Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 615 Navy: Stop it! Tatsuya: Do it quickly!

"She is not an ordinary child!" Dellinger was raised as a girl by Jorah, so his tone of voice was a bit like a little girl, "Hey!"

He stretched out his little arms and legs to kick Jackie Chan, but Jackie Chan put one hand on his head, leaving him unable to do anything.

If Jackie Chan had just come to this world, he might still suffer a bit when meeting Delinger, a kid with Douyu fish-human blood. But today, Delinger's natural strength advantage is no longer enough. .

"It's troublesome. Is such a young child also a cadre of the Don Quixote family?" Jackie Chan was a little worried about how to deal with it.

"Hey, you still seem to be looking down on me. It doesn't matter, because you are going to die soon." Dellinger showed a sinister smile that was not suitable for his age. He got rid of Jackie Chan's palm and stepped back, "Bais!"

A deep male voice came from above: "Here it is! Dong Dong·Hundred Ton Baisi!"

"Ah?" Jackie Chan looked up and saw a fat man falling from the sky. He was so frightened that he immediately did three back handsprings and left the place.

It fell with a bang, and he made a big hole in the ground. The cracks spread to all sides, as if the whole ground was shaking. A voice came from the smoke: "You hid very quickly. You won't be so lucky next time."

As he spoke, Mahabaisi took to the air again.

Uncle Long was so frightened that he lost his temper: "This is too exaggerated! And why is he jumping so lightly even though he is so fat?"

"Hey!" Dellinger explained with a laugh, putting his hand in front of his mouth, "Bais is an overweight man who has eaten tons of fruit, which can increase up to 10,000 tons. Just wait until he turns into a meat pie! "

Baisi has readjusted his weight: "Dong Dong·Destruction - Thousand-ton Baisi!"

"If it's a thousand tons, I might be able to..." Jackie Chan subconsciously considered his own strength, but when he touched his wrist, he realized that his Ox Talisman wristband was not there. When he lowered his head, he could only see a few circles of dotted lines flashing.

In a daze, Baisi had fallen down. Jackie Chan remembered the whereabouts of the cow charm, rolled on the spot, and shouted: "Tom!"

Tom, together with Vivi and Misaka, were shooting at the pirates who were firing cold shots from a distance, and he was also riding on Karu's back in a cowboy outfit, running around in a very majestic manner.

At this time, he heard Uncle Long's shout and immediately came to his side, looking at him doubtfully, as if asking what happened.

Only Karu was left in place, scared by the bullets hitting the surrounding area and running away with his head in his arms.

When Mahabalis, whose weight increased to a thousand tons, fell down, Tom raised a hand to gently support his big belly without even looking at it, and continued to wait for Uncle Long to speak.

"You're lying, right?" Dellinger said in disbelief, "Bais! What are you doing? What's going on?"

Mahabhais also wanted to know what was going on.

He was sure that his current weight was a thousand tons. If he fell down like this, even Pika's stone giant could smash his head or even his upper body. How could this cat catch a piece of paper?

Mahabaisi couldn't accept it. He didn't take off and directly increased his weight to the maximum: "Ten thousand tons of hell Baisi!"

Tom still didn't react, and Dellinger's mouth opened wide.

Uncle Long was also stunned for a while and said: "It's okay, I just want to ask you for the cow charm. By the way, I'd like to remind you to be careful about that guy above you."

Tom nodded, removed the hand holding Mahabaisi, took off the wrist guard and handed it to Uncle Long, and then supported the hanging Mahabaisi again.

Uncle Long could hardly control his expression and pointed at Delinger blankly: "That guy over there is also an enemy. Be careful he hits you with his horn."

Tom glanced back at Delinger and threw Mahabais over with force.

"What's going on with this cat?" Mahabaisi asked the same question as many people. After realizing that his face was getting closer and closer to Delinger, he shouted, "Get away! Get away quickly!"

Dellinger also knew that he should avoid it, but he was unusually confused about whether to run to the left or to the right for a long time, and finally chose to run backwards.

There was a thud, the big head hit the small head, and the big fat man suppressed the little kid.

The two of them were so dizzy after falling that they could see stars in their eyes. They tried their best to stretch their arms forward, but their vision went black and they fainted.

Tom clapped his hands and put his hands on his hips to express his resolution.

Jackie Chan finally managed to hold back a sentence: "Thank you?"

Tom nodded, picked up the revolver again, played a few tricks and ran back to find his little friend Carew.

After Jackie Chan observed the battle situation, he hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and used the Dragon Talisman to shoot Doflamingo, then turned around and joined the team that was shooting at the minions.

It was too difficult for Doflamingo. He was worried about Sugar's safety. He was angry that the officers were defeated one by one, and he was facing Artoria's attack. At the same time, he had to be distracted to guard against someone's electric shock.

Now a sudden dragon blast hit his face, almost knocking him over.

Artoria caught up and stabbed Doflamingo in the chest with her sword: "Wind King's Hammer!"

Doflamingo had almost fallen victim to this trick at the Navy Headquarters before. This time, it cannot be said that he was not on guard. It can only be said that there were too many things that he needed to guard against.

Moreover, Artoria's swordsmanship was not foolproof as he said he could take precautions against it.

The invisible blade of air pierced Doflamingo's chest, and blood burst out from the wound. Doflamingo covered the wound and fell backwards, but said: "It's finally here..."

Violet, who was slightly injured, heard his words and immediately reminded: "The navy is coming soon! They are here to save Doflamingo!"

As soon as Zhang Daye heard this, he immediately stepped up his offensive. Vergo must have really practiced hard since he was beaten last time, and he has improved a lot compared to before.

Moreover, this man was very stubborn. Even though he was seriously injured, he still held on to stop Zhang Daye. He tried his best to be stabbed by Zhang Daye, and blocked the sword with his bones and muscles to punch him.

"Super Transformation!" Zhang Daye's size and strength surged, and he punched Vergo into the ground. "Do you really think of me as a swordsman? Can't I beat you without a sword?"

Punch after punch, until Vergo's hands and feet twitched and he couldn't move.

"Stop!" The Navy had already arrived at the scene, and a shout came from not far away, "I am Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel of the Navy G-1 Branch. All members of the Amber Tour Group please stop attacking immediately when you hear this!"

Zhang Da also said to his companions without hesitation: "Hurry up and do it!"

Now the only ones in the Don Quixote family that still have some fighting ability are Diamanti and Senior, as well as Doflamingo, who lay on the ground pretending to be the victim after being hit by the sword, but in fact quietly sutured the wound.

Oh, he is the victim, there is no need to pretend.

Faced with two shouts that rang out one after another, everyone naturally chose to listen to Zhang Daye.

Diamanti, who was struggling to hold on, was relieved when she heard the navy's voice, but was immediately attacked by Rui Mengmeng.

Senior also suffered a fierce pursuit from Shark Pepper.

Wendy hesitated for a moment, because she didn't know who to support first, so she simply gave everyone a "Knight of God" magic that improved all attributes.

So at the next stop, Rui Mengmeng, whose strength had soared, broke through Diamanti's armed domineering force with one strike, broke Diamanti's long sword, and split the steel head above Diamanti's head. Hat, also split Diamanti.

Shark Pepper's "Same Wa Shoken" move sent Senior flying away and landed at the flying squirrel's feet.

The flying squirrel said angrily: "You..."

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