Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 616 Eagle Eye, Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider

Zhang Da was not idle either. He ignored the flying squirrel's words and pulled out Vergo's sword and stabbed Doflamingo in the throat.

Arturia saw Zhang Da also taking action, so she simply followed suit.

Doflamingo is almost furious. These people haven't changed at all. They really dare to kill them in front of the navy!

Swish, swish, the ground under Doflamingo suddenly turned into white threads, undulating like ocean waves. Two lines one or two meters thick were twisted together, blocking Zhang Tatsuya's sword.

"Shield White Line!"

Artoria's sword did not need to be taken care of by him, but was held up by a black knife.

"Eagle Eye?" Zhang Da also looked at the owner of the black knife and wondered, "Which end do you belong to?"

For some reason, Hawkeye arrived with the navy and stopped Artoria at the critical moment.

"This is a 'forced summons' from the World Government. Jorakor Mihawk is the King of the Shichibukai and has the obligation to fight for the World Government when the World Government needs it." Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel rushed forward and stood up for Hawkeye. Explained why.

"Forced summons?" Zhang Da was also stunned. Those five old Biden were willing to spend money, but looking at the eagle eyes...

He asked tentatively: "You don't want to take the opportunity to have a fight with Artoria, right?"

Hawkeye did not deny it, his fighting spirit rose in his body, it was obvious that Zhang Daye had been right.

The flying squirrel didn't say anything. It didn't matter what Hawkeye's purpose was, as long as he wasn't on the other side.

Although he doesn't like the Shichibukai, that is a personal emotion and cannot affect the mission.

Zhang Da also thought about it and said to Hawkeye: "But this is unfair. Artoria just had a battle with Doflamingo, and her physical strength was severely exhausted. There is no point in you taking the opportunity to win... Why don't you follow? Doflamingo has a fight and then comes to Artoria?"

Doflamingo had veins popping out on his forehead. This bastard was really talented at making people angry: "Walk the white line!"

The area where the ground turned into white lines expanded again. Two white lines more than one meter thick wound up along Zhang Daye's feet, trying to tie Zhang Daye into a marijuana flower.

"Hey, you saw it, I stopped just now, he was the one who made the move first." Zhang Da didn't panic and forcefully reasoned, "When my companion comes to save me later, it's reasonable to accidentally kill him. "

The flying squirrel pulled out a section of his saber and warned: "Doflamingo!"

"Hmph!" Doflamingo snorted coldly, and a thread stabbing Zhang Tatsuya stopped, and the ground that turned into white lines returned to normal.

The flying squirrel has a big head with thorns on both sides. This is the most troublesome mission he has ever performed. If he had known earlier, he should have sailed slower and let the Ghost Spider arrive first.

No, no, no, how could I have such an idea as a soldier? Flying Squirrel stood on the side of Doflamingo and Hawkeye, facing the Amber Tour Group. He asked:

"Zhang Tatsuya from Amber Travel Group, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation for the attack on Dressrosa. This will determine the attitude of the Navy and the World Government towards you. It is best to think clearly before answering. "

Violet immediately sided with Zhang Tatsuya: "They are not prisoners, they are reinforcements invited by our Riku royal family! His Majesty Shichibukai Doflamingo usurped the country first. This is the restoration of the Riku royal family." War, the navy has no right to intervene!"

In fact, Violet didn't know the specific purpose of the Amber Tour Group, but she had seen her sister Shukaret talking to them, so she chose to believe them.

The navy is unreliable. The Shichibukai Hawkeye who saved her sister seems to be helpless now. Violet can only trust Zhang Tatsuya. At least their reputation is much better than that of the Don Quixote family.

"Violet..." Doflamingo said with a sullen face, wanting to kill this traitor.

The flying squirrel questioned: "Is that so? But I heard that the Riku royal family was abandoned by the people, and Doflamingo was favored by everyone."

"That's because Dover framed my father!"

"Fufufu..." Doflamingo said with a smile: "What evidence do you have to prove that I framed you? People all over the country can prove that King Riku conscripts and extorts first, and then kills people."

"You..." Violet was speechless. She really had no evidence, and she couldn't even find a single witness to what happened that day.

"In short, the fact is that the Amber Tour Group has forced its way into our country and injured important cadres of our country. It is left to your navy to deal with it." Doflamingo turned to leave. The cadres at the scene needed to be rescued. There is still danger over there with Sugar, so we can't No more delays.

"Wait!" Zhang Da also called him and kicked Vergo in front of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. "I will introduce you to someone, one of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family, codenamed Corazon, real name Vergo Ge..."

Zhang Daye also smiled playfully: "Hey, what a coincidence, I happen to know a Commodore, also named Vergo. What's even more coincidental is that he looks exactly like this guy... You guys say..."

"Stop talking!"

"Shut up!"

The two people spoke at the same time, and Flying Squirrel was worried that he would say too many things that shouldn't be said in front of so many navy soldiers, which would affect the morale of the military.

Doflamingo didn't want to mention this kind of thing at this time, and at the same time he hated Zhang Daya for being so rude to Vergo.

With a move of his finger, two projectiles flew out. Zhang Da also dodged and the two naval soldiers surrounding him fell down in response.

Zhang Da also shouted: "Wendy, please help with the rescue!"

"Yes!" Wendy trotted over. The 'Miko of the Sky' has a good reputation in the navy.

The soldiers did not stop her, and after seeing Wendy's anxious look, their feelings unconsciously tended to Zhang Daye's side.

The flying squirrel felt something was wrong, but said nothing. He could not stop others from treating his subordinates.

Zhang Da also took the opportunity to say: "Everyone has seen that he attacked the navy. Now I am going to chop him twice to vent my anger on these two innocent sailors. Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, you won't stop me, right?"

You...Flying Squirrel wants to curse. Although I want to chop him twice now, I want to chop you even more!

"I will take back the grievances suffered by my subordinates for them. You haven't explained your matter clearly yet, so don't change the subject!"

Flying Squirrel could only say a few words to take care of his subordinates' emotions, then forcefully bring the topic back, and then let him lead the way. The morale of the soldiers was messed up before the mission even started.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" Doflamingo popped up the lane and wanted to take Vergo away, and then called ordinary members to come over and carry other cadres.

Zhang Daye also cut off the empty line with his sword: "Don't leave in a hurry. Let's talk about you harboring the great pirate Jack."

"Jack? What Jack?"

An unfamiliar voice intervened. When everyone turned around, they saw a tall man with a ferocious face. The admiral knew he was very powerful at first glance, because he carried eight knives alone.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider." Flying Squirrel breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, another of his own came.

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