Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 618 Beating up my teammates

Inside the toy factory, a few minutes ago.

Ye Yan and Perona originally wanted to take action immediately after arriving, but the little ghost exploring the path found that someone had sneaked in quietly.

It was a toy soldier and a group of palm-sized little people. They seemed to want to throw something like a grape into Sugar's mouth.

To be cautious, Ye Yan decided to hide aside and check the situation.

Then, the plan to feed the grapes failed, and the toy soldiers had to lead everyone to charge together.

As a result, Ye Yan discovered that the snot monster in Torebol and the old lady Jorah were pretty good.

Sugar is also very agile. She waves her small hands so fast that an afterimage almost appears, turning a group of small human warriors who sneaked up on her into toys in an instant.

This is a matter of course. When Cyrus cut off his own leg and attacked Doflamingo, it was Granu who stood up immediately and slapped him into a toy. His reaction speed was definitely not much different.

"Fortunately, I hid here and saw it, otherwise I might have capsized in the gutter." Ye Yan decided to knock the soul-suppressing gong to calm them down for a while, then let Perona release the ghosts, and then knock them out one by one, just to be on the safe side. host.

Perona was in a daze: "Why do so many little dolls suddenly appear on the ground?"

"Huh? Oh, you lost your memory again." Ye Yan thought of Perona who would forget about becoming a toy.

He explained: "Those are the little humans who just launched an attack on Sugar. You see, Sugar is about to attack the little human that was caught by the snot monster again."

"What? Did I forget something again? Damn it, I won't forget it this time!" Perona looked at Sugar's hand with wide eyes.

A few seconds later, Perona was stunned again: "Huh? Why should I stare at that toy?"

"..." Ye Yan sighed, the child was hopeless, "Don't worry about this, just follow my instructions later and take action."

"Okay, I can't spare the guy who made me lose my memory." As she spoke, Perona showed a disgusted expression, "That guy with the runny nose is so disgusting, I don't want to touch him at all."

"By the way, remember to put a few more ghosts when dealing with that snot monster and attack his various parts. Don't take it as a joke, that guy looks like he can fight well."

Ye Yan just watched the battle between the toy soldiers and Torebol and felt that there was something wrong with Torebol's body.

Even though she was disgusted, Perona still understood the importance and said reluctantly: "I know, how are you..."


Ye Yan's soul hammer fell on Perona's head, and Perona fainted.

Then Ye Yan sounded the soul-calming gong with a "bang" sound.

All the people and toys in the toy factory were immobilized and unable to move.

The little humans said in panic: "I can't move my body, what kind of ability do I have this time?"

The toy soldier's body was stuck with mucus and he was struggling. Now he found that he couldn't control his body: "Damn it, is this the end?"

However, Torebol was as panicked as they were: "What happened? Na Na ~ Jorah, I can't move!"

"I can't move either!" Jorah thought of the flag monsters, "It's the watchman's ability! Diamanti said it! It's annoying, the watchman sneaked in, it's so annoying!"

"What should I do? Torebol?" Sugar was also panicked. Obviously she also knew that she must be the enemy's first target.

"Order! Toys, come and protect me!" However, it was of no use at all, and the toys couldn't move.

Ye Yan silently counted the time. When one second was up, he shouted: "Do it!"

Perona woke up leisurely. Although she didn't understand what happened, she subconsciously released the negative ghost after hearing Ye Yan's command.

There were three from Sugar and Jorah each, and nine from Torebol, piercing through various parts of his body and repeating the cycle.

Under the surprised looks of the toy soldiers and little humans, the three cadres of the Don Quixote family squatted or knelt down and began to confess. A big mushroom named Shi Shiran slapped the three of them on the back of the head with a brick.

All toys successfully liberated.

When the Soul-Calming Gong immobilizes the enemy, it will immobilize teammates as well. In this way, teammates will not be able to cooperate with him in fighting. Ye Yan and Zhang Da also studied together for a long time but were unable to completely solve this problem.

But...if a teammate faints when the gong is struck, that's another story.

So he chose to beat up his teammates - first using the time hammer to stun Perona for a second, avoiding the moment when the gong was struck, and then just woke up to continue fighting, and the problem was solved.

The battle was also a perfect success.

But the consequences...

"You! Did you hit me? It must be! I can't remember that feeling wrong!" The battle was successful, but Perona was also furious.

She had hit Ye Yan's time hammer before and was very experienced.

Ye Yan understood Perona's character and quickly said with a smile: "I'm sorry, sorry, for the sake of planning, I will let you give her a hammer when I get back, even ten hammers. I will also give you my share of snacks for the next month."

Perona suddenly didn't know how to get angry: "At least you should have told me in advance..."

Ye Yan said helplessly: "There's nothing I can do about it. The time hammer is ineffective against people who are on guard against me. If I tell you in advance, no matter how much you trust me, you will still be on guard subconsciously, so I can only sneak attack you."

Perona complained: "Your ability is so troublesome."

"Okay, our mission is completed, let's go find Ai Yin." Ye Yan has already contacted the imprisoned flag demons.

Although Ye Yan didn't know that the flag demons were turned into works of art by Jorah, because he knocked out Qiao La, the flag demons also recovered their bodies.

Once the ability to atomize the true body is restored, the ropes binding them and the cells holding them will naturally not be a problem.

At this time, King Riku was fighting with the people left behind in the palace. King Riku was not young, and his physical strength was a bit unsustainable after repeated battles. The flag demons recognized those guards as members of the Don Quixote family, and there were several of them who had just been killed. Beat them up.

The flag demons looked at each other, clenched their fists, moved their wrists, and laughed like a villain.

The unlucky guards were knocked down by the banner demons three times and five times. The five of them continued to punch and kick them, but Suifeng Er came to King Liku and asked who he was.

"Thank you for your help." King Riku gasped while leaning on his sword. "I am ashamed to say that I am the former king of this country. I originally wanted to fight Doflamingo today, but I couldn't even see him in person."

"If you want to find that flamingo, why don't you come with us to see the owner? The owner will definitely be leaving soon anyway." Sui Feng'er thought that the identity of the former king might be of some use, so he turned him over first.

"That's fine." King Liku already understood that it would be impossible for him to do anything on his own, let alone desperate efforts for revenge.

He also thought of his son-in-law Cyrus, who, if found, might be able to defeat Doflamingo.

But after following the flag monsters for a while, they heard that it was the Amber Tour Group that was looking for trouble for Doflamingo this time. King Riku suddenly felt that by the time he came to find them, it might not be their turn to take action.

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