Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 617 Zhang Daye: Let’s chat for a while, I’m not in a hurry anyway

Ghost Spider is one of the representative figures of the hawks among the naval generals. His abilities are unknown. In the top war comic, a spider-like abdomen was drawn, but the animation team removed this shot.

Zhang Da also had little contact with him when he was at the Navy Headquarters, so he didn't know much about him. He only knew that this person should be mixed with Akainu.

Since the previous undercover Virgo was transferred from the G-5 branch, Warring States specially transferred him to temporarily act as the base director of the G-5 branch. In addition to continuing to investigate the undercover incident, he must also vigorously rectify the style of the G-5 branch. .

But this time the Five Old Stars mobilized their troops across the Warring States Period, Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel also received orders to come and protect Doflamingo.

Although this lieutenant general hates pirates, he must obey the orders of the Five Old Stars.

When Wu Laoxing gave orders, they only considered whether they could achieve their goals. The general's wishes had nothing to do with them. Anyway, orders were orders.

Zhang Daye is not anxious now, because Doflamingo is more anxious than him. He just needs to wait slowly for Ye Yan and Perona to get the sugar, and Doflamingo will find out.

Before that, he could tell the matter in detail and in detail, so that the two lieutenant generals could listen to it clearly in detail and detail.

Of course, you should bring a little bit of personal emotion into the narrative process and put yourself on the moral high ground.

Zhang Da also organized the language:

"Oh, we met Jack from the Beasts Pirates here. In order to fight against pirates and uphold justice, we took the huge risk of being retaliated by the Yonko Pirates and decided to arrest Jack.

After a life-and-death battle, we finally severely injured him, but the flamingo suddenly sent someone to rescue Jack and hide him, and then..."

After explaining the subsequent conflict process with a slight modification, Zhang Da also did not forget to respond to what Violet said before:

"We just happened to learn that there was something fishy about Doflamingo seizing the throne, so we reached a little cooperation with Princess Violet."

From a standpoint, the Navy should side with the Shichibukai, but emotionally, Ghost Spider wants to say, 'Pirates are really not a good thing.'

The soldiers brought by Flying Squirrel are more emotionally inclined to Zhang Daye, but their comrades are still receiving treatment from Wendy.

Even putting this aside, this Mr. Zhang Tataya is the man who dares to arrest the great pirate Jack! That flamingo over there is hiding the prisoner.

Zhang Daye said with great righteousness: "So Mr. Doflamingo, can you hand over my 500 million Baileys... no, the big pirate Jack we want to catch?"

"It's nonsense. It's just a group of criminals who entered the country illegally. I have no idea what you are talking about!"

Doflamingo was about to leave again, Zhang Daye cut off the white line again to stop him: "Why are you in such a hurry? Do you want to secretly transfer Jack? If not, how about taking us with him?"

Because he was cutting lines and not people, the two lieutenant generals didn't say anything.

"You want to die!" The awakened ability of the Thread Fruit was activated again, and the white threads on the ground spread rapidly with Doflamingo as the center.

Zhang Daye and Misaka took out a projectile at the same time, and Jackie Chan also aimed the Dragon Talisman at Doflamingo.

Shark Chili, Rui Mengmeng and Weiwei got into position, Wendy hurriedly completed the treatment and took off with Xia Lulu.

Artoria and Hawkeye confront each other, with Tom riding on Carew and Carew pawing the ground with his claws in a charging stance.

Doflamingo's fingers were raised, ready to attack at any time. Hawkeye only focused on Artoria's sword. He was not interested in any grudges between the two sides.

Although Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider have determined which side has the problem, due to their positions and tasks, they can only stand on Doflamingo's side and signal all soldiers to prepare for battle.

The soldiers under Flying Squirrel were a little hesitant, especially the few sailors who were watching Wendy heal her injuries. They shouldn't be aiming their guns at these people, right?

When the swords were at war, Doflamingo's face suddenly turned gloomy, and Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel were also slightly startled. Although they didn't know what happened, they suddenly remembered a major general, and it seemed that they had forgotten each other for a long time. a feeling of.

Eagle Eye also noticed something was wrong. He remembered the ability user Zhang Daye had mentioned. His memory was actually affected?

Some petty officers and lieutenants in the navy suddenly thought of Ain and Kane, and were a little curious as to why they thought of their classmates at such a time.

(Kane was the first student in the training camp in Chapter 451 to learn how to use iron blocks, and was then beaten violently by Tom.)

Violet covered her mouth and couldn't stop tears from flowing out. She remembered that there was another invincible man in her country. That was her sister's husband, the legendary sword fighter Cyrus!

Kingdom of Prudence.

Shukaret and Rebecca were placed on the Amber by Hawkeye. Rebecca was doing better, but Shukaret was worried.

The flag demons Lu Dashan and Jintongue Langjun who stayed behind saw them like this, so they simply forced the two of them to play mahjong.

At this time, Shukaret had just ordered a double shot when he suddenly fell on the table and started crying.

Lu Dashan and Jintongue Langjun comforted each other in a panic: "No, sister, ah no, eldest sister! Sister, don't cry, we don't want your money, we are just passing the time, don't be so serious..."

"No...it's not like this..." Shukaret sobbed, "My husband, my lover is still alive, I remember my lover!"

Before the older one could persuade him to leave, the younger one also started crying: "Oh oh oh... Rebecca is not a child without a father..."

The two flag demons were running around in panic, but they also knew that the master had probably succeeded.

Also in the Kingdom of Prudence, Elizabello II threw away a teacup: "Da Gama, I suddenly remembered something."

"Me too, His Majesty the King." Da Gama thought of the agents he had forgotten, "There is no reason for us to forget them and think of them at the same time. This must be Doflamingo's fault!"

"Something must have happened in Dressrosa!" Elizabello II said, "Order troops and prepare ships. I need to go to Doflamingo immediately to get an explanation!"

The large ship of the Kingdom of Prudence set sail, and Elizabello II estimated the voyage and prepared to start charging the Fist of the King before docking.

There were several kings who broke the teacup like him, but most of them didn't know why, and a few people started to contact those forgotten people after they had suspicions.

At this moment, the most lively place is of course Dressrosa.

"Finally changed back!"

"That guy Doflamingo, how dare you do it!"

"I can't spare him!"

In the toy factory, naval soldiers, officials from various countries, CP8 elites, Dressrosa's army, pirates and other criminals, and even some beasts such as tigers and grizzly bears all returned to their original shapes in an instant.

The beast roared and threw to the ground the members of Don Quixote's family who had previously driven them to work with whips.

Pirates and criminals did similar things.

Doflamingo had mobilized too many troops to delay the Amber Tour Group, and the people left behind could not cope with these people who had restored their original shape.

Many people rushed to the toy factory to see who defeated the devil Sugar.

Many people fled this place and couldn't wait to be with their relatives and friends.

There are also many people looking for phone bugs to contact their bosses and report the situation.

The people who were waiting for the transaction here were all dumbfounded. Why did the toys suddenly turn into people?

The entire underground trading port suddenly turned into a mess.

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