The Diweng Fist is very strong, especially Rao G's move 'G's Mark', which has decades of skill. Even the big pirate Qingjiao with a bounty of 500 million cannot stop him.

But Shark Pepper can stop it. As the most destructive one among the B-series robots, he has continued to grow in strength through training after coming here. Coupled with the secrets of fishman karate taught by Jinbei himself, Rao G's strength is not comparable to that of Rao G.

When this move was struck out, the special power of fish-man karate was transmitted from Rao G's arms to his body like ripples.

Ripples like water waves appeared on Rao G's strong body, and finally gathered on his back with an explosion, and a ball of water flew out from his back.

The water ball gathered in Shark Pepper's hand had long since disappeared and was shot into Rao G's body. It looked like the water ball had penetrated Rao G.

As Jinbei said, the essence of fishman karate is to control the surrounding moisture, use karate methods to strike, and then convey the moisture in the enemy's body to strike.

Wu Laizuki, who was named the secret, took this to the extreme. Even Big Mom would have to fly after being hit by this punch, let alone Rao G.

No one came to rescue him. The nearest Vergo had just had his bamboo cut off by Zhang Da, and he had a few more wounds on his body, making it difficult for him to protect himself.

Monet, who had previously been blocked by Vergo from a fatal attack, was also seriously injured. Although he managed to create a snowdrift, it was of little use.

"I'm sorry, Master..." Rao G was lying in the ruins, all the strength in his body was drained, "G~~~~"

Zhang Da also added a sentence for him: "GG's G!"

This sentence was especially said to Doflamingo, who was about to leave, but Rui Mengmeng jumped up and struck him in the head with a sword.

Doflamingo blocked Rui Mengmeng's sword, but was knocked out of the air. Hearing Zhang Daye's words, although he didn't know what he meant, he could always tell that he was mocking himself.

"You guy!" Doflamingo waved his hand, "Five-colored thread! Play the thread!"

One move attacks Rui Mengmeng, the other attacks Zhang Daye.

Rui Mengmeng used Moon Step to change direction in the air, avoiding the five-color thread, and then stabbed Doflamingo with a sword.

Diamanti felt that she could do it again, so she stood up and stopped Rui Mengmeng: "Don't hinder Dover!"

If I can't deal with Artoria, a great swordsman, why can't I deal with you, a little-known little character?

Diamanti confidently takes the sword with a bullfighting cape made of steel.

The dark alloy sword easily pierced the iron sheet with a 'chi' sound, and the tip of the sword mercilessly penetrated Diamanti's abdomen.

"How is it possible... I, my armed color..." Diamanti's old wounds were not healed but new ones were added. He gritted his teeth and shook out the long sword, "Snake sword!"

Rui Mengmeng had seen this move before. Although she had not participated in the battle at that time, she was not surprised to see it again now. She easily blocked Diamanti's sword.

Perhaps because the ability of the flying fruit gave the long sword more flexibility, the sword was not easily destroyed by Rui Mengmeng.

Even so, Diamanti still had a hard time dealing with Rui Mengmeng: "Damn it, if it weren't for my old injury that hasn't healed yet..."

Diamanti was in a dilemma, trying to use her abilities to deal with the situation.

Zhang Da on the other side did not panic when faced with Doflamingo's bullet. He took a slight step back to avoid it, then stepped forward and continued to slash Vergo. At the same time, he also shot a bolt of lightning from his forehead, pointing directly at Dove. Brother Langming.

After this battle, Zhang Daye now likes discharge more and more, because this ability can be activated without using hands, which is extremely convenient.

Doflamingo is very annoyed. Now whenever he wants to leave, someone will immediately interfere, including but not limited to electric shocks, explosions, slashes, etc. There were even a few strange little ghosts that kept harassing him before. .

Although the little ghost is not moving now, this may mean that the esper himself does not have the energy to pay attention here. In other words, Princess Mononoke may have already taken action on Sugar.

There is danger over there with Sugar, and the cadres here are being knocked down one by one. Doflamingo is very anxious: "Violet, Sugar..."

"Tears of Hot Iron·Whales!" Two hot tears flowed out of Violet's eyes. As she made a cutting motion, the tears turned into two four- to five-meter-long molten iron whales, flying towards Dover with hot air. Brother Langming.

Violet, who had a broad field of vision, knew that her father had broken into the palace and was fighting with the few remaining guards.

Underground in the toy factory, there is a strange toy soldier who is leading the small human warriors to attack the soldiers under Torrebol. The policeman and Princess Mononoke are also waiting for the opportunity to join the battle.

And here, the cadres of the Don Quixote family are being beaten back. Violet judges that this is the best chance to defeat the Don Quixote family!

Although there will be other forces such as the navy that need to be faced later, this is an internal matter of Dressrosa, and Violet feels that the Riku royal family can come forward to negotiate with the navy.

As for herself, as a member of the royal family, since she has barely penetrated into the enemy, she should naturally do something. It is not okay to pass all responsibilities to outsiders!

The only thing she can do now is... sneak attack on Doflamingo!

The idea is bold, but the strength is a bit far behind.

"Foot Shave Thread!" Doflamingo raised his foot and kicked Violet away. At the same time, the eight thin threads connected to his toes also chopped up and resolved Violet's moves.

"Huh huh huh... You still took this step, what a stupid decision... huh?" Doflamingo turned around hastily, his wrist covered with black armor-colored Haki, and he held Artoria's long sword.

Blood slowly started to flow from the place where the sword was held, but Doflamingo didn't pay attention. Instead, he suppressed his anger and asked, "Where's Pika?"

"The man who used the stone has been defeated. He has a very strong ability." Artoria answered simply, then chopped, slashed, stabbed, and teased, using ordinary sword skills one by one.

Doflamingo did not dare to continue blocking with his hands, but instead created various threads for offense and defense.

When he peeked in the direction of the stone giant, he saw that Pika had fallen to the ground, the long sword was broken into two pieces, and a long sword mark extended from the left shoulder to the right hip, indicating whether he was alive or dead.

The situation of other cadres was also very unfavorable. Buffalo and Baby-5 were beaten down by Wendy and Xia Lulu.

Senior went to support RaoG but was a step too late, leaving him alone to pester Shark Chili.

The time for Shark Pepper's transformation has long come, and his current movements are not very flexible, but there is nothing that Senior can do against him. The power that was once quite confident seemed to be nothing in front of Shark Pepper, and he could only use his abilities to deal with him.

Dellinger, a 6-year-old half-fighting fish man, happily took the place of Senior and hit Jackie Chan with the horns on his head: "Horn collision!"

Jackie Chan held down Delinger's head with one hand, preventing him from moving forward, and said subconsciously: "Whose kid are you? It's very dangerous here."

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