so on... It's not as good as Garp's salary supplement this month." you?"

"What???" Garp showed an unbelievable expression, "Why do you need to use my salary! How can I eat donuts next month?"

"Do more tasks and earn bonuses." Sengoku originally said it angrily, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible. It would be good to make Garp more motivated to work.

"I misjudged you, Warring States!" Garp looked like he was complaining about unfair treatment. "Thanks to the delicious fighting fish I ate before, I want to take one back to you."

Warring States actually felt a bit touched in his heart. Garp, the old bastard, actually thought about him on such a trivial matter? No, there must be something wrong.

Zhang Da also looked at Garp with contempt, how dare you say this?

The two old kids were arguing for a while, and Zhang Da finally found a chance to interject: "Marshal Warring States, I have Kaido's mace and Kaido's tail here. Do you think they are worth it? Will the Navy take them?"

On the other side, Sengoku leaned back involuntarily, and the hand holding the microphone moved away from him.

This man, do you want to listen to what he is saying?

Stealing Kaido's mace and cutting off his tail? How did you do it? When did you become so cruel?

Garp also nonchalantly helped prove that he had seen these two things with his own eyes and they were absolutely true.

"It's useless for us to come over with things like the tail. As for the mace...it's actually of no use."

Sengoku said that the navy did not need either of these things.

If it were Charlotte Lingling's body parts or something like that, they might buy it back and study the blood factor of the steel balloon. Forget about Kaido, it's not like he hadn't caught it before. He had already studied everything that needed to be studied.

Of course they also got that mace when they captured Kaido, it was just an ordinary weapon. Staying at the Navy Headquarters can only be used to build other things, or idle to see which giant lieutenant general is interested, that's all.

Although this mace has the name of "Ba Zhaijie", in terms of quality, it cannot even be regarded as a "famous sword". It's only powerful because the person using it is Kaido.

In this world, it has always been the strong who make their weapons famous and the quality of their weapons better. I have never heard of anyone achieving such great achievements just by getting a famous sword.

"Forget it, let's leave it to the Shark Giant to play with, or use it to exercise arm strength." Zhang Da was also uninterested. He thought it was at least an epic weapon, but it turned out to be a blank slate.

Teacher Kai’s explosion rate is not good.

In fact, there is something that the Warring States Period did not say. Even if they really capture Kaido, they may not be able to exchange for the bounty. Among the four emperors, Kaido is the most valuable, but also the least valuable.

"You..." Warring States wanted to give Zhang Daye a few words, but after thinking about it, he had nothing to say, so he counted on his fingers:

Jinbei and Hawkeye have a good relationship with them. The Empress only has a one-time relationship, and the range of activities is not too far from Nine Snakes. Big Bear is sometimes unpredictable, but he obeys the World Government and will not take the initiative to provoke them.

In other words, there is no Shichibukai to fight for them in the new world, which is gratifying.

"You should pay more attention to your own safety and be careful of Kaido's revenge." Sengoku could only hold back this sentence in the end.

"Okay." Zhang Da also agreed wholeheartedly, thinking that he would wait for me to practice hard for a while, digest Teacher Kai's teaching results, and then pack up the Beast Pirates and send them to you.

Then Warring States changed his face in a second: "Garp, if you don't come back soon, your salary for the next month will definitely be deducted!"

"Bastard Sengoku!" Garp cursed as Bogart and Maynard prepared to return.

Cyrus had no choice but to ask the king to prepare some supplies for them and send them off.

Ai Yin hugged the Amber Tour Group goodbye one by one and said some words of thanks. When she was at the headquarters, Ai Yin often acted as a tour guide for everyone, and they had a good relationship.

Kane was a little worse. He even challenged Tom once before leaving. As a result, he was carried back to the warship by Maynard, which took much less time than when Ain said goodbye.

The warship set sail, and everyone on the shore waved to Ai Yin: "Take care!"

"You too!"

After seeing off the navy, Zhang Daye and the others went to the palace with King Liku and his family to rest, mainly because they needed to settle Ye Yan who was in a coma.

"Please rest here for the time being. Refreshments will be delivered soon, and the dinner will start later." Cyrus looked like he was hesitant to speak after finishing his official business.

Zhang Da also said: "You want to ask about the whereabouts of Shukarite and Rebecca, right?"

"Ah, yes, I'm very sorry. I have obviously received a lot of care from you, but now I have to trouble you." Cyrus was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Da also said: "It doesn't matter. We'll have them sent over early tomorrow morning. We don't have many people left behind, so it's not safe to sail at night."


Zhang Daye saw that he still looked worried, so Zhang Daye found a pen and paper and wrote down a series of numbers:

"This is the phone number on our ship. If you are anxious, you can call them at any time to confirm their safety. There is no problem in talking on the phone."

"Thank you very much!" Cyrus burst out with astonishing speed, and with only one leg, he quickly disappeared through the door like a gust of wind.

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